Equine Anatomy - Neck

  1. Equine Vertebral Formula
    • C - 7
    • T - 18
    • L - 6
    • S - 5
    • Ca- 15-21
  2. Vertebral columnar movements are mainly dorsal, ventral and lateral ______?
  3. The least amount of regional or segmental movement occurs in the _____?
    Thorax and Lumbar Areas
  4. Limited movement in the thorax and lumbar is due to?
    1) Interspinous Ligaments

    2) Intertransverse Ligaments

    3) Some Lumbar Transverse Processes
  5. The lumbar part constitutes what percentage of the total length of the vertebral column?
  6. Forelimb:Hindlimb weight bearing ratio
  7. Dorsoscapular Ligament is comprised of?
    1) Superficial Layer

    2) Middle Layer

    3) Deep Layer
  8. Muscles of the Neck
    1) Brachiocephalicus

    2) Sternocephalicus

    3) Splenius

    4) Sternohyoid

    5) Sternothryoideus

    6) Longus capitis

    7) Longus colli
  9. Muscles of the occipito-atlanto-axial joints
    1) Rectus capitis dorsalis major

    2) Rectus capitis dorsalis minor

    3) Obliquus capitis cranialis

    4) Obliquus capitis caudalis

    5) Rectus capitis lateralis

    6) Rectus capitis ventralis
  10. Two parts of the Ligamentum Nuchae
    1) Funiculus nuchae

    2) Lamina nuchae
  11. Bursae associated with the Nuchal Ligament
    1) Cranial Nuchal Bursa

    2) Caudal Nuchal Bursa

    3) Supraspinous Bursa
  12. The muscular groove where the external jugular vein lies is known as the?
    Jugular Groove
  13. The jugular vein is bounded by which muscles and in which directions?
    1) Cleidomastoideus (dorsally)

    2) Sternocephalicus (ventrally)

    3) Omohyoideus (medially)
  14. The jugular vein is covered caudoventrally by which muscle?
    cutaneous colli muscle
  15. Jugular venipuncture is done at what part of the vein?
    The cranial part of the vein.
  16. Boundaries of the viseral space of the neck:
    1) Sternothyroideus & Sternohyoideus (Ventrally)

    2) Omohyoideus & Sternocephalicus (Laterally)

    3) Longus colli & Longus capitis (Dorsally)
  17. Contents of the visceral space of the neck:
    1) Cervical Trachea

    2) Cervical Esophagus

    3) Cervical Thymus

    4) Carotid Sheath

    5) Reccurent Laryngeal Nerve

    6) Tracheal Duct
  18. Contents of the Carotid Sheath
    1) Common Carotid Artery

    2) Vagosympathetic Trunk

    No Internal Jugular Vein In The Horse
  19. What are the borders of the Jugular Groove?
    Cleidomastoideus (Dorsal)

    Sternocephalicus (Ventral)
  20. Name the two divisions of the Brachiocephalicus.
    Cleidomastoideus and Cleidobrachialis
  21. Which muscle lies between the common carotid artery and the external jugular vein?
  22. Name the parts of Viborg's Triangle.
    1) Lingual Facial Vein

    2) Ramus of Mandible

    3) Tendon of Sternocephalicus
Card Set
Equine Anatomy - Neck
Notecards for Neck Section of Equine Anatomy