1. Argument
    An attempt to support a claim or an assertion by providing a reason or reasons for accepting it. The claim that is supported is called the conclusion of the argument, and the claim or clains that provide the support are called the premises.
  2. Conclusion
    In an argument, the claim that is argued for.
  3. Conclusion Indicator
    A word or phrase (e.g., "therefore") that ordinarily indicates the presence of the conclusion of an argument.
  4. Issue
    A point that is or might be disputed, debated, or wondered about. Issues are often introduced by the word "whether," as the example "whether this train goes to Chattanooga."
  5. Nonsubjective Claim
    A claim about a factual issue
  6. Nonsubjective issue / question
    An issue that there are generally accepted methods for settling; a question for which there are generally accepted means for determining an answer.
  7. Premise
    The claim or claims in an argument that provide the reasons for believing the conclusion.
  8. Premise Indicator
    A word or phrase (e.g., "because") that ordinarily indicates the presence of the premise of an argument.
  9. Relativism
    The view that two different cultures can be correct in their opinions on the same nonsubjective issue.
  10. Subjective Claim
    A claim about a nonfactual issue.
  11. Subjective issue / quesion
    An issue for which it is not required that one of two disagreeing parties be mistaken or concerning which there is no generally accepted method of resolving.
  12. Subjectivism
    The assumption that what is true for opne person is not necessarily true for another.
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CRT chapter One