CALE Herb Formulas

  1. Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
    LV/KD Yin Xu

    • Shu Di Huang
    • Shan Zhu Yu
    • Shan Yao
    • Fu Ling
    • Mu Dan Pi
    • Ze Xie
  2. Ma Huang Tang
    NO sweating with an exterior cold condition

    • Ma Huang
    • Gui Zhi
    • Xing Ren
    • Zhi Gan Cao
  3. Gui Zhi Tang
    used when there is sweating with an exterior cold condition, the Wei (protective) Qi is unable to protect the exterior and the Ying (nutritive) Qi can not nurture the interior

    • Gui Zhi
    • Bai Shao
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Da Zao
    • Zhi Gan Cao
  4. Sang Ju Yin
    Early stage exterior Wind-Heat causing cough

    • Sang Ye
    • Ju Hua
    • Lian Qiao
    • Bo He
    • Jie Geng
    • Xing Ren
    • Lu Gen
    • Gan Cao
  5. Yin Qiao San
    Exterior Wind-Heat with heat toxins

    • Jin Yin Hua
    • Lian Qiao
    • Jie Geng
    • Niu Bang Zi
    • Bo He
    • Dan Dou Chi
    • Jing Jie
    • Dan Zhu Ye
    • Lu Gen
    • Gan Cao
  6. Ge Gen Tang
    • Chills and fever without sweating, aversion to cold
    • Rigid or stiff neck and upper back muscles.
    • Possible diarrhea or nausea, irritability or insomnia, or headache with mixed Tai Yang and Yang Ming syndromes.

    • Ge Gen
    • Ma Huang
    • Gui Zhi
    • Bai Shao
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Da Zao
    • Gan Cao
  7. Ren Shen Bai Du San
    Invasion of Exterior Wind-Cold-Damp with underlying Qi Deficiency

    • Qiang Huo
    • Du Huo
    • Chuan Xiong
    • Chai Hu
    • Jie Geng
    • Zhi Ke
    • Qian Hu
    • Ren Shen
    • Fu Ling
    • Gan Cao
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Bo He
  8. Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang
    Wind-Cold (Tai Yang) transforming into Interior Heat (Yang Ming)

    • Chai Hu
    • Ge Gen
    • Qiang Huo
    • Bai Zhi
    • Huang Qin
    • Shi Gao
    • Jie Geng
    • Bai Shao
    • Gan Cao
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Da Zao
  9. Bai Hu Tang
    • 6 Stages: Yang Ming Channel Heat
    • 4 Levels: Qi Level Heat

    • Shi Gao
    • Zhi Mu
    • Zhi Gan Cao
    • Geng Mi
  10. Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
    Fire toxins in all three Jiao

    • Huang Lian
    • Huang Qin
    • Huang Bai
    • Zhi Zi
  11. Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
    Heat trapped in the Lungs, with or without an external Wind-Heat condition

    • Ma Huang
    • Shi Gao
    • Xing Ren
    • Zhi Gan Cao
  12. Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
    • Excess Heat in the Liver and/or Gallbladder Channels
    • Liver Damp Heat in the Lower Jiao

    • Long Dan Cao
    • Huang Qin
    • Zhi Zi
    • Chuan Mu Tong
    • Che Qian Zi
    • Ze Xie
    • Chai Hu
    • Sheng Di Huang
    • Dang Gui
    • Gan Cao
  13. Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang
    • Smoldering heat from Yin deficiency, usually during later stage febrile diseases
    • Nourishes Yin and clears deficient heat

    • Bie Jia
    • Qing Hao
    • Sheng Di Huang
    • Zhi Mu
    • Mu Dan Pi
  14. Da Cheng Qi Tang
    • Yang Ming Organ Heat with Constipation or Diarrhea
    • Strongly purges accumulation and clears heat from the Stomach and the Intestines

    • Da Huang (add towards end of decoction)
    • Mang Xiao (dissolve)
    • Zhi Shi
    • Hou Po
  15. Xiao Cheng Qi Tang
    • Mild Heat in the Yang-Ming (Organ Syndrome)
    • Clear Stomach and Intestinal Heat
    • Moderately purges heat accumulation and moves the Qi

    • Da Huang (decoct all together)
    • Hou Po
    • Zhi Shi
  16. Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang
    • Mild Yang Ming Organ Heat
    • Mildly purges formed heat accumulation
    • Constipation and irritability with no abdominal fullness or focal distention

    • Da Huang
    • Gan Cao
    • Mang Xiao
  17. Xiao Chai Hu Tang
    • Harmonizes Shao Yang Stage disorders
    • Harmonizes and Tonifies the Middle Jiao.
    • Alternating chills and fever, dry mouth and throat, bitter taste in the mouth, irritability, dizziness, fullness and discomfort in the hypochondria and chest, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn

    • Chai Hu (larger dose...12-20g?)
    • Huang Qin
    • Ban Xia
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Ren Shen
    • Zhi Gan Cao
    • Da Zao
  18. Xiao Yao San
    • Spreads Liver Qi and relieves stagnation
    • Tonifies the Spleen and nourishes the blood

    • Chai Hu (9g?)
    • Dang Gui
    • Bai Shao
    • Bai Zhu
    • Fu Ling
    • Bo He
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Zhi Gan Cao
  19. Si Ni San
    • Spreads Liver Qi and regulates the Spleen
    • Eliminates internal heat and reduces stagnation

    • Chai Hu (9g?)
    • Bai shao
    • Zhi Shi
    • Zhi Gan Cao
  20. Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
    • Stomach and Intestinal Disharmony with Heat and Cold Complex in the Middle Jiao
    • Harmonizes the Stomach and descends rebellious Qi
    • Disperses accumulation, masses, and clumping.
    • Relieves fullness and focal distention

    • Ban Xia
    • Gan Jiang
    • Huang Qin
    • Huang Lian
    • Ren Shen
    • Da Zao
    • Zhi Gan Cao
  21. Wu Ling San
    • Promotes urination, drains damp, and strengthens the Spleen
    • Warms the Yang and promotes transformation of Bladder Qi

    • Ze Xie
    • Fu Ling
    • Zhu Ling
    • Bai Zhu
    • Gui Zhi
  22. Zhu Ling Tang
    • Promotes urination, drains dampness, and clears heat
    • Nourishes Yin and Fluids

    • Zhu Ling
    • Fu Ling
    • Ze Xie
    • Hua Shi
    • E Jiao
  23. Wu Pi Tang
    • Damp Accumulation (Skin Edema) due to Spleen Qi deficiency
    • Promotes urination and drains dampness to reduce edema
    • Regulates the Qi and tonifies the Spleen

    • Sang Bai Pi
    • Sheng Jiang Pi
    • Fu Ling Pi
    • Chen Pi
    • Da Fu Pi
  24. Ping Wei San
    • Damp Cold stagnation in the Middle Jiao
    • Dries dampness and strengthens the Spleen
    • Activates and regulates the Spleen and Stomach Qi
    • Harmonizes the middle Jiao

    • Cang Zhu
    • Hou Po
    • Chen Pi
    • Zhi Gan Cao
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Da Zao
  25. Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Tang
    • External Wind-Cold with internal turbid dampness
    • Releases the exterior and resolves turbid dampness
    • Activates the Qi and harmonizes the Middle Jiao

    • Huo Xiang
    • Hou Po
    • Chen Pi
    • Zi Su Ye
    • Bai Zhi
    • Ban Xia
    • Da Fu Pi
    • Bai Zhu
    • Fu Ling
    • Jie Geng
    • Zhi Gan Cao
  26. Ba Zheng Tang
    Damp Heat in the Lower Jiao (UB)

    • Chuan Mu Tong
    • Hua Shi
    • Che Qian Zi
    • Qu Mai
    • Bian Xu
    • Zhi Zi
    • Jiu Da Huang (wine treated)
    • Deng Qin Cao
    • Gan Cao
  27. Zhen Wu Tang
    • Kidney Yang deficiency with pathogenic fluid accumulation
    • Warms Spleen and Kidney Yang, promotes urination, and drains Water-Damp

    • Fu Zi
    • Bai Zhu
    • Fu Ling
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Bai Shao
  28. Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang
    • Formulas that Promote Urination and Leach out Dampness
    • Wind Damp Cold Bi with Liver and Kidney Deficiency

    • Du Huo
    • Xi Xin
    • Fang Feng
    • Qin Jiao
    • Sang Ji Sheng
    • Du Zhong
    • Huai Niu Xi
    • Rou Gui
    • Dang Gui
    • Chuan Xiong
    • Sheng Di Huang
    • Bai Shao
    • Ren Shen
    • Fu Ling
    • Zhi Gan Cao
  29. Li Zhong Wan
    Middle Jiao (SP, ST) Yang deficiency with cold

    • Gan Jiang
    • Ren Shen
    • Bai Zhu
    • Zhi Gan Cao
  30. Wu Zhu Yu Tang
    • Stomach Cold with rebellious Qi: Immediate nausea and vomiting after eating, acid reflux, abdominal or epigastric pain or fullness, and gnawing hunger
    • Jue Yin Channel Cold (Liver): Vertex headache, dry heaves, or spitting of clear fluids.
    • Shao Yin Channel Cold (Kidney): Watery diarrhea and vomiting with cold hands and feet. Severe mental agitation

    • Wu Zhu YU
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Ren Shen
    • Da Zao
  31. Da Jian Zhing Tang
    • Cold from Yang Deficiency with upward movement of cold
    • Tonifies and warms the middle burner (SP/ST)
    • Moves rebellious Qi downward.
    • Alleviates pain.

    • Chuan Jiao
    • Gan Jiang
    • Ren Shen
    • Yi Tang
  32. Si Ni Tang
    • Tonifies Kidney Yang and rescues devastated Yang
    • Warms the Middle Jiao and relieves abdominal pain and stops diarrhea.\

    • Fu Zi (cook for 30-60 minutes before adding other herbs)
    • Gan Jiang
    • Zhi Gan Cao
  33. Si Jun Zi Tang
    Tonifies Qi and strengthens the Spleen and Stomach

    • Ren Shen
    • Bai Zhu
    • Fu Ling
    • Zhi Gan Cao
  34. Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
    • Tonifies Spleen Qi and the Middle Jiao
    • Raises sunken Yang and counters prolapse

    • Huang Qi
    • Ren Shen
    • Bai Zhu
    • Zhi Gan Cao
    • Dang Gui
    • Chen Pi
    • Sheng Ma
    • Chai Hu
  35. Sheng Mai San
    • Qi and Yin deficiency of the Lungs
    • Tonifies Qi, stops excess sweating, and alleviates fatigue
    • Nourishes Yin and Fluids and moistens dryness.

    • Ren Shen
    • Mai Men Dong
    • Wu Wei Zi
  36. Si Wu Tang
    • Liver Blood Deficiency
    • Tonifies and invigorates the blood
    • Regulates the Liver, harmonizes the menses, and alleviates pain

    • Shu Di Huang
    • Bai Shao
    • Dang Gui
    • Chuan Xiong
  37. Gui Pi Tang
    Spleen Qi deficiency with Heart Blood and Yin deficiency

    • Ren Shen
    • Huang Qi
    • Bai Zhu
    • Fu Ling
    • Suan Zao Ren
    • Long Yan Rou
    • Mu Xiang
    • Zhi Gan Cao
    • Dang Gui
    • Yuan Zhi
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Da Zao
  38. Shi Quan Da Bu Tang
    • Qi and Blood deficiency with internal cold
    • Tonifies Qi and Blood and alleviates fatigue
    • Warms the Yang and dispels cold

    • Ren Shen
    • Bai Zhu
    • Fu Ling
    • Zhi Gan Cao
    • Shu Di Huang
    • Bai Shao
    • Dang Gui
    • Chuan Xiong
    • Rou Gui
    • Huang Qi
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Da Zao
  39. Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan
    • Yang Deficiency Cold: Weakness and soreness in the lower back and knees, tenderness or tense feeling in the lower abdomen, a cold feeling in the lower half of the body, impotence, spermatorrhea, palpitations, clear and profuse urination possibly with incontinence, water retention, irritability with a difficulty or inability to lay down
    • Kidney Yang Deficiency with Damp and Water Accumulation: Wasting and Thirsting disorder with thirst and copious and frequent urination. Leg Qi with sore, weak, numb, and swollen lower limbs and difficulty walking.

    • Sheng Di Huang
    • Shan Zhu Yu
    • Shan Yao
    • Fu Zi
    • Gui Zhi
    • Ze Xie
    • Fu Ling
    • Mu Dan Pi
  40. Ban Xia Hou Po Tang
    Qi Stagnation with Phlegm, Plum-Pit Qi

    • Ban Xia
    • Hou Po
    • Fu Ling
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Zi Su Ye
  41. Yue Ju Wan
    Activates Qi, releases constraint, and reduces stagnation of Qi, Blood, Damp, Phlegm, Heat, and Food

    • Cang Zhu
    • Chuan Xiong
    • Xiang Fu
    • Zhi Zi
    • Shen Qu
  42. Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang
    • Phlegm Cold congesting the Lungs and the Kidneys not grasping the Qi (Excess above, Deficiency below)
    • Descends rebellious Lung Qi to arrest wheezing and stop cough
    • Warms and Transforms Phlegm-Cold

    • Zi Su Zi
    • Ban Xia
    • Dang Gui
    • Gan Cao
    • Hou Po
    • Qian Hu
    • Rou Gui
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Da Zao
    • Zi Su Ye
    • Chen Pi
  43. Ding Chuan Tang
    Descends and circulates Lung Qi to stop wheezing, mildly clears heat, transforms phlegm and releases wind cold

    • Bai Guo
    • Ma Huang
    • Zi Su Zi
    • Gan Cao
    • Kuan Dong Hua
    • Xing Ren
    • Sang Bai Pi
    • Huang Qin
    • Ban Xia
  44. Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang
    • Directs rebellious Stomach Qi downward, clears heat, harmonizes the Middle Jiao, stops hiccups, and augments the Qi
    • Dry heaves, nausea, vomiting, hiccups, dry mouth, appetite loss, and thirst

    • Chen Pi
    • Zhu Ru
    • Ren Shen
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Gan Cao
    • Da Zao
  45. Tao He Cheng Qi Tang
    Breaks Blood stagnation and drains heat

    • Tao Ren
    • Da Huang
    • Gui Zhi
    • Mang Xiao
    • Zhi Gan Cao
  46. Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
    • Invigorates the blood and dispels blood stagnation
    • Spreads Liver Qi, unblocks the channels, and relieves pain

    • Tao Ren
    • Hong Hua
    • Dang Gui
    • Chuan Xiong
    • Chi Shao
    • Chuan Niu Xi
    • Chai Hu
    • Jie Geng
    • Zhi Ke
    • Sheng Di Huang
    • Gan Cao
  47. Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan
    • Invigorates the blood and transforms blood stagnation
    • Regulates the menses and reduces lower abdominal lumps and masses that are fixed in nature

    • Blood stagnation in the Uterus: Fixed lumps or masses in the lower abdomen with pain and tenderness, especially with pressure Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, uterine fibroids, and postpartum retention of the lochia.
    • Blood stagnation in the uterus during pregnancy: Persistent but mild uterine bleeding during pregnancy with purple or dark blood. Abdominal pain and spasms, abdominal tension and tenderness, and restless fetus syndrome

    • Gui Zhi
    • Fu Ling
    • Bai Shao
    • Mu Dan Pi
    • Tao Ren
  48. Wen Jing Tang
    Dispels cold, warms and harmonizes the menses, nourishes the blood, dispels blood stagnation, and tonifies the Qi of the Middle Jiao

    • Wu Zhu Yu
    • Gui Zhi
    • Dang Gui
    • Chuan Xiong
    • Bai Shao
    • E Jiao
    • Mai Men Dong
    • Mu Dan Pi
    • Ren Shen
    • Gan Cao
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Ban Xia
  49. Yu Ping Feng San
    Wei Qi Deficiency with an unstable and weak exterior

    • Huang Qi
    • Bai Zhu
    • Fang Feng
  50. Gu Jing wan
    • Nourishes the Yin, clears deficient heat, stops bleeding, and stabilizes the menses
    • Uterine bleeding that alternates between light and heavy flow, continuous menstruation. The blood is thick red or purple with clots. There may also be irritability, a sensation of heat in the chest, lower abdominal pain, and dark urine.

    • Gui Ban
    • Bai Shao
    • Huang Qin
    • Chun Pi
    • Huang Bai
    • Xiang Fu
  51. Si Shen wan
    • Tonifies and warms the Spleen and Kidneys.
    • Astringes the intestines and stops diarrhea.

    • Bu Gu Zhi
    • Wu Zhu Yu
    • Rou Dou Kou
    • Wu Wei Zi
  52. Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan
    • Heart and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    • Nourishes the Blood and Yin, Tonifies the Heart and Kidneys, clears deficient heat, and calms the spirit

    • Sheng Di Huang
    • Ren Shen
    • Tian Men Dong
    • Mai Men Dong
    • Xuan Shen
    • Dan shen
    • Fu Ling
    • Yuan Zhi
    • Dang Gui
    • Wu wei Zi
    • Bai Zi Ren
    • Suan Zao Ren
    • Jie Geng
  53. Suan Zao Ren Tang
    • Liver Blood Deficiency with Heat from Deficiency
    • Nourishes Liver and Heart blood Nourishes Yin. Clears deficient heat and calms the spirit

    • Suan Zao Ren
    • Fu Ling
    • Zhi Mu
    • Chuan Xiong
    • Gan Cao
  54. Gan Mai Da Zao Tang
    • "Happy Tea"
    • Restless Organ Syndrome (Zang Zao)
    • Nourishes the Heart and calms the Spirit
    • Harmonizes the Middle Jiao.
    • Depression, moodiness, frequent melancholy and crying, sadness, frequent yawning, restless sleep with possible sweating, in severe cases there can be abnormal speech and behavior

    • Gan Cao
    • Fu Xiao Mai
    • Da Zao
  55. Xiao Feng San
    • Exterior invasion of Wind-Heat or Wind Damp battling with interior Damp heat injuring Blood and Yin
    • Disperses wind and eliminates damp Clears heat, cools and nourishes the blood.
    • Weeping and itching skin rashes over a large part of the body, and possible subcutaneous bleeding

    • Jing Jie
    • Fang Feng
    • Niu Bang Zi
    • Chan Tui
    • Cang Zhu
    • Ku Shen
    • Chuan Mu Tong
    • Shi Gao
    • Zhi Mu
    • Sheng Di Huang
    • Dang Gui
    • Hei Zhi Ma
    • Gan Cao
  56. Xiao Huo Luo Dan
    • Invigorates the blood, warms and unblocks the channels, dispels wind and damp, and transforms phlegm
    • Wind Damp Cold blocking the channels: Severe migrating or fixed pain in the joints and bones with stiffness and a reduced range of motion
    • Wind Phlegm blockage with Blood stagnation in the channels (Wind Stroke): Chronic weakness, numbness, and pain of the extremities. Possible paralysis. Wind stroke

    • Cao Wu
    • Chuan Wu
    • Zhi Tian Nan Xing
    • Mo Yao
    • Ru Xiang
    • Di Long
  57. Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin
    • Rising Liver Yang with Liver Wind
    • Sedates the Yang, calms the Liver, and extinguishes internal wind
    • Tonifies the Liver and Kidneys, invigorates the Blood, and clears heat

    • Tian Ma
    • Gou Teng
    • Shi Jue Ming
    • Zhi Zi
    • Huang Qin
    • Yi Mu Cao
    • Chuan Niu Xi
    • Du Zhong
    • Sang Ji Sheng
    • Ye Jiao Teng
    • Fu Shen
  58. Er Chen Tang
    Dries dampness, reduces phlegm, regulates the Qi, and harmonizes the Middle Jiao

    • Ban Xia
    • Ju Hong (Chen Pi)
    • Fu Ling
    • Zhi Gan Cao
  59. Wen Dan Tang
    • Clears Gallbladder heat, regulates Qi, reduces phlegm, and regulates the stomach
    • Nausea and vomiting, bitter taste, sour regurgitation, dizziness, vertigo, anxiety, palpitations, insomnia, slight thirst, and gnawing hunger
    • Seizures with copious sputum and focal distension in the chest.

    • Zhu Ru
    • Zhi Shi
    • Ban Xia
    • Chen Pi
    • Fu Ling
    • Gan Cao
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Da Zao
  60. Bei Mu Gua Lou San
    • Lung Dryness with Phlegm
    • Moistens and nourishes the Lungs
    • Clears heat.
    • Regulates Qi, Stops, cough, and transforms phlegm.

    • Chuan Bei Mu
    • Gua Lou
    • Tian Hua Fen
    • Fu Ling
    • Ju Hong
    • Jie Geng
  61. Zhi Sou San
    • Wind attacking the Lungs
    • Releases the exterior, disseminates Lung Qi, resolves Phlegm, and stops cough Dispels external Wind Cold.
    • Cough, itchy or sore throat, possible slight fever and chills, aversion to wind

    • Jie Geng
    • Jing Jie
    • Zi Wan
    • Bai Bu
    • Bai Qian
    • Gan Cao
    • Chen Pi
  62. Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
    • Internal Wind Phlegm
    • Strengthens the Spleen and dispels dampness
    • Extinguishes Liver wind.
    • Transforms phlegm.
    • Vertigo, dizziness, headache, nausea, and vomiting
    • Distension and fullness in the chest and epigastria.
    • Profuse expectoration of Sputum.

    • Ban Xia
    • Tian Ma
    • Bai Zhu
    • Ju Hong
    • Fu Ling
    • Gan Cao
    • Sheng Jiang
    • Da Zao
  63. Bao He Wan
    • Acute and mild food stagnation
    • Promotes digestion and reduces food stagnation
    • Dries damp and clears heat

    • Shan Zha
    • Shen Qu
    • Lai Fu Zi
    • Chen Pi
    • Ban Xia
    • Fu Ling
    • Lian Qiao
  64. Ba Zhen Tang
Card Set
CALE Herb Formulas
CALE Herb Formulas