Hippocrates ideas on personality NO
Had to do with blood - too much blood if you were overly optimistic; he would bleed you.
William Sheldon's ideas on personality
- Somatype
- Ectomorph
- Mesomorph
- Endomorph
Sheldon's personality type that is body type - based on build you have you are a certain personality
Sheldon't idea on personality that says if you are thin skinny and angular builds you are a criminal
Sheldon's idea on personality type that says strong, muscular, athletic builds - you are well adjusted and happy
Sheldon's idea on personality type that says if you are round, rolly poly and fluffy, happy and jolly
An individual's characteristic style of behaving, thinking, and feeling
He believes that personality is ______% genetic and _____% environment NO
A standard series of ambiguous stimuli designed to elicit unique responses that reveal inner aspects of an individuals personality
Projective techniques
Two trait measurement tests are
- MMPI - only as objective as the person is truthful
- The big Five Dimensions of Personality - Most common one to test personality
Two projective techniques are
- Rorschach inkblot test
- Thematic apperception test
A relatively stable disposition to behave in a certain way
trait measurement
What is the most common test for personality?
Big Five Dimensions of Personality
Freud's three main ideas are?
- Psychic determinism
- unconscious motivation
- conflict
Freud's three levels of consciousness
- Conscious
- preconscious
- unconscious
Freud believes everything we do today happens because of what happiness yesterday. The past creates the present
psychic determinism
Freud said you do a lot of things but not know why
unconscious motivation
freud loves ______, between good (moral) and Bad (want, carnal, dark) parts of personality
One of the levels of consciousness described by freud to be the here and now - present - what we are aware of at any given time
Freud's idea of consciousness that is memory, not up to "this moment" conscious level - but can bring it up - acts as a gatekeeper
Freud's idea of consciousness that is all sex and aggression -- we are not aware of it
Freud's theory of personality focused on the _____ and how it influences our _______ and lives. He believed that our _______ operates in the ________ part of our minds.
- unconscious
- behavior
- personality
- unconscious
Freud saw the personality having three aspects they are
- Id - based on the pleasure principle
- Superego - based on the moral principle
- Ego - based on the reality principle
waht personality aspect of freud's says born with drives - sex aggression, freud says these are instincts, "devil" made me do it, its unconscious
What personality aspect of freud's says this is socialized - they teach you norms laws rules of society, teach you how to conduct youself, you develop a conscious. It's the "Angel" freud says it's both conscious and unconscious
What personality aspect of Freud's says executive of the mind. It is rational, logical, it is the decision maker. Conscious, the _____ will stop the _____ from getting what it wants -- it will just do it in a more acceptable way to society
Freud identified two classes of drives they are
- life or sexual instincts (also called Eros)
- Death instincts (also called thantos)
What class of drive that Freud identified deals with survival, reproduction, and pleasure?
Life or sexual instincts (Eros)
What class of drive from Freud deals with believeing the goal of life was to die
Death instincts (Thanatos)
What therapy did freud do that dealt with telling him the first thing that comes to your mind, 2nd etc...
Free association
refers to the release of emotional tension that builds in relationship to tension that leads to aggression
Freud's 5 psychosexual stages are
- Oral
- Anal
- Phallic
- Latency
- Genital
What psychosexual stage goes from birth to 1-1 1/2 years of age and he says our personality comes at this time?
What psychosexual stage goes from 1-1 1/2 to 3 years and is the time where we learn neat and tidy, give and take, look I'm in charge, potty training
What psychosexual stage goes from 3-6 year and is where you figure out sexuality, you look in the mirror and that is your definition of feminity/masculinity
What psychosexual stage goes from 6 years to adolescence and is where sex and aggression go to sleep, they're not the driving forces anymore
Which psychosexual stage is it when sex and aggression wake up - become the driving force now for rest of life
Freud's psycho-sexual stages are a _____ _____ of development.... the first such ____. Further he believed that a child's personality developed between birth up until age ____!
Freud says that you have to _____ each psychosexual stage or you get ____ in one and never move on
What complex of does freud say happens between 3-6 for "men" that says "in love with my mom do bad to dad so have moms love"
Oedipus complex
What complex does Freud say happens to women between 3-6 "fall in love with dad and do bad things to mom to have dads love"
Electra complex
What does Freud say in his young years he described _____ as sexual energy, and later he describe it as life energy
In three of Freud's stages the child has conflicts, which if not resolve properly, will create a _______ or to be stuck in that stage
According to Freud when anxiety occurs, the ego does one of two things
- Tries to consciously deal with the source of the threat through some type of problem coping effort
- It uses defense mechanisms that are intended to avoid or alleviate the anxiety to keep or get away from it altogether
Freud argued for several assumptions regarding defense mechanisms
- normal, typical
- carried to extremes, lead to compulsive unhealthy behavior
- operate on unconscious level (beginning)
- protect the ego against anxiety
- They are helpful to individual and generally harmless to society
- They all have repression as a key element
Defense mechanisms deny, falsify or distort _____ in some way. Make what is - what isn't
Defense mechanisms identified by Freud
- Repression
- Rationalization
- regression
- reaction formation
- projection
- displacement
Other defense mechanisms identified by psychologists
- - denial (don't even know I am lying)
- - sublimation (take our anxiety out on an activity (like exercising when you're angry)
- - intellectualization - gets to emotional level gets scary so talk about something safer more "intellectual".
- - suppression - like your emotions in a divorce, or the way Lavell Edwards face on the sidelines of a game.
Freud's book ___ ________ of ______
made him famous
Discriminate b/w ______ ______ of a dream which is the story line of the dream (the literal thing you see in a dream)
manifest content
The real meaning of a dream according to freud is called
Latent content (what it says underneath what does it says)
The satisfaction of our needs to be good, fully alive, and find meaning in life....survival, safety, love and belonging, and esteem needs
Maslow's Hierarchy of needs
Maslows hierarchy of needs has 5 levels from the bottom up they are
Physical, security, social, ego, self actualization
The first four needs on maslows hierarchy are categorized as ________ needs
Deficiency - taking care of self
The 5th level on maslows hierarchy of needs is categorized as the ______ needs
Being - higher things in life, people love what they are doing.
maslow's hierarchy need that is the need for water, air, food exercise rest freedom from diseases and disabilities
Maslow's hierarchy need that is need for safety shelter stability
Maslow's hierarchy need that is the need for being loved, belonging, inclusion
Maslow's hierarchy need that says the need for self esteem, power recognition, prestige. these needs are met through achievement, recognition, promotions and bonuses )I want to make myself better, improve myself increase my abilities
Maslow's hierarchy need that says need for development creativity. These needs are met through autonomy and achievment
What is the term that says personality is governed by an individuals ongoing choices and decisions in the context of the realities of life and death
Existential personality approach
Consistency of personality across situations -- personality is viewed in terms of how the person things about the situations encountered in daily life and behaves in response to them
The social cognitive approach
What are the four faces of personality
- The social face
- The personal face
- real face
- forgotten face
waht personality face is it that says use to impress other people
social face
What personality face is it that says can't lie about ourselves to ourselves
- personal face
- strong social face to hide weak personal face
What personality face says "you do something better than all the rest of us (classmates) you have something to offer life -- how we really are
The real face
What personality face says what we once were
The forgotten face - take some stuff as a kid - lost the "innocence" as you grew up
Focusing on the question of whether behavior is caused more by pesonality or situatinal factors
The person situation controversy
What effect is it that says situation drives the personality ahd to make hard decisions
The Truman effect
What are schemas or insights we create or build from experiences - we have them and they are different about different aspects of life and experience tends to change them. Different of these is what is key to personality differences
Personal constructs
When we set personal goals and expectancies, we tend to get what we expect
outcome expectancies
An individuals generalized expectations concerning where control over subsequent events resides. In other words, who or what is responsible for what happens
locus of control
some see the locus of control coming from within (your fault if things don't turn out right)
some see locus of control coming from outside of themselves - if things don't turn ouf its everyone elses fault
external locus of control
this is part of personality that the person knows and can report about and is abstractly organized and reported in terms of personality traits
The self concept
THis is the information we store about ourselves
Autobiographical memory
this is what we tell ourselves as we identify the ghighlights, as well as the low points of our life into a story
Self narrative
We tend ot seek evidence that which confirms our self-concept
self verification
a sense of self worth which arises comes from being accepted and valued by significant others.. parents, family, friends, work colleagues, etx. It can also involve the feeling of competence in scholarship, sports, activities etc..
self esteem
What is it called when you try do do best from the first day of class or going to gat an "A" whatever it takes. We think we can do it and we pour energy in that it takes to do it
self efficacy
People tend to take credit for their successes, but downplay responsibility for their failures
self serving bias
Positive self-esteem to extremes. Have a grandiose view of self,combined with a tendency to seek constant admiration from others
B.F. Skinner say learn our personalities from people around us. Become how we think we ought to become
Behaviorist perspective of personality
karen Horney perspective on hostile families
- Move toward people - take care of drunk dad door mat
- move against people - life's fighters
- move away from people - loners
certain circumstances we become different according to the situation. Learn to "do life" differently different cultures
sociocultural perspective of personality
due to your actions good looks, behaviors you get good grades even if don't deserve them
Halo effect - girl getting into college that was really pretty and smart
What is the YAVIS syndrome
- Young
- attractive
- verbal
- intelligent
- successful
- We all discriminate against people that don't have YAVIS qualities