1. 2 drugs for asthma
    • bronchodialators
    • anti-inflammatory
  2. 3 types of bronchodialators
    • beta 2 agonists
    • methylanxthines
    • anticholinergic
  3. 4 types of anti-inflammatory drugs
    • glucocorticoids
    • cromylyn sodium
    • nedocromil
    • leukotrienes
  4. anti-inflammatory for long term prophylaxis only
  5. 3 ways to administer inhalants
    • metered dose inhaler (MDI)
    • dry powder inhaler (DPI)
    • nebulizer
  6. albuerol
    • beta 2 agonist so dont take beta blockers
    • MAOI
    • TCA
  7. how to administer inhaler
    • give 1 full minute in between puffs
    • wait 5 minutes if you have 2 different inhaler
    • take the beta 2 first then corticosteroid
  8. theophylline (Theolair)
    • no caffeine
    • no double dose
    • activated charcoal for toxicity
  9. ipratropium (atrovent)
    • a = anticholinergic
    • vent = bronchodialator
    • atrovent
  10. beclomethasan dipropinate (QVAR)
    • predinisone
    • pulmicort
    • only use 3-5 days
    • alternate every other day
  11. cromolyn sodium (Intal)
    • exercise Induced asthma
    • allergen induced asthma
    • lose salt when exercise so use 15 min before
  12. monteleukast (singulair)
    • safe
    • one a day a bedtime
  13. codeine
    • antitusive opiods
    • schedule II
    • GI
    • CNS effects
  14. acetylcysteine (mucomyst)
    • mucus dissolving agent
    • antidote for acetaminophen overdose
    • smell like rotten eggs
  15. phenylpedrine
    • sinusitis
    • rebound congestion
    • used for mydriasis at eye dr.
    • can be converted to methamphetamine
Card Set
respiratory drugs