1. Alopecia
    Abnormal hair loss.
  2. Alopecia Areata
    The sudden falling out of hair in round patches or baldness in spots; may occur on the scalp and elswhere on the body.
  3. Amino acids
    units that are joined togehter end to end by peptide bonds to form the polypeptide chains that comprise porteins.
  4. Anagen
    growth phase in the cycle in which a new hair shaft is created
  5. androgenic alopecia
    hair loss characterized by miniaturization of terminal hair which is converted to vellus hair; in men it is known as male pattern bladness.
  6. arrector pili
    minute, involutary muscle in the base of the hair follice that causes "goose bumps"
  7. canities
    Technical term for gray hair; results from the loss of the hair's natural melanin pigment
  8. Carbuncle
    inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue caused by staphylocci; similar to furuncle but larger.
  9. Catagen
    the brief transistion period between the growth and resting phases of a hair follicle
  10. COHNS element
    the five elements that make up human hair, skin , tissue and nails ( carbon, oxygen, hyrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur)
  11. Cortex
    middle layer of the hair; a fibrous protein core formed by elongated cells contaiong melanin pigment.
  12. cowlick
    tuft of hair that stands straight up.
  13. cuticle
    outermost layer of hair consisting of a single overlappoing layer of transparent, scale-like cless.
  14. dermal papilla
    small cone-shaped elevation located at the bace of the hair follicle that fits into the hair bulb
  15. disulifide bond
    Strong chemical side bonds that join the sulfur atoms of two neighboring cysteine amino acids to create cysine, which joins together two polypeptide strands like rungs on a ladder
  16. eumelanin
    melanin that gives brown and black color to hair.
  17. follicle
    Tube-like depression or pocket in the skin or sclap that contains the hair root
  18. Fragilitas Crinium
    technical term for brittle hair.
  19. Fruncle
    boil; acute. localized bacterial infection of the hair follicle.
  20. hair bulb
    lowest part of a hair strand; the thickened, club-shaped structure that form the lower part of the hair root.
  21. hair density
    the number of indiviual hair strands found on 1 square inch of scalp
  22. hair elasticity
    ability of the hair to stretch and return to its original length without breaking.
  23. Hair porosity
    ability of the hair to absorb moisture
  24. hair root
    the part of the hair contained within the follicle, below the surfaces of the scalp.
  25. hair shaft
    the portion of hair that projects beyond the skin.
  26. hair stream
    hair flowing in the same direction, resulting from follicles slpoing in the same direction.
  27. hair texture
    thickness or diameter of the indiviual hair strands
  28. helix
    spiral shape created by polypeptide chains that intetwine around each other
  29. hyrogen bond
    weak physical side bond that is easily broken by wather or heat.
  30. hypertrichosis (hirsuties)
    condition of abnormal growth of hair, charaterized by the growth of terminal hair in areas of the body that normally grow only vellus hair.
  31. integument
    largest and fastest growing organ of the body; composed of the hair skin and nails.
  32. keratinization
    process by which newly formed cells in the hairr bulb mature, fill with keratin, move upward, lose their nucleus, and die.
  33. malassezia
    naturally occuring fungus that is present on all human skin, and is responsible for dandruff.
  34. medulla
    innermost lyer of the hair, composed of round cells, often abesnt in fine hair.
  35. melanin
    tiny grains of pigment in the cortex that give natural color to the hair
  36. monilethrix
    technical term for beaded hair
  37. pediculosis capitits
    infestation of the hair and scalp with head lice.
  38. peptide bond or end bond
    chemical that joins amino acids to each other, end to end, to form polypeptide chain.
  39. pheomelanin
    melanin that provides natural hair colors from red and ginger to yellow/blond tones.
  40. pityriasis
    dandruff; and infalmmation of the skin characterzied by formation and flakin of fine, thin scales.
  41. pityriasis capitits simplex
    technical term for classic dandruff; characterized by scalp irritaion . large flakes. and itchy scalp.
  42. pityriasis steatoides
    scalp inflammation marked by fatty(greasy or waxy) types of dandruff.
  43. polypeptide chain
    long china of amino acids linked by peptide bonds
  44. pospartum alopecia
    temporary hair loss experiences at the conclusion of pregnancy
  45. ringed hair
    variety of canites characterized by alternating bands of gray and pigmented hair throughout the length of the hair strand
  46. salt bond
    a weak, temporary side bond between adjacent polypeptide chains.
  47. scabies
    hichly contagious disease caused by mites that burrow under the skin.
  48. scutula
    dry, sulfur-yellow, cup-like crusts on the scalp in tinea favosa or favus.
  49. sebaceous flands
    oil glands of the skin connected to hair follicles.
  50. seborrheic dermatitis
    medical term for pityriasis steatioides accompanied by redness and inflammation.
  51. sebum
    oily secretion ofthe sevaceous flands, which lubricates the hair and skin
  52. telogen
    resting phase; the final phase in the hair cycle that lasts until the fully grown hair is shed.

    About 10% of sclap hair is in the telogen phase at any one time
  53. Terminal hair
    long hair found on the scalp, as well as on legs, arm, and body of both males and females
  54. tinea
    medical term for ringworm a contagious conditon caused by fungal infection
  55. tinea capitis
    fungal infection characterized by red papules, or spots at the opening of hair follicles
  56. tinea favosa ( tinea favus)
    fungal infection caraterized by ry , sulfur-yellow, cup-like crusts on the scalp, called scutula.
  57. trichology
    science dealing with the study of hair its diseses and care.
  58. trichoptilosis
    technical term for split ends.
  59. trichorrhexis nodosa
    knotted hair characterized by brittleness and the formation of nodular swellings along tha hair shaft.
  60. vellus or lanugo
    short, fine, unpigmented downing hair that appears on the body, with the exception of the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet
  61. wave patterm
    amount of "movement" in the hair strand; described as straight, wavy, curly, and extermely curly.
  62. whorl
    hair that forms in a circular pattern, as on the crown.
Card Set
Properties of the hair and Scalp