"fair business practices", Gave workers protection of minimum wage and maximum hours regulation and guaranteed them the right to “organize and bargain collectively”. Later ruled unconstitutional in the court case _________ v. US
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), Schechter
- ·Seeks relief for farmers
- ·Gov’t paid people off for their crops, acreage and mortgage relief helped thousands
- ·Later declared unconstitutional
What was unemployment like during the New Deal?
At least 9 million were still unemployed but groups were created to help (FERA, CWA, WPA) so at no time during the New Deal did unemployment drop below 10%
Social security act had a greater long-range effect on American life, but less revolutionary than laws like ___ & ____ because...
NIRA and AAA which tempted to establish a planned economy
Many opposed the New Deal because...
they believed it was undermining the foundations of American freedom and were alarmed at the cost
Which organizations changed the power structure within the economy and what were some of the benefits for wage workers?
The NRA, Wagner Act, and CIO’s organization of industries like steel and automobiles amounted to revolution in lives of wage workers. Now had higher wages, shorter hours, paid vacations, insurance and unionization that enabled them to settle disputes and have a measure of job security based on seniority.
What were some of the negative and positive impacts of the New Deal?
Negative: didn't return the country to full employment, threatened the balance b/w the branches
Positive: prevented later economic declines from becoming catastrophes, Helped workers obtain a large share of the profits of industry, Checked the decline of agricultural living standards, Social security program lessened the impact of bad times
How were black's affected by the New Deal?
- -The shift of black voters from the Republican to democratic party during the new deal years was one of the most significant political turnarounds in American history- treated as 2nd class citizens
- - during labor movement, CIO unions hired a large amt of blacks
- - brought relief and a measure of hope
How were Indians affected by the New Deal?
- - Granted citizenship
- - Indian Reorganization Act returned land to tribal control
- -90 mill acres of lost land returned
- - New Deal’s Indian Policy was a bold effort to deal constructively with a long-standing national problem
forbade the sale of munitions to all belligerents whenever president declared a state of war existed
Neutrality Act of 1935 (4 total, 3rd- broadened to civil war b/c civil war broke out in Spain. b/w democracy and fascism)
What did we do after the lend-lease act?
the navy began to patrol the North Atlantic, shadowing German subs and radioing their locations to British warships and planes
What was the start of WWII?
After Germany invaded Poland
History repeating itself, Britain is asking for our help again. How do we help them and ourselves?
Destroyers-for-bases deal, US traded destroyers for 6 naval bases in the Caribbean