
  1. X0
  2. X-a
  3. Exponential Notation
    Less than one or greater than 10
  4. Scientific Notation
    Between 1-10
  5. MADD
    • Multiply (needs) Add (exponents)
    • When multiplying numbers with exponents, add the exponents.
  6. Dividing Exponent Numbers
    Subtract the exponents
  7. SNEL
    • Shortest Number Extreme Left
    • Us for Multiplication and Division
  8. Xa
  9. Adding and Subtracting Exponent Numbers
    • Make them match and bring them down
    • Make exponents match by choosing one number to remain the same, manipulate the other accordingly. Final answer will have shared exponent.
  10. SNAD
    • Shortest Number After Decimal
    • Use with adding and subtracting exponent number
    • 1) Determine Shortes # (Beads)
    • 2) Draw the lin after the decimal equal to the # of beads
    • 3) Round as needed
  11. Rounding with SNEL and SNAD
    • If it is Odd- ADD (Round UP)
    • If it is Even- L'Even (Do Nothing)
  12. Multiple Step Problem with Exponents
    Including +, -, x, /
    • Do all steps as usual
    • Determine SNEL based on all numbers in final answer- choose shortest
    • Complete SNEL on final answer
    • Do not include any certain numbers (Whole #)
  13. Interpreting Equations
    • (a)= (b)/c
    • Direct Relationship--> across from each other, seperated by =
    • Move together

    • (A)= B/(C)
    • Indirect Relationship
    • Move opposite
  14. Logorithim
    • Logical Arithmatic
    • Exoponent
  15. PEMDAS
    Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
    ( ), Xx, X, /, +, -
  16. Intrinsic
    • Does not rely on size of sample
    • Color, Ratios, Temperatures
  17. Periodisity
    Repeats self in a predictable manner
  18. Group 1A
    Alkali Metals
  19. Group 2A
    Alkali Earth Metals
  20. Group 7A
  21. Group 8A
    • Rare Inert Noble Gases
    • (RIN)
  22. Periodict Table Columns
  23. Periodic Table Rows
  24. Z
    • Atomic Number
    • Whole Numbers (Integers)
    • Number of protons and electrons
  25. A
    • Atomic Mass Number
    • Average of all isotopes
  26. Metals
    To left of Staircase
  27. Nonmetals
    To right of stair case
  28. Metaloid
    • On the staircase (but not in front of)
    • Sometimes acts like and resembles a metal
  29. Chemical Reactivity
    • Based on electorns in outermost shell
    • # of electorns in outermost shell is stated by Group Number (1 in 1, 2 in 2, etc.)
  30. Picometer
    • How radius is measured
    • 10-12
  31. Otet Rule
    • I will bond with someone if I can get 8 Electrons in my outer most shell.
    • 1A bonds with 7A
    • 2A bonds with 6A
    • 8A does not bond as it is complete (NOBLE gases)
  32. 2n2
    • How to determine the number of electrons on each ring
    • Ne- Group 8A
    • 8 rings
    • Ring 1: 2(1)2= 2 electrons
    • Ring 2: 2(2)2= 8 electrons
    • Ring 3: 2(3)2= 18 electrons
  33. Covalent Bonding
    • Sharing Electrons
    • Weaker bond
    • California
  34. Ionic Bonding
    • Very strong
    • Opposit charges attract like magnets
    • Transfering of electrons (stealing electrons)
    • Brooklyn Bonding
  35. Ion
    • Run in Greek
    • Change in balance of electrons and protons
  36. Isotope
    Atoms having same atomic # but different mass # because they have a different # of neutrons in the nucleus.
  37. Cations
    + charged

    • Electron leaves, becomes positively chargedmes positively charged
    • Smaller than an atom
  38. AnIons
    • (-) charged
    • Gain an Electron
    • Larger than an atom
  39. Pupose of Neutron
    Buffer the destructive properties of protons and electrons.
  40. A-Z=N
    (Atomic Mass Number) - (Atomic Number)= number of Neutrons
  41. Find Atomic Mass #
    • 1) Multiply mass # by weighted percentage (must all add up to 100)
    • 2) Add the mass numbers (result of multiplication)
    • 3) Divide total by 100
    • 4) Perform SNEL on final number
  42. Mole
    Avogadro's Number
  43. Oxygen bonding
    2 bonds and 2 lone pairs
  44. Significant Figures
    • Digets recordered in measurement (certain or uncertain)
    • 0 before decimal point are significant
    • 0 are NOT significant without decimal point
  45. Precision
    How close measurments are in a series to one another
  46. Accuracy
    How close a measurement is to actual value
  47. Molecule
    Independent structure consisting of 2 or more atoms chemically bound together
  48. Compound
    matter composed of 2 or more elements that are chemically bound
  49. Mega-
    • M
    • 106
  50. Kilo-
    • k
    • 103
  51. Centi-
    • c
    • 10-2
  52. Milli
    • m
    • 10-3
  53. Mole of amu
    • 1 gram
    • grams/ mole= amu
    • measurement of chemicical protions
  54. Micro
    • u
    • 10-6
  55. Molecular Weight
    • amu added up
    • example: CO2= 12+(2x16)=44.0g/mole
Card Set
Chemistry A- Week 1, Chapters 1 and 2