
  1. Age norms
    Informal rules that specify age-appropriate roles & behavior.
  2. Life course
    The interaction between historical events, personal decisions, and individual opportunities; experiences early in life affect subsequent outcomes.
  3. Life course framework
    An approach to the study of aging that combines the study of the changing age structure with the aging experiences of individuals.
  4. Transition
    Refers to shifts in roles that occur over the life course.
  5. Countertransitions
    Life course transitions produced by the role changes of others.
  6. Trajectory
    A series of transitions such as education, work, and retirement.
  7. Age grade
    Use of age as a social category to group people by status-the expectations for when the transition from one role to another should occur.
  8. Age effect
    A difference due to chronological age or life course stage.
  9. Period effect
    The impact of a historical event on the people who live through it.
  10. Cross-sectional research
    Research comparing people of different age cohorts at a single point in time.
  11. Longitudinal research
    Process of sorting complex methodological issues involved in distinguishing between age effects, cohort effects, and period effects.
  12. Social clock
    The age norms that provide a prescriptive timetable, which orders major life events.
  13. Age timetable
    Similar to age norms but looser and more flexible; informal rules, which specify age-appropriate roles and behavior.
  14. Crowded nest
    The trend of young adults returning to the parental home.
  15. Theory of cumulative disadvantage
    A theory that people who begin life with greater resources continue to have opportunities to accumulate more of them while those who begin with few resources fall further behind.
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Chapter 3