gre word of the day

  1. zephyr (noun)
    • 1. a gentle mild breeze
    • 2. The west wind (lit)
    • 3. Any of various things of fine, light quality.
  2. Yen (noun)
    • 1. a desire or craving
    • 2. Monetary unit of Japan
  3. Yen (verb)
    1. to have a craving, yearn
  4. prima facie (|adjective & adverb)
    Lawbased on the first impression; accepted as correct until proved otherwise
  5. cache (noun)
    • 1. a hiding place used especially for storing provisions
    • 2. a place for concealment and safekeeping
    • 3. a fast storage buffer in the central processing unit of a computer
  6. surreptitious
    • 1. Obtained, done or made with clandestine or stealthy means
    • 2. acting with or marked by stealth
  7. clandestine
    Kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose
  8. bristle (noun)
    a stiff hair
  9. bristle (verb)
    • 1. to stand stiffly like bristles
    • 2. to react in an angry offended manner
  10. hedge (noun)
    • 1. a row of bushes or low trees
    • 2. a line of object or people forming a barrier.
    • 3. an intentionally noncommittal and ambiguous statement
    • 4. a statement like "possibly" i think" that weaken a statement
  11. hedge (verb)
    • 1. to enclose or bound
    • 2. to hem in, restrict
    • 3. to minimize or protect against the loss of by counterbalancing a transaction, such a a bet, against each other.
  12. elusive
    • 1. difficult to define to describe
    • 2. tending to elude capture, perception, comprehension
  13. downtrodden
    Oppressed; tyrannized.
  14. edifice
    • 1. A building, especially one of imposing appearance or size.
    • 2. An elaborate conceptual structure: observations that provided the foundation for the edifice of evolutionary theory.
  15. rife
    • 1. In widespread existence, practice, or use; increasingly prevalent.
    • 2. Abundant or numerous.
  16. nexus
    • 1. means of connection; a link or tie: "this nexus between New York's . . . real-estate investors and its . . . politicians" (Wall Street Journal).
    • 2. A connected series or group.
    • 3. The core or center:
  17. proxy
    • 1. A person authorized to act for another;
    • an agent or substitute.
    • 2. The authority to act for another.
    • 3. The written authorization to act in place of
    • another.
  18. ostensibly
    avowedly, professedly, apparently
  19. redoubt
    • 1. A small, often temporary defensive
    • fortification.
    • 2. A reinforcing earthwork or breastwork within a
    • permanent rampart.
    • 3. A protected place of refuge or defense
  20. dovetail
    • 1. to combine precisely and harmoniously
    • 2. to combine or interlock into a unified whole
  21. juncture
    • 1. act of joining
    • 2. place where two thing are joined
    • 3. point in time or critical point
    • 4. transition or mode of transition
  22. earmark
    • 1. identifying feature or characteristic
    • 2. to mark the ear of a domestic animal for identification
  23. stop-gap
    improvised substitute for something lacking
  24. behest
    authoritative command; urgent request
  25. to vet
    • 1. examine carefully
    • 2. provide with medical/veterinary care
  26. centrifuge
    to rotate in a centrifuge or to seperate, dehydrate
  27. dearth
    • 1. a scarce supply; a lack
    • 2. shortage of food, famine
  28. yaw \YAW\, verb:
    • 1. To move unsteadily; weave.
    • 2. To deviate temporarily from a straight course, as a ship.
    • 3. (Of a vehicle) to have a motion about the vertical axis.
  29. impasse
    • 1. road or passage having no exit
    • 2. stalemate or deadlock
  30. husbandry
    • 1. The act or practice of cultivating crops and breeding and raising livestock; agriculture.The application of scientific principles to agriculture, especially to animal breeding.
    • 2. Careful management or conservation of resources; economy.
  31. judicious
    having or exhibiting sound judgement
  32. stave
    A narrow strip of wood forming part of the sides of a barrel, tub, or similar structure.A rung of a ladder or chair.A staff or cudgel.Music. See staff1 (sense 5).A set of verses; a stanza.v., staved, or stove (stōv), stav·ing, break in or puncture the staves of.To break or smash a hole in.To crush or smash inward.To furnish with staves.v.intr.To be or become crushed in.phrasal verb:
  33. rogue
    • n. An unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person; a scoundrel or rascal.
    • A vicious and solitary animal, especially an elephant that has separated itself from its herd.
    • An organism, especially a plant, that shows an undesirable variation from a standard.

    • adj.Vicious and solitary. Used of an animal, especially an elephant.
    • Large, destructive, and anomalous or unpredictable: a rogue wave; a rogue tornado.
    • Operating outside normal or desirable controls: " defraud.To remove (diseased or abnormal specimens) from a group of plants of the same variety.v.intr.To remove diseased or abnormal plants.
  34. macabre
    • 1. gruesome or horriying
    • 2. relating to death
  35. evanescence \ev-uh-NES-ens\, noun:
    • 1. A gradual dissappearance.
    • 2. The state of becoming imperceptible.
  36. vespertine \VES-per-tin\, adjective:
    • 1. Of, pertaining to, or occurring in the evening
    • .2. Botany. Opening or expanding in the evening, as certain flowers.
    • 3. Zoology. Becoming active in the evening, as bats and owls.
  37. rataplan \rat-uh-PLAN\, verb:
    1. To produce the sound as of the beating of a drum.

    • noun:1. A sound of or as of the beating of a drum.
    • 2. A tattoo, as of a drum, the hooves of a galloping horse, or machine-gun fire.
  38. bijou \BEE-zhoo\,:
    • adjective 1. Something small, delicate, and exquisitely wrought.
    • noun:1. A jewel.
  39. haptic \HAP-tik\,
    • adjective:1. Relating to the sense of touch; tactile.
    • noun:1. The science that deals with the sense of touch.
  40. rococo \roh-kuh-KOH\,
    • adjective:1. Ornate or florid in speech, writing, or general style.
    • 2. Pertaining to a style of painting developed simultaneously with the rococo in architecture and decoration, characterized chiefly by smallness of scale, delicacy of color, freedom of brushwork, and the selection of playful subjects as thematic material.

    noun:1. A style of architecture and decoration, originating in France about 1720, evolved from Baroque types and distinguished by its elegant refinement in using different materials for a delicate overall effect and by its ornament of shellwork, foliage, etc.
  41. ruth \ROOTH\,
    noun:1. Compassion or pity for another.2. Sorrow or misery about one's own misdeeds or flaws.3. In the Bible, a Moabite woman who married Boaz and became an ancestor of David: the daughter-in-law of Naomi.4. Book of the Bible bearing her name.5. A female given name.
  42. kowtow \KOU-TOU\,
    verb:1. To act in a subservient manner.2. To kneel and touch the forehead to the ground in expression of deep respect, worship, or submission, as formerly done in China.noun:1. An act of servile deference.
  43. sibylline \SIB-uh-leen\,
    • adjective:
    • 1. Prophetic; oracular.
    • 2. Of, resembling, or characteristic of a sibyl; prophetic; oracular.
    • 3. Mysterious; cryptic.
  44. tantivy \tan-TIV-ee\,
    adjective 1. Swift; rapid.

    adverb:1. At full gallop.

    noun:1. A rush, a gallop or stampede.

    interjection:1. (used as a hunting cry when the chase is at full speed.)
  45. vestigial
    • 1. Relating to a body part that has become small and lost its use because of evolutionary change.
    • 2. Pertaining to, or of the nature of anything that is no longer present or in existence.
  46. foudroyant \foo-DROI-uhnt\, adjective:
    1. Overwhelming and sudden in effect.2. Pathology. (Of disease) beginning in a sudden and severe form.3. Striking as with lightning.
  47. vellicate \VEL-i-keyt\, verb:
    1. To touch (a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements.2. To irritate as if by a nip, pinch, or tear.3. To move with spasmodic convulsions.
  48. ruction \RUHK-shuhn\,
    noun:A disturbance, quarrel, or row.
  49. tare \TAIR\, noun:
    • 1. The weight of the wrapping or container that holds an object.
    • 2. The weight of a container or wrapper that is deducted from the gross weight to obtain net weight.
    • 3. The weight of a vehicle without cargo, passengers, etc.
    • 4. Any of various climbing plants, generally with edible seeds.
  50. incunabulum \in-kyoo-NAB-yuh-luhm\, noun:
    1. The earliest stages or first traces of anything. 2. Extant copies of books produced in the earliest stages (before 1501) of printing from movable type.
  51. extant
    still existing, in existence, existent, surviving,remaining, undestroyed.
  52. premorse \pri-MAWRS\, adjective:
    Pertaining to the end of something irregularly shortened, as if bitten or broken off.
  53. attar \AT-er\, noun:
    1. A perfume or essential oil obtained from flowers or petals.2. Also called attar of roses; rose oil.
  54. rhapsodize \RAP-suh-dahyz\, verb:
    1. To talk with extravagant enthusiasm.2. To speak or write rhapsodies.
  55. koan \KOH-ahn\, noun:
    A nonsensical or paradoxical question to a student for which an answer is demanded, the stress of meditation on the question often being illuminating
  56. absquatulate \ab-skwoch-uh-leyt\, verb:
    To flee; abscond.
  57. gerent \JEER-uhnt\, noun:
    A ruler or manager.
  58. fantod \FAN-tod\, noun:
    1. A state of extreme nervousness or restlessness (usually expressed in the plural.)2. A sudden outpouring of anger, outrage, or a similar intense emotion.
  59. yeuk
    1. A state of extreme nervousness or restlessness (usually expressed in the plural.)2. A sudden outpouring of anger, outrage, or a similar intense emotion.
  60. minim \MIN-uhm\, noun:
    1. the least quantity of anything. 2. the smallest unit of liquid measure, 1/60 of a fluid dram, roughly equivalent to one drop.3. Music. A note, formerly the shortest in use, but now equivalent in time value to one half of a semibreve; half note.4. Something very small or insignificant.
  61. casuistry \KAZH-oo-uh-stree\, noun:
    1. Specious, deceptive, or oversubtle reasoning, esp. in questions of morality.2. The application of general ethical principles to particular cases of conscience or conduct.
  62. busticate \BUHS-ti-keyt\, verb:
    To break into pieces.
  63. spatchcock \SPACH-kok\,
    verb:1. To insert or interpolate, esp. in a forced or incongruous manner.noun:1. A fowl that has been dressed and split open for grilling.verb:1. To prepare and roast (a fowl) in this manner.
  64. tarry \TAR-ee\, verb:
    1. To remain or stay, as in a place; sojourn.2. To delay or be tardy in acting, starting, coming, etc.3. To wait
  65. distrain \dih-STREYN\, verb
    :1. To seize the property of (a person) in order to compel payment of debts.2. To levy a distress upon.
  66. gormandize \GAWR-muhn-dahyz\,
    verb:To eat greedily or ravenously.
  67. kith \KITH\,
    noun:Acquaintances, friends, neighbors, or the like; persons living in the same general locality and forming a more or less cohesive group.
  68. couchant \KOU-chuhnt\,
    adjective:1. Lying down; crouching; reclining.2. Heraldry . (Of an animal) represented as lying on its stomach with its hind legs and forelegs pointed forward.
  69. orthoepy
    study of pronunciation
  70. galore
    in abundance
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gre word of the day
These are word of the day