
  1. Senescence
    A gradual physical decline related to aging. Senescence occurs to everone in every body part, but the rate of decline is highly variable. Senescence occurs as a combination of both primary and secondary aging.
  2. primary & secondary aging in middle adulthood
    • primary aging: inevtable age: related changes that happen as time goes by
    • secondary aging" age related changes that happen as a consequence of our behavior/lifestyle (smoking, drinking, sun exercise) or societys failure to eliminate unhealthy conditioins (infectious disesases, polutants)
  3. physical appearance
    hair: loss of hair, gray hair...Skin: wrinkles around the eyes, the face where muschle patterns are built according to facial expressions keep fluid intake up as well as lotion up to keep aging of the skin minimal...Weight: metabolism slows down and we dont need as many calories (losing weight very quickly is not good for life expectancy)
  4. The Senses
    • Vision: goes down, normally noticed when trying to read (normally fine when trying to see things far away)
    • Hearing: stays constant, unfort. for men by the time they reach 90 they are considered to be deaf (secondary aging issue) protect your ears.
    • Taste, smell and touch: goes down
    • Kinesthetic sense: goes up and peaks @ 40-50 yrs of age your balance in space, receptors in our joints that send messages to our brain
  5. Vital body systems
    • Organ reserve in lungs, heart, digestive system goes down
    • Immune system goes down susceptible to flu and cold go down but susceptible to cancer hear dieses and other health problem catching up with us goes up
    • recovery time from injuries is longer
  6. The reproductive systerm
    • Sex hormones go down
    • for some their sexual response goes down
    • fertility goes down and stops
  7. Changes in the reproductive system for women
    • menopause: changes occur over 2-3 yrs menopause is dated 1 year after her last menstraul period
    • approximate age 42-58
    • average age 51
    • common symptoms: hot flashes, mod changes/swings, trouble sleeping, urinary tract infections, vaginal dryness
    • Cultural differences in the symptoms: some cultures the female's importance increases as she ages so her symptoms can vary from those cultures where an older womens importance decreases
    • HRT: Hormone Replacement therapy can increase breast cancer but its recommended for osteoporosis and family history of heart disease
  8. changes in the reproductive system for men
    the amount of testosterone produced will slowly diminish over time caused by primary aging illness stress and lack of sexual activity
  9. Longevity
    our biological potential
  10. Life expectancy
    how closean individual can get to that potential
  11. Genetic history on improving our chances of living a long and healthy life
    • being female, having ancestors who lived long, length of life of the mother
    • Women dont need to take an extra does of iron bc it decreases our life expectancy
  12. personal habits to improving our chances of living a long and healthy life
    body weight, smoking, alcohol consumption, exercise: 30 mins * 5 days a week, sexual activity: 3 times a week, regular physical exams
  13. socioeconomic status on improving our chances of living a long and healthy life
    education: the more educated the more we tend to exercise, the more years of education the less a person tends to smoke, occupation and income
  14. social and personality characteristics on improving our chances of living a long and healthy life
    marital status, level of social involvement, rural life vs city/sub life, level of optimism
  15. though about life expectancy
    • Conception: Men Vs Women
    • 120 males 100 females
    • Birth: Men Vs Women
    • 106 Males 100 Females
    • By the age of 60 Men Vs Women
    • 60 Males 100 Females
Card Set
Middle & late Adulthood Biosocial development