- Lewis's Woodpecker
- Order: Piciformes
- Family: Picidae
- --
- Black back
- Chest and mask soaked in the blood of his enemies
- --
- Habitat: Riparian and oak woodland
- Acorn Woodpecker
- Order: Piciformes
- Family: Picidae
- --
- Black upperparts w/ white wing and rump patches
- Clown face
- Red crown
- --
- Habitat: Oak and riparian woodlands
- Gila Woodpecker
- Order: Piciformes
- Family: Picidae
- --
- Pale buffy overall
- Black/white barred back
- Yellow on belly and vent
- Red crown
- --
- Habitat: Desert
- * CA endangered
- Williamson's Sapsucker
- Order: Piciformes
- Family: Picidae
- --
- Dark breast
- Yellow belly
- Red throat
- White above/below auriculars
- --
- Habitat: Coniferous forests
- Red-breasted Sapsucker
- Order: Piciformes
- Family: Picidae
- --
- Red head, nape, and breast
- White line from bill toward nape
- Black back w/ white spots
- Large white wing patch
- Yellow abdomen
- --
- Habitat: Coniferous forests and riparian woodlands
- Ladder-backed Woodpecker
- Order: Piciformes
- Family: Picidae
- --
- Ladder black and white striping on back
- Red crown
- Underparts whitish w/ black spots
- Streaks on flank and undertail
- --
- Habitat: Desert scrub and desert riparian woodland
- Nuttail's Woodpecker
- Order: Piciformes
- Family: Picidae
- --
- Small
- Black and white striped upperparts
- Upper back solid black
- Underparts whitish w/ spots and streaks
- Broad black eyeline and malar stripes joining at back
- Red crown does not extend past eye
- --
- Habitat: Oak and riparian woodlands
- Downy Woodpecker
- Order: Piciformes
- Family: Picidae
- --
- Small, cute
- Primarily black upperparts
- White head stripes, spots on wings and along center of back (downy)
- White underparts
- Stubby bill, shorter than head
- Red nape patch
- --
- Habitat: Riparian woodland
- Smallest in N.A.
- Hairy Woodpecker
- Order: Piciformes
- Family: Picidae
- --
- Small
- Similar to downy but with heavier bill
- Less spotting on wings
- --
- Habitat: Coniferous forests
- White-headed Woodpecker
- Order: Piciformes
- Family: Picidae
- --
- Plumage black overall, w/ white head and wing patch
- Red cap on males
- --
- Habitat: Coniferous forests
- Black-backed Woodpecker
- Order: Piciformes
- Family: Picidae
- --
- Dark-blackish back
- Barring on flanks
- White and black lines along malar region
- Male w/ yellow crown
- --
- Habitat: Coniferous forests
- Northern Flicker
- Order: Piciformes
- Family: Picidae
- --
- Spotted underside
- Crescent-shaped black breast patch
- Gray face
- Red malar stripe
- --
- Habitat: Riparian oak woodlands, coniferous forests
- Gilded Flicker
- Order: Piciformes
- Family: Picidae
- --
- Similar to Norther Flicker but yellow
- Gold wings
- Smaller than Northern
- Crescent-shaped flank markings
- --
- Habitat: Desert
- Pileated Woodpecker
- Order: Piciformes
- Family: Picidae
- --
- Large
- Black overall
- Red crest and malar stripe
- White line from bill across cheek and down neck
- White patch on underwing, and white wing lining
- --
- Habitat: Old coniferous forests
- Belted Kingfisher (male)
- Order: Coraciiformes
- Family: Alcedinidae
- --
- Males: single grey-blue breast band
- --
- Habitat: Streams, rivers, lakes, and estuaries
- Belted Kingfisher (female)
- Order: Coraciiformes
- Family: Alcedinidae
- --
- Female: Rufous sides and lower breast band in addition to upper greyish-blue breast band
- --
- Habitat: Streams, rivers, lakes, estuaries
- American Kestrel (male)
- Order: Falconiformes
- Family: Falconidae
- --
- Compact, toothed bill
- Smallish
- Vertical black stripes in front of and behind eye
- Blue-grey crown and rufous to orange back and rump
- Male: blue-grey wings, unbanded rufous tail w/ broad subterminal band, spotting on underparts
- --
- Habitat: Widespread in open to semi-open areas
- Smallest, most numerous and widespread falcon
- American Kestrel (male)
- Order: Falconiformes
- Family: Falconidae
- --
- Compact, toothed bill
- Smallish
- Vertical black stripes in front of and behind eye
- Blue-grey crown and rufous to orange back and rump
- Female: Rufous wings & tail barred black; underparts pale w/ heavy brown streaks
- --
- Habitat: Widespread
- Smallest, most numerous and widespread falcon in N.A.
- Merlin
- Order: Falconiformes
- Family: Falconidae
- --
- Small, w/ long pointed wings and long tail
- Tail dark w/ white terminal band, and several other pale bands
- Breast streaked rufous to brown
- Most lack a malar streak
- Males: grey-blue upperparts, blacker tails
- --
- Habitat: Open forests and grasslands
- Prairie Falcon
- Order: Falconiformes
- Family: Falconidae
- --
- Relatively large
- Pale brown upperparts
- Brown malar streak and ear patch w/ white between
- Underwing and tail overall pale, w/ dark axillaries and coverts
- --
- Habitat: Grasslands and scrub-steppe
- Peregrine Falcon
- Order: Falconiformes
- Family: Falconidae
- --
- Relatively large
- Bluish-grey upperparts
- Blackish head and malar streak, usually w/ pale cheek patch
- Underparts pale w/ blackish spotting or barring
- Underwing and undertail barred w/ pale grey and black
- --
- Habitat: Widespread in all habitats
- * CA Endangered
- Red-crowned Parrot
- Order: Psittaciformes
- Family: Psittacidae
- --
- Habitat: Urban areas w/ flowering trees