
  1. Intelligence
    Used to be that it would increase during adolescence, be steady during adulthood and go down during the middle and late adulthood...current understanding of intelligenece is that it begins going up down up down up down and then swirling and growing strong through the 60s.
  2. Horn and Cattell on intelligence
    • Proposed splitting intelligence into 2 categories
    • Fluid intelligence: early adulthood
    • Chrystallized intelligence: middle adulthood
    • Both necessary for optimal thinking
    • Intelligence will stay strong into the 60's
  3. Fluid Intelligenece
    the ability to learn new info quickly, abstract thought and short term memory, better in early adulthood down with age and down with neurological damage
  4. Chrystallized Intelligence
    the ability to use accumulated knowledge through time education experience and to use it in the right situation, includes verbal skills (peaks in the middle adulthood) compensating
  5. Memory
    • 3 categories:
    • Sensory memory: retains incoming sensory info for a very short period of time
    • Short term memory: working memory, stores infor for approx 15-20 seconds and can contain about 7 +- 2 bits of information..rehersal to retain info.
    • Long term memory: unlimited capacity and hold info for long periods of time divided in to 3 parts: procedural, declarative and flashbulb, can retrieve infro from memory in this stage
  6. Baltes: Paul..selective optimization with compensation & expert
    • selective optimization with compensation: selecting to make the most of what we know and the rest we will compensate for
    • Expert: realize our expertise
  7. Robert Sternberg
    • Analytic
    • Creative
    • Practical
  8. Later adulthood and cognitive development
    changes in the thinking process
    • sensory memory goes down
    • short term memory goes down
    • long term memocryt shouldnt decline
    • dual task deficit
  9. Senile: Old
    • a cognitive disorder that can occur in old age and causes a gradual deterioration of brain functioning, deterioration of brain tissue, symptoms include imparied memory, imparied judgement, language, orientation, mood (anxiety, depression, angry, out bursts)
    • affects men and women equally, approximately a dozen types of dementia,
    • Alzheimer's Disease (AD) # 1 cause of dementia & Vascular Dementia (VaD) # 2 cause of dementia
  10. Alzheimer's disease: AD
    The diagnosis only takes place after a person dies, Beta amyloid plaques=Cholesterol, and genetics
  11. Preventions of Alzheimer's disease
    lower cholesterol, increase challenging the brain: (education), increase vitamins C & E intake, increase social involvement
  12. Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
    No cure and it is recommended for caretakers to join a support group especially if theyre a loved one
  13. Different Types of Strokes
    • Ischemic: clogged vessel
    • Hemorrhagic: Burst vessel
Card Set
Middle & Late Adulthood Cognitive development