1. Alacrity
    eagerness; enthusiasm; quickness
  2. Burgeon
    grow; flourish; put forth new shoots
  3. Deleterious
  4. Euphemism
    a polite phrase to cover something unpleasant
  5. Hypocritical
  6. Lethargic
    tired; without energy
  7. Ogle
    stare at; observe in an obvious manner
  8. Postulate
    hypothesize; propose
  9. Robust
    strong; healthy; tough
  10. Tractable
    obedient; dutiful; polite
  11. Alchemy
    medieval chemistry; attempt to change base metal into gold
  12. Burnish
  13. Deliberate
    to think over deeply
  14. Euphony
    pleasant sounds
  15. Iconoclast
    person who opposes orthodoxy
  16. Levity
    flippancy; joking about serious matters
  17. Olfactory
    concerned with the sense of smell
  18. Potable
    suitable for drinking
  19. Rotund
  20. Tranquil
  21. Alibi
    an excuse that shows someone was not at a crime scene
  22. Buttress
    strengthen; support
  23. Delineation
    demarcation; explanation; definition; outlining
  24. Evacuate
    vacate; empty; abandon
  25. Idiosyncrasy
    a personal peculiarity; something unique to an individual
  26. Libertarian
    someone who opposes tyranny
  27. Ominous
  28. Potent
    powerful; compelling; strong
  29. Ruminate
    think over something; ponder
  30. Transcribe
  31. Allay
    to lessen
  32. Byline
    the line that tells you who wrote an article
  33. Demur
    hesitate; refuse
  34. Exacerbate
    make worse
  35. Ignominious
  36. Liniment
    soothing lotion
  37. Omnipotent
  38. Pragmatic
  39. Ruse
    trick; stratagem
  40. Transgress
    go astray; disobey; commit a sin
  41. Alleviate
    make less severe
  42. Cacophony
    discordant loud noises
  43. Denounce
    condemn; speak out against
  44. Exasperated
    frustrated; annoyed
  45. Ignominy
    shame [ignominious (a) = shameful]
  46. Lithe
    flexible; supple
  47. Omniscient
  48. Pragmatist
    practical person; one who is concerned with usefulness
  49. Saccharin
    falsely sweet
  50. Transient
    short-lived; ephemeral
  51. Aloof
    distant; detached; cold
  52. Cajole
  53. Deplete
    use up; lessen
  54. Exceptionable
    very bad (something which we should object to)
  55. Illuminate
    to light up or make clear
  56. Livid
    very angry
  57. Onerous
    burdensome; hard to undertake
  58. Preamble
    introductory material
  59. Sacrosanct
    very holy; inviolable
  60. Traverse
    to move across
  61. Altruism
    putting others first; being self-sacrificing
  62. Caldron
    huge cooking pot
  63. Deplore
  64. Exculpate
    free someone from blame; pardon; acquit
  65. Illusory
    deceptive; false; misleading
  66. Lobbyist
    person who tries to persuade someone to support a particular cause
  67. Onus
  68. Precarious
    unstable; risky
  69. Sagacious
  70. Trepidation
  71. Amass
  72. Callow
  73. Depravity
    moral corruption
  74. Execrable
    very, very bad
  75. Immoderate
    excessive; extreme
  76. Lofty
    snooty; arrogant; haughty
  77. Opaque
    does not let light through
  78. Precedent
    a previous occurrence used as a guide
  79. Sage
    a wise person
  80. Trinket
    something of little value; knick-knack
  81. Ambiguity
    uncertainty; vagueness
  82. Candid
    frank; honest
  83. Deprecate
    criticize; denounce
  84. Exegesis
    scholarly explanation or interpretation
  85. Immutable
    unchanging; permanent
  86. Longevity
    long life
  87. Opulent
    wealthy; rich; magnificent
  88. Precept
    guiding principle
  89. Salacious
    lecherous; erotic
  90. Trite
    unoriginal; dull
  91. Ambiguous
    unclear in meaning; can be interpreted in different ways
  92. Candor
    frankness; openness
  93. Deride
    ridicule; make fun of; mock
  94. Exemplary
    outstandingly good; setting a fine example
  95. Impartial
    unbiased; neutral
  96. Loquacious
  97. ORdain
    • 1. destine
    • 2. confer holy orders on a priest
  98. Precinct
    district of a city
  99. Sallow
  100. Trivial
  101. Ambivalence
    lack of clarity; wavering; being undecided
  102. Cantankerous
    bad-tempered; quarrelsome
  103. Derogatory
  104. Exemplify
    to serve as a good example
  105. Impecunious
    having no money
  106. Lucid
  107. Ornate
    highly decorated
  108. Precipice
    steep slope
  109. Salubrious
  110. Truant
    shirker; someone absent without permission
  111. Ambulatory
    able to walk around (used of hospital patients)
  112. Capacious
  113. Desecrate
    to damage or pollute a holy place
  114. Exhaustive
    complete and thorough
  115. Impious
    wicked; profane
  116. Ludicrous
    ridiculous; silly
  117. Orthodox
  118. Precipitous
    done in a hurry
  119. Salutary
    something which teaches you a lesson; beneficial
  120. Truncate
    cut short
  121. Ameliorate
    make better
  122. Capitulate
    surrender; give in to
  123. Desecration
    spoiling something holy
  124. Exonerates
    acquits; absolves; removes blame
  125. Impoverished
    destitute; poor
  126. Lukewarm
    • 1. unenthusiastic
    • 2. neither hot nor cold
  127. Ossify
    • 1. turn to bone
    • 2. become fixed and rigid
  128. Preclude
    prevent or make impossible
  129. Sanctimonious
    hypocritically holy
  130. Tumult
    uproar; noise
  131. Amelioration
  132. Carping
    constant criticism
  133. Desist
    stop; discontinue; cease
  134. Exorcism
    getting free/rid of; eliminating (especially demons)
  135. Lummox
    clumsy person
  136. Ostentatious
  137. Precocious
    developing early
  138. Impromptu
    unrehearsed; spontaneous
  139. Sanction
    give approval to
  140. Turpitude
  141. Amiable
  142. Cartographer
    person who makes maps
  143. Despondent
    having no hope; miserable
  144. Expatriate
    refugee; emigrant; someone living away from his own country
  145. Inadvertent
    not intentional
  146. Luscious
    juicy; moist; succulent
  147. Oust
    push out of a position
  148. Predecessor
    one who came before
  149. Sanguinary
    bloodthirsty; bloody
  150. Tyro
    novice; beginner
  151. Amity
  152. Castigate
    scold strongly
  153. Destitution
    hardship; poverty; misery
  154. Expedient
    convenient; practical
  155. Incantation
    chant; invocation; prayer
  156. Lynch
    assassinate; kill; illegal hanging
  157. Overt
    obvious; not hidden
  158. Predicament
    dilemma; difficult situation
  159. Sanguine
    Optimistic; cheerful
  160. Ubiquitous
    found everywhere; omnipresent
  161. Amorphous
    lacking shape
  162. Catharsis
    purging of pent-up emotions
  163. Deter
    put off; prevent
  164. Expedite
    make faster
  165. Incarceration
    putting in prison
  166. Machinations
    plots and plans
  167. Overwrought
    worked up; in an emotional state
  168. Preeminent
    famous; outstanding
  169. Sardonic
  170. Unalloyed
    undiluted; total
  171. Analgesic
    medicine to combat pain
  172. Caucus
    type of private political meeting
  173. Deteriorate
    worsen; decline
  174. Exposition
    clear explanation
  175. Incessant
    without stopping
  176. Maelstrom
    whirlpool; storm in the ocean
  177. Palatable
    good to eat; agreeable
  178. Prerogative
    right or privilege
  179. Savant
    person with knowledge
  180. Unctuous
    oily; using excessive flattery
  181. Analogous
  182. Caustic
  183. Detrimental
  184. Extol
  185. Incipient
    just beginning
  186. Magnanimous
    generous; big-hearted
  187. Palisade
    fence made of posts
  188. Prescient
    having fore-knowledge
  189. Scale
    to climb
  190. Undermined
    damaged; attacked
  191. Anarchy
    chaos; lack of government
  192. Cavalcade
    procession of vehicles
  193. Devoured
    greedily eaten/consumed
  194. Extradite
    deport from one country back to the home country
  195. Inclination
    tendency; a leaning toward
  196. Magnate
    powerful businessman
  197. Palliative
    a remedy that improves but doesn't cure
  198. Presentiment
    a feeling that something might happen
  199. Scapegoat
    person on whom blame is placed for faults of others
  200. Underscore
Card Set
sat vocab words