A loam soil is a mixture of
40 percent sand 40 percent silt and 20 percent clay
Nitrogen and phosphorous stimulate -------- in plants
increased growth
As a synthetic chemicla pesticide is repeatedly used in t he control of an insect, it gradually loses its effectiveness. This
occurs because insects become resistant due to survival of the fittest
DDT when used in the US, was most negatively harmful
to birds as it caused them to lay eggs with very thin shells
Topsoil is found in which soil horizon
A horizon
A soil that allow very little leaching has good
nutrient-holding capacity
Most plants require substantial quantities of water to replace water lost through
Bioaccumulation is
the buildup of a toxin in an organism
Which soil particle is the smallest
Infiltration (or percolation) means
the movement of water down through the layers of the soil
In the course of using synthetic chemical pesticides, such as DDT, it was observed that certain species of insects, which had not previously caused significant harm, became serious pests, This phenomenon is know as
a secondary pest outbreak
Which is NOT a characteristic of subsistence farming
dependable cash income
Most plants live best in a soil pH range of
In Virginia, which state agency assists farmers with funding for erosion control and soil conservation measures
DEpartment of Conservation & Recreation
Shelter belts are used in agriculture to
block wind movement to decrease erosion
The spongy, dark brown or black material that remains from a rotting dead log is called
The kind of erosion caused by rainfall runoff is called
sheet erosion
The main cause of dryland soil erosion is
overgrazing overcultivation deforestation
What federal law provided farmers with funds that reduced soil loss
the Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act
What pesticide incident occurred in Virginia in the 1970's that seriously affected workers' health and fishing in the James River
Soil texture is a measurement of the
proportion of sand, silt, and clay sized particles
The-------- indicates that lack of scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for failing to take measures to prevent potential damage
precautionary principle
First generation pesticides refer to
inorganic chemicals
When farmers irrigate their croplands, minerals from the water remain on the soil after evaporation, resulting in
Clay holds lots of water because
the particles are so fine and close together
Referring to a pesticide as broad spectrum means that
it is effective against a wide variety of pests
Which agricultural method is best to aviod soil disturbance and soil loss
no till farming
What disease does DDT help to control
Sustainable agricultural systems
must be patterned after natural ecosystems
A herbicide would work best to kill
World food prodution may be sustainably increased from current levels by
shifting from cash crops and animal feed to food crops
Which of the following is NOT a major source of soil erosion
forested areas
The gradual breakdown of rock into soil particles by physical and chemical processes is called
The federal agency responsible for setting allowable tolerances for pesticide residues is the
Environmental Protection Agency
Which of the following is FALSE
From the outset, ecologists recognized the environmental problems that DDT would cause
Which soil class is best for agricultural soils
The GReen Revolution in the 1950-60's helped world hunger by
the development of plants that produced more grain and were stronger
A farmer sprays his crop with a synthetic chemical pesticide to control an insect infestation. the infestaton subsides, then a few weeks later, it actually becomes worse This phenomenon is known as
A pesticide similar to DDT was sprayed on a lake to control mosquitoes.
After a period of a few months, the highest concentration of this
pesticide was found in the
osprey and hawks that ate the fish
Produce that is grown without the aid of pesticides and other synthetic chemicals is
organically grown
----------- is the supplying of water to croplands by artificial means
The process of soil being washed or blown away is called
What federal agency monitors farming and soil loss issues
US Agriculture
What is one of the concerns about genetically engineered foods
if have a side effect when eaten
Whivh federal program reimburses farmers for retiring erosion prone land and planting it with trees or greasses
Fair ACt Conseration Reservve Act
Assured access for every person to enough nutritious food to sustain an active and healthy life is
Food Security
As a pesticide accumulates in the food chain, this is called
Wjat practice compines chemical and ecological pest control methods
Who wrote the book Silent Spring
Rachel Carson
the federal law that controls pesticide use is called
Name one of the eight millennium development goals for 2015
to reduce proverty in developing countries
Name one of the factors that contribute to the Human Poverty Index
Study of living number of people less than certain income
A plan developed by a county government to determine over the long term what development will be locaded is called a
By the yeaer 2200 the World population is expected to be
10 billion
A new source of income and economic development in developing countries involving recreational activities and wild species observation in unique ecological sites
Biota and the ecosystems they form collectively have value known as
Biological well
Name of the two factors other than poverty that interact in the poverty cycle
high families thin out money for families
Controlling the rate and pattern of development to achieve quality of life and sustainability is known as
Smart Growth
The Act providing funding for enhanced transpotation projects and other modes of transportation than highways is
Providing small loans at a resonable interest rate to enable a person to start a small business in a developing country is termed
Grameen Bank
The top of the groundwater below the soil surface is called
the water table
Relative humidity is a measure of
the amount of water vapor in the air compared to what it can hold at that temperature
Rain shadow deserts generally occur
on the leevard side of mountains
Water that accumulates underground, filling all pores and crevices above an impervious layer, is
What is the largest use of water worldwide
Many fresh water wells in coastal areas now yield salty water, The main cause of this problem is
excessive removal of fresh water causes salt water to move into aquifers
The freshwater in our environment is found mostly in
polar ice caps and glaciers
has a salt content of less than .01 percent, constitutes 3 percent of water on earth, is constantly being naturally recycled
Which federal law was passed in 1972 to protect US waters
Clean Water Act
Channelizing streams to redirect water flow
may cause flooding in another area
What percentage of the world's population lacks safe drinking water
20 percent
The greates hazard of domestic sewage waste is its
potential for harboring disease-causing organisms
the wast water stream entering a sewage treatment plant is generally
99 percent water and 1 percent polluting materials
Secondary treatment, or biological treatment of waste water mainly involves
allowing bateria and other organisms to feed on organic materials
Final disinfection of waste water in the US is most generally done by adding
chlorine gas to the water
All pollutants that enter natural water bodies via pipes are known as
point source pllutants
Examples of non point source pollutants include
fertilizers pesticides stormwater runoff
Eutrophication refers to the ecosystem changes that occur with the introduction of
excess nutrients
The presence of a substance in the environment that because of its chemical composition in quantity prevents the functioning of natural processes and produces considerable environmental and health effects is the EPA definition of pollution
The process whereby chemicla pollutants become concentrated through passage up the food chain is called
The best long term solution to the problem of eutrophication is
a program of reducing inputs of nutrients and sediments
Which state agency administers the Clean Water Act
Nontidal wetlands should be preserved because they
store water and reduce runoff, absorb nutrients from the water, allow sediments to settle
Removing sediment from river water for drinking water uses what process
In Virginia, what percent of municipal waste is recycled
40 percent
Most municipal solid waste in the US is
disposed in landfills
The treated water released from the waste water treatment plant is called
Waste to energy facilities
burn organic wastes to produce heat energy reduces the wieght and volume of material that must be stored in landfills may emit toxic gases to the atmosphere
The percent of municipal waste placed in landfills is approximately
55 percent
The greatest component of municipal solid wast is
paper and paperboard
What percentage of the Virginia population depends upon groundwater for their water supply
50 percent
NPDES permits do what
set waste water discharge limits
Two major categories of potenially toxic chemicals are
heavy metals and synthetic organics
During the lifespan of a chemical
it maybe hazardous or toxic at any stage during its lifetime either in its pure state or combined with other substances
The law that provides for the identification and clean up of abandoned toxic waste sites is
The super fund Act
The legislation that requires cradle to grave tracking of Hazmat is
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Which state agency administers the Safe Drinking Water Act
Department of Health
Heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium and chromium are considered hazardous because they are
The legislation that requires employers to notify employees of Hazmat they may come in contact with as a part of their jobs
The Occupational Safety and Health Act
The policy that specifies the ways Hazmat can be transported across state lines is
Department of Transportation Regulations
What state is the largest exporter of out of state waste
New York
------ was a site near Niagara Falls, NY where Hooker Chemical buried toxi wastes in the 1930s and 1940s, and eventually surfaced during the late 1970s
Love Canal
One of the 3 R's to lessen the amount of wast disposal is
Recycle, Reuse,
The entire land area from which storm water runoff drains to a particular stream or river is called a
Drainage Basin
The Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act of 1986 requires what report for companies using or discharging hazardous chemicals
Toxic Release invortory
Removal of salt from sea water to produce drinking water is referred to as
Whater consumption in modern US homes average around --- galons of water per person per day
Disease causing organisms are known as a
what federal agency administers the Resource Conservation and REcovery Act
Water with pollutants draining from landfills is called