Ingumentary System

  1. Alopecia
  2. Apocrine Sweat Gland
    One of the large dermal exocrine glands located inthe axilla and genital areas. It secrets sweat that, in action with bacteria, is responsable for human body odor.
  3. Basal Layer
    The deepest region of the epidermis. It gives rise to all the epidermal cells
  4. Collagen
    Structural protein found in the skin and connective tissue
  5. Cuticle
    Band of the epidermis at the base and sides of the nail plate
  6. Dermis
    Middle layer of the skin
  7. Epidermis
    Outermost layer of the skin
  8. Integumentary System
    The skin and its accessory structures such as hair and nails
  9. Epitheluim
    Layer of the skin cells forming the outer and inner surfaces of the body
  10. Lipocyte
    A fat cell
  11. Lunula
    The half-moon-shaped, white area at the base of a nail
  12. Melanin
    Major pigment that gives the skin color. It is formed by the melanocytes in the eppidermis
  13. Sebaceous Gland
    Oil-secreating gland in the dermis that is associated with hair follicles
  14. Squamous Epithelium
    Fat, scale-like cells composing the epidermis
  15. Polyp
    Mushroom-like growth extending on a stalk from the surface of mucous membrane
  16. Cellulitis
    Diffuse, acute infection of the skin marked by local heat, redness, pain, and swelling
  17. Scabies
    A contagious, parasitic infection of the skin with intense pruritis
  18. Keloid
    Hypertrophied, thickened scar tha occurs after trauma or surgical incision
  19. Stratum Corneum
    The ourermost layer of the epidermis, which consists of flattened, keratinized (horny) cells
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Ingumentary System