1. Define the word aerobic.
    "with oxygen"
  2. Why is oxygen necessary during an aerobic activity
    to burn fuels which produce energy for prolonged activity
  3. What does excersing aerobically do physiologically for the body?
    increase the efficiencey of the heart, lungs, and circulation system.
  4. Why is it important to have a healthy heart?
    ability to supply plemnty of oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles during normal activity
  5. Define aerobic activities.
    rhythmical, continous, and involves large muscle groups
  6. Give 3 example of an aerobic activity
    • walking
    • cycling
    • swimming
  7. Define muscular strength.
    the amount of force a muscle can exert for a brief period of time.
  8. Muscular stregthening exercises play a key part in preventing what two things?
    • osteoporosis
    • prevents decrease in metabolism
  9. Define atrophy.
    loose strength if a muscle is stressed accustomed to.
  10. What causes atrophy?
    if the muscle is stressed less than it is, like broken limbs.
  11. Define muscular endurance.
    the ability of muscloes to sustain repeated contractions against a fixed object
  12. Give an example of muscular endurance.
    picking up a heavybox then picking up 10 in a row
  13. What activities require prolonged muscular exertion?
    sit-ups, push-ups, raking leaves, shoveling snow, and pushing a lawn mower.
  14. Which muscular groups need extra strengthening?
    hamstrings, abs, lower back
  15. What is muscular balance?
    balance between quads and hamstrings
  16. What is functional strength?
    exercise that helps you for real life activities.
  17. Which muscles are included in your core muscles?
    abdominal muscles, back muscles, and smaller muscles.
  18. Define flexibility.
    the range of motion possible around a joint
  19. What should be the goal of a stretching program?
    maintain maximal function
  20. When is it best to preform your stretching program?
    after an aerobic or muscular workout
  21. Why is the Hurdler's position dangerous?
    puts the knee in a position of misalignment which can cause injury to tendons and ligaments
  22. What does your body weight include?
    muscles, bones, organs, body fuild, and body fat.
  23. What does lean body mass mean?
    when the fat is removed
  24. Having too much "adipose tissue"(fat) has been associatied with what health risks?
    heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, gall bladder disease, and sleep disorders
  25. What is a better indicator of your fittness?
    percentageof body fat
  26. What affect does long term exercise have on body fat and body weight?
    decreases body fat and does not always have an immediate effect on body weight
  27. Women are considered to be obese at a body fat of___?
    32 % or higher
  28. Men are considered to be obese at a body fat of _____?
    25% or higher
  29. Women are considered to be fit __ to ___% body fat and men at ___ to ___%?
    • women 21 to 24%
    • men 14 to 17%
  30. Name the four common ways of determining body fat.
    • hyarostatic weighing
    • bioelectrial impedance
    • skin fold measurement
    • circumference measurement
  31. Name five other required ingredients needed for Optimal Fitness.
    • eat well
    • get enough sleep
    • nuture your spiritual life
    • stop smoking
    • manage chronic stress
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Chapter two