Boards IV

  1. soft connective tissue within a tooth
  2. tissue within a tooth which is formed by fibroblasts and mesenchymal cells, which differentiate into blood vessels and nerve tissue
  3. which layer of the pulp continues to grow?
    out layer which contains odontoblast, the odontoblastic layer.
  4. what kind of pulp carries the nerve and blood supply fr the apex of the root to the pulp chamber
    radicular pulp
  5. the cell-free zone aka the subodontoblastic plexus under the odontoblastic layer is also called
    plexus of Raschkow
  6. lump of calcified tissue sometimes known as a pulp stone
  7. what's the difference between a true and false denticle?
    true denticle show traces of odontoblast (dentin)
  8. what type of cells form dentin?
  9. the beginning of dentinogenesis starts with the odontoblast secreting what?
    predentin (which eventually mineralizes into dentin)
  10. layer formation of the dentinal matrix
  11. where do odontoblast start forming dentin?
    at the DEJ (dental-enamel junction) and developes inward towards the pulp
  12. layer of dentin closest to the DEJ is called the
    mantle dentin

    -contains heavy coarse collagen fibers called Korff's fibers.
  13. heayv coarse collagen fibers which extend from fibroblasts towards the inner enamel epithelium, forming bundles that make up the dentin matrix
    Korff's fibers
  14. what color is secondary dentin?
  15. irregular, secondary dentin which forms in response to pathological stimuli
    reactive, reparative, or tertiary dentin
  16. dentin matrix that forms imperfectly between calcified globules under the DEJ
    Interglobular dentin
  17. dentin found between the dentinal tubules
    intertubular dentin
  18. more calcified form of dentin, which forms in repsonse to stimuli after the roots are complete
    secondary dentin
  19. when dentinal tubules calcify to produce translucency
    sclerotic or transparent dentin
  20. dentin matrix that forms imperfect globules found under the CEJ
    Tome's granular layer
  21. tiny tunnels odontoblasts leave behind
    odontoblastic processes also called dentinal tubules which transmit sensitivity
  22. darker incremental lines in mature dentin
    Imbrication lines of von Ebner
  23. difference between primary S-shaped curves and secondary S-shaped curves.
    • primary S-shaped curves are larger and reflects the movement of crowded odontoblasts
    • Secondary S-shaped curve is a smaller S, seen in the length of the enamel.
  24. true denticles form during
    root formation
  25. false denticles develop during
    pulp degeneration
  26. dentin:
    __% inorganic
    __% organic
    __% water
    • 70% inorganic
    • 18% organic
    • 12% water
  27. enamel:__% inorganic__% organic__% water
    • 95% inorganic
    • 1% organic
    • 4% water
  28. how many ameloblast does it take to make 1 enamel rod?
  29. where does enamel originate?
  30. where does ameloblasts of the inner enamel epithelium (which makes enamel) originate?
    ectodermal tissue
  31. finger-like projection of ameloblast during the secretory phase of amelogenesis
    Tomes' process
  32. Apposition of enamel begins where?
    at the incisal/occlusal surface
  33. enamel rodes or prisms that makeup the crystalline structure of enmale are dictated by....?
    Tomes' process
  34. grooves associated with the lines of Retzius
  35. bands that indicate gradual change in enamel production
    lines of Rerzius
  36. areas of weakened enamel that were not totally calcified
    Enamel lamellae
  37. What are enamel spindles?
    when dentin production by odontoblasts cross over into enamel before enamel has a chance to mature
  38. weakened areas of partially calcified enamel that extendfrom the DEJ to a short distance in the enamel
    Enamel tuft
  39. reduced enamel epithelium (REE)
    occurs when the secretory phase of amelogenesis creases and ameloblasts shrink fr columnar to cuboidal cells to become a thin layer covering enamel. it includes ameloblasts and stratum intermedium layers. REE can become part of Nasmyth's membrane which can stain green on newly erupted teeth
  40. deficient amount of enamel. harder content but thinner matrix layer, so it yellow-dark brown. enamel appears pitted. caused by trauma, high fever, or too much fluoride.
    enamel hypoplasia
  41. defect in the mineralization of formed enamel matrix. soft under-calcified enamel that is yellow-dark brown
    enamel hypocalcification.
  42. is fluorosis a form of enamel hypocalcification or enamel hypoplasia?
    enamel hypoplasia.

    hypoplasia is harder. hypocalcification is soft.
  43. calcified connective tissue covering root of tooth
  44. cementum
    what percent inorganc, organic, and water?
    • 65% inorganic
    • 23% organic
    • 12% water
  45. what portion of development developes into cementum?
    mesenchyme -> dental sac -> (cementoblast produces) cementum
  46. shape of the root is determined by
    Hertwig's root sheath
  47. What generates Hertwig's rooth sheath?
    cervical loop of the enamel organ
  48. a mode of attachment for a tooth to the periodontal ligament
    Sharpey's fibers
  49. a thin layer of cementum which forms slowly over the coronal protion of root and does not contain any embedded cementocytes
    Acellular cementum
  50. cementum which is deposited at the apical portion of the root at a rapid rate and in layers. also contains embedded cementocytes
    cellular cementum
  51. cementum abnormalities:
    cemental spurs
    hypercementosis or cemental hyperplasia
    • cemental spurs: found new CEJ are excessive symmetrical masses of cementum
    • cementicles: small abnormal calcified masses found in the periodontal liament
    • hypercementosis or cemental hyperplasia: excessive build up of secondary cementum on the root surface. commonly occurs on apical 2/3 of root.
  52. tooth most likely to have a lingual pit
    lateral max incisor
  53. longest tooth in the mouth, also considered the cornerstone
    max canine
  54. age of eruption of maxillary central incisor
  55. age of eruption of maxillary lateral incisors
  56. age of eruption of maxillary canine
  57. age of eruption of maxillary first premolar
  58. maxillary tooth with a prominent concavity on the mesial aspect but not the distal...aka development depression. also has bifurcated roots
    maxillary first premolar
  59. age of eruption of max second premolar
  60. which maxillary premolar has no concavity
    the second premolar
  61. the last succedaneous tooth to erupt is
    the maxillary canine
  62. largest tooth in max arch
    first molar
  63. first permenant tooth to erupt in the max arch
    first molar (6 yrs)
  64. age of eruption of maxillary first molar
    6 yrs
  65. where is the cusp of Carabelli found?
    fifth lobe on the mesiolingual cusp
  66. occlusal view: rhomboid shape with an oblique ridge that is uninterrupted by a central groove
    roots: 3 roots. lingual is the longest. mesio and distobuccal are more curved
    max first molar
  67. occlusal view: four cusp. rhomboid but can be heart-shaped.
    max second molar.
  68. age of eruption of maxillary second molar
  69. most anomalies of all permanent teeth
    max third molar
  70. age of eruption of max third molar
  71. mandibular canine has two developmental depressions
    mesial and distal
  72. anterior tooth with greatest tendency to have a bifurcated root
    mandibular canine
  73. tooth with Y U or H pattern depending on cusp number
    man sec premolar
  74. which root is longer on the man first molar?
  75. what age is best to place sealants?
    6 years (6 yr molars), first grade
  76. missing teeth due to missing tooth germs
  77. hereditary condition of enamel hypoplasia
    Amelogenesis imperfecta
  78. Amelogenesis imperfecta scale
    • Type 1: yellow-brown color. radiographically, absent or thin on cusps tips
    • Type 2: enamel is hypocalcified, low mineralization. enamel may fracture. yellow-orange brown color. Radiographically, appears normal, with enamel and dentin having similar density, but enamel looks "moth-eaten"
    • Type 3: hypomatured. opaque and porous. enamel is normal thickness but softer. can be white at occulsal third.
    • Type 4: related to taurodontism, hypomatured or hypoplastic enamel. enamel is thin or has pits on facial surfaces and is white-yellow o brown. radiographically, enamel appears normal to slightly more radioopaque than dentin with large pulp chambers
  79. dens evaginatus
    an accessory cusp typically found on mandibular premolars

    (don't confuse with dens invaginatus which is like dens in dente)
  80. cause by congenital sphyillus
    hutchinson's incisors (screw-driver/bell shaped teeth) and mulberry molars (poor cust development)
  81. periodontia consist of

    • periodontal ligament
    • alveolar bone
    • cementum
    • gingiva
  82. cortical and trabecular bone, which is seen radiographically?
  83. trabecular bone is also called..
    cancellous or spongy bone
  84. alveolar bone forms over what kind of bone?
    basal bone
  85. corticol bone is found..
    covering facial and lingual aspect of teeth, not seen in radiographs
  86. trabecular bone is found...
    • between teeth and between the roots.
    • between teeth: interdental septum
    • between roots: interradicular septum
  87. alveolar bone splits into...
    alveolar bone proper and supporting alveolar bone

    • alveolar bone proper forms the inner tooth socket
    • supporting alveolar bone surrounds and supports alvolar bone proper
  88. alveolar bone proper is also know as
    cribriform plate

    function: lines the inner tooth socket
  89. radioraphically the cribiform plate or alveolar bone proper is seen as..
    lamina dura
  90. where do Sharpey's fibers embed to support the perio ligament of tooth?
    bundle bone contained in alveolar bone proper
  91. the alveolar crest is _____ mm apical to CEJ
    1.5-2.0 mm
  92. what attaches cementum to alveolar bone?
    periodontal ligament
  93. alveolodental ligaments include:
    alveolar crest fibers
    apical fibers
    horizontal fibers
    interradicular fibers
    oblique fibers
    • alveolar crest fibers: from cementum, below the CEJ obliquely to alveolar crest bone
    • apical fibers: fr cementum of root tip to alveolar bone proper
    • horizontal fibers: extends horizontally fr cementum to alveolar bone
    • interradicular fibers: extends from root of one tooth to another root of same tooth, no bone
    • oblique fibers: fr alveolar bone to cementum in apical direction.
  94. what is the main mode of attachment of the perio ligament?
    oblique fibers
  95. centric relation vs centric occlusion
    • centric relation is when the condyle of man. are in the upmost n rearmost location in articular fossa of temporomandibular joint
    • centric occlusion is ideal relation of teeth
Card Set
Boards IV