Term 1 End Term Hesi 2

  1. What is the normal protein intake?
    0.8g of protein for each kg of body weight.
  2. What is the normal fat intake?
    0.4g of fat per kg of body weight
  3. What is the normal carbohydrate intake?
  4. What does the body protein for?
    • body function and structure,
    • nitrogen balance maintained by intake equal to that needed for protein synthesis preventing break down of the body protein.
  5. What does the body use carbohydrates for?
    Converted to glucose, used to make ATP storage
  6. What does the body use fats for?
    fuel (energy) supply, insulation, help form cell membrane, carries vitamin A, D, E and K and sex hormones.
  7. How does the nurse identify the client prior to giving medication?
    look at the patients charts, as the patient to identify themselves, and to check the wristband.
  8. What are the six rights of medication administration?
    client, drug, dose, route, time, documentation
  9. What is fish oils used for the body?
    omega 3 fatty acids (lowers risks of heart disease)
  10. What should the nurse do for a crying patient?
    hold their hand, listen, and use therapeutic communication.
  11. Where is the center of gravity on a child, young adult, and an elderly adult?
    mid-line. low center of gravity
  12. What does the body use calcium for and when a patient is receiving calcium and what nurse need to be aware
    maintains heart rhythms and contractions. increases the risk of digitais toxicity.
  13. What does the nurse need to be aware of when administering enteric coated medications?
    Do not crush or cut. do not chew must be absorbed in intestine.
  14. If a patient refuses to take a bath what can a nurse do?
    ask why, preference? come back at a later time.
  15. What are some short term goals in relationship to nutrition?
    • Diabetes: achieve optimal serum lipid level
    • Diarrhea: Pedialyte, Gatorade
    • Obesity: low in fat and kilocalories
  16. What type of food would a client get for a low cholesterol diet?
    milk products, and red meat
  17. What food should be avoided by the client on a low cholesterol diet?
    non fat dairy products, fish, poultry
  18. What foods should be avoided by a client on a low sodium diet?
    Anything with a high concentration of salt
  19. A client with heart failure would be on what type of diet and why? What foods would this client need to avoid?
    Restricted sodium diet to minimize sodium and water retention. The client would avoid food high in salt.
  20. What type of diet should a client with decubs be on?
    They should be on a high potassium calorie diet. diet with sufficient protein, vitamin C and zinc supplements
  21. When caring for a client with bed sores what should the nurse assess for?
    Size, Color, and Edema
  22. Describe the stages of decubitus ulcers and what they look like
    • Stage One: Erythema of intact skin
    • Stage Two: Partial thickness skin loss. Presents as a abrasion blister or shallow crater.
    • Stage Three: Deep crater. Full thickness loss.
    • Stage Four: Full thickness skin loos. Damage to bone or muscle.
  23. Describe how you would assess the site for an IM injection
    Away from blood vessels, nerves, and bones. check for swelling, bruises or lessions.
  24. How can iron be given?
    in food, vitamins, injection and pills.
  25. Children on liquid iron should take the medicine how?
    no more than 0.5mL/d or more than the amount that will be determined based on height and 2mL weight.
  26. What liquid is preferred to be given iron?
    orange juice
  27. What can you do to make bad tasting medication more easier to take?
    mix with apple sauce or juice, orange juice
  28. What is chemical digestion?
    Digestion is the mechanical and chemical breaking down of food into smaller components that can be absorbed into a blood stream. a break-down of larger food molecules to smaller ones.
  29. Describe the proper method for instilling a vaginal medication and what instructions will need to be given to the client.
    • 1. Have client void.
    • 2. Place client on back with knees flexed and hip rotated laterally.
    • 3. prep. equipment (put unwrapped suppository on open wrapper or fill applicator with prescribed cream or jelly. )
    • 4. clean perineal area. vaginal suppository: lube suppository and gloved finger. insert 8-10cm (3-4in) cream/jelly: 5cm(2in) for 5-20
  30. List the foods high in iron?
    meat, poultry, and fish. tuna, shrip, clams, dried beans, green beans, green peas, spinach, broccoli, potatoes, whole grains, and brown rice.
  31. List the foods high in protein?
    Animal food, sources, complete proteins, meats, fish, poultry, eggs, milk and cheese.
  32. List the food low in salt
    herbs spices, lemon juice, vinegar, wine as flavoring when cooking
  33. What are open ended questions and why are they preferred when talking to a client?
    Question that require more than a yes or no answer in order to gain more understanding of the patient therapeutic.
  34. What can a nurse do to minimize the chance of a medication error?
    Remember the 6 rights, check med math and labels 3 times, know medication and their effects and side effects, and know clients allergies and other prescribed medications.
Card Set
Term 1 End Term Hesi 2
Term 1 End Term Hesi 2