teex vocab 2 test

  1. Acceleration
    The rate of change in velocity
  2. Accessory Muscles
    Muslces not normally used during normal breathing. Includes the sternocleidomastoid muscles of the neck
  3. Acetylcholine
    Chemical nuerotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system
  4. Acute Radiation Syndrome
    The clinical course that usually egins within hours of exposure to a raditional source. Symptoms include neausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, fever, headache. Long term symptoms are dose relatedand are hymatopoietic and gastrointestinal
  5. Adipose
    The connective tissue containing large amounts of lipids. Also refered to as fat tissue
  6. Adventitious
    A type of breath sound that occurs in addition to the normal breath sounds; examples are crackles and wheeezes
  7. Aerobic metabolism
    Metabolism that can proceed only in the presence of oxygen
  8. Afterload
    The pressure in teh aorta against which the left ventricle must pump blood
  9. Alert and Oriented
    A determination made when asessing mental status by looking at whether the patient is oriented to four elements: person, time, place, event. Each element provideds infomration about the different aspects of the patient's memory
  10. Alveoli
    Sac-like units at the end of the bronchioles where gas exchange takes place
  11. Anaerobic Metabolism
    The metabolism that takes place in the absence of oxygen; the principal product is lactic acid
  12. Anaphylaxis
    An extreme systemic form of an allergic reaction involving two or more body systems
  13. Angle of Impact
    The angle at which an object hits another; this characterizes the force vectors involved and has a bearing on patterns of energy dissipation
  14. Aphasia
    The impairment of language that affects teh production or understanding of speech and the ability to read and write
  15. Arterial Air Embolism
    Air bubbles in the arterial blood vessels
  16. Ascites
    Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity
  17. Aspiration
    Entry of fluids or solids into the trachea bronchi and lungs
  18. AVPU
    A method of assessing mental status by determining if a patient is awake and alert, responsive to verbal stimuli or pain, or unresponsive, used primarily in the inital assessment
  19. Base Station
    Assemby of radio equipment consisting of at least a transmitter, receiver, and antenna connection at a fixed location
  20. Becks Triad
    The combination of a narrowed pulse pressure, muffled heart tones, and JVD associated with cardiac tamponade; usually resulting from penetrating chest trauma
  21. Biot respirations
    Characterized by an irregular rate, patternm and volume of breathing with intermitent periods of apnea; results from increased intracranial pressure; also called ataxic respirations
  22. Biotelemetry
    Transmission of physiologic data; such as EKG, from a patient to a distant point of reception
  23. Brisance
    The shattering effect of a shock wave and its ability to cuase disruption of a tissue and structures
  24. Bruit
    An abnormal 'whoosh' like sound of turbulent blood flow moving through a narrowed artery
  25. Burn Shock
    The shock or hypoperfusion caused by a burn injury and the tremendous loss of fluids
  26. Cardiac Output
    The amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute, calculated by multiplying the stroke volume by the heart rate per minute
  27. Carina
    Point at which the trachea bifurcates into right and left mainstem bronchi
  28. Cavitation
    Cavity formation; shock waves that push tissues in front of an dlateral to the projectile and may not necessarly increase the wound size or cuase permanent injury but can result in cavitation
  29. Cellular telephones
    Low-power portable radios that communicate through an interconnected series of repeater stations called cells
  30. Chemoreceptors
    Monitor the levels of o2, co2, ph of the csf and then provide feedback to the respiratory centers to monitor the rate and depth of breahting based on the bodies needs at a given time.
  31. Chemotactic factors
    The factors that cause cells to mitigate into an area
  32. Chief Complaint
    The problem for which the patient is seeking help
  33. Compartment Syndrome
    A condition that develops when edema and swelling result in increases pressure within soft tissues causing circulation to be compromised, possibly resulting in tissue necrosis
  34. Compensated Shock
    The early stage of shock where the body can stil compensate for blood loss
  35. Concept formation
    Pattern of understanding based on initially obtained information
  36. Cookbook Medicine
    Treatment based on a protocol or algorithm without adequate knowledge of the patient being treated
  37. Crush Syndrome
    Significant metabolic derangement that can lead to renal failure and death. It developes when crushed extremities or other body parts remain trapped for prolonged periods
  38. Current Health Status
    A composite picture of a number of factors in a patient's life, such as dietary habits, current medications, allergies, excercise, alcohol, or tobacco use, recreational drugs, sleep patterns and disorders, and immunizations
  39. Cushing's reflex
    The combination of a slowing pulse, rising blood pressure, and erratic respiratory patterns; a grave sign for patient's with head trauma
  40. Cyanosis
    A bluish gray skin color that is caused by reduced oxygen levels in the blood
  41. Data interpretation
    The process of formulating a conclusion based on comparing the patient's condition with information from your training, education, and past experiences
  42. Decompensated Shock
    The late stage of shock, when blood pressure is falling
  43. Desquamation
    The continuous shedding of the dead cells on the surface of the skin
  44. Detailed Physical Exam
    The part of the assessment process in which detailed area by area exam is perfomred on patients whose problems cannot be readilty identified or when more specific information is needed about problems identified in teh focused history and physical exam.
  45. Distributive shock
    A condition that occurs when there is widespread dilation of the resistance vessels, the capacitance vessels, or both
  46. Duplex
    Radio system using more than one frequency to permint simultaneous transmission and reception
  47. Ecchymosis
    Localized bruising or blood collection within or under the skin
  48. Ejection Fraction
    The portion of the blood ejected rom teh ventricle during systole
  49. Elastin
    The protein that gives the skin its elasticity
  50. Electrical Energy
    The energy delivered in the form of high voltage
  51. Emergency Medical Dispatch
    First Aid instructions given by specially trained dispatchers to callers over the telephone while the ambulance is enroute to the call
  52. Encoded
    A message is put into a code before it is transmitted
  53. Enhanced 911 system
    An emergency call-in system in which additional infomraiotn such as the phone number and location of the caller is recorded automatically through sophisticated telephone technology and hte dispatcher need only confrim the information on the screen
  54. Escharotomy
    A surgical cut through the eschar or leathery covering of a burn injury to allow for swelling and minimize the potential for development of compartment syndrome in a circumfrencially burned limb or the thorax
  55. Expiration
    Passive movement of airs out of the lungs
  56. Expiratory Reserve Volume
    The amount of air you can exhale following a normal exhalation; average volume is about 1200ml
  57. Federal Communications Commission
    The federal agency that has jurisdiction over insterstate and international telephoen and telegraph services and satellite communications
  58. Field Diagnosis
    A determination of what a paramedic thinks is hte patient's current problem, usually based on the patient history an the chief complaint
  59. Frequency
    In radio communications, the number of cycles per second of a signal inversely related to the wavelength
  60. Gangreene
    The infection commonly caused by C perfringens. The result is tissue destruction and gas production that may lead to death
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teex vocab 2 test
teex medic vocab 2 test