Micro Chap 23

  1. Define Bacteremia.
    • Microorganism will occasionally enter the bloodstream.
    • usually controlled by immune system.
  2. Define Septicemia.
    (blood poisoning) microbes row and multiply in bloodstream.
  3. Define Lymphangitis.
    Symptom of septicemia in which red streaks due to inflamed lymphatics appear beneath the skin.
  4. What is the causative agent of Group B Streptococcal Disease?
    Streptococcus agalactiae.
  5. How is Group B Streptococcal Disease transmitted?
    • Common in vaginal flora.
    • Baby exposed to Group B strep upon delivery.
  6. What does Group B Streptococcal Diesase Cause?
    • neonatal sesis.
    • meningitis.
  7. What is the causative agent of Urban & Sylvatic Plague?
    Yersinia pestis.
  8. How is Urban & Sylvatic Plague Transmitted?
    • Infected flea is hungry due to large numbers of organisms blocking its digestive tract.
    • Infected flea regurgitates organisms into flea bite.
    • Bacilli kill phagocytes that try to eat them, reduce the inflammatory response, degrade complement proteins.
  9. What are the Stages of Urban & Sylvatic Plague?
    • Bubonic Plague.
    • Septicemic Plague.
    • Pneumonic Plague.
  10. What are the symptoms of Bubonic plague.
    • 2-6 days incubation.
    • enlarged tender lymph nodes (buboes).
    • Fever, chills extreme exhaustion.
    • Can be treated with antibiotics.
    • Hemorrhages turn skin black.
  11. What are the symptoms of Septicemic Plague?
    • Septicemia, Shock.
    • Hemorrhage and necrosis in all parts of the body.
    • Often fatal w/o treatment.
    • Can progress into lungs.
  12. What is the symptom of Pneumonic plague?
    • can be spread when aerosol droplets from coughing patient are inhaled.
    • difficulty breathing, bloody sputum.
    • Nearly always fatal.
  13. What is the Causative Agent of Mononucleosis?
    • Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV).
    • aka Herpes Virus 4.
  14. How is Mononucleosis Transmitted?
    • EBV enters body through the oropharynx.
    • Infects epithelial cells and eventually B cells.
    • Causes B cell to make random antibodies.
  15. What is the Major symptoms of Mononucleosis?
    • Headache.
    • Exhaustion.
    • Sore throat.
    • Splenomegaly.
    • Lymphadenopathy.
    • virus may kill B cells or remain latent.
    • latently infected B cells not attacked by cell mediated immune system.
  16. What is the causative agent for Burkitts Lymphoma?
    In combination with malaria Epstein-barr causes B cell cancer in young children in Africa.
  17. What are Major Symptoms of Burkitts Lymphoma?
    • form of cancer of the jaw.
    • a tumor of the jaw and viscera such as liver and spleen.
  18. What doe sthe Epstein-Barr Virus do to the lymphocytes?
    • 1. Elicits EBV antibodies.
    • 2.Viral genes are either incorporated into cellular DNA or kept in plasmid. Antigens are produced and cause T-Cells to proliferate.
    • 3.More antigens are produced on b-cell surface.
  19. What is Septic Shock?
    • A life threatening septicemia.
    • Low blood pressure and collapse of blood vessels.
    • Fever, shock, and lymphangitits.
    • 50-70% Mortality rate.
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Micro Chap 23
Micro Chap 23