A&P Ch 12 Pt 2

  1. What are the structural parts of the basal nuclei?
    • caudate
    • putamen
    • globus pallidus
  2. If the medulla was damaged, a person may experience problems with...
    • moderation of heart rate
    • blood pressure
    • respiratory centers (rate & volume)
    • reflexes (coughing, sneezing)
    • swallowing
    • vomiting
    • salvation
    • sweating
    • tongue & head movements
  3. The pons (nuclei) is in charge of...
    • posture
    • sleep
    • hearing
    • balance
    • taste
    • eye movement
    • facial expression
    • facial sensation
    • respiration
    • swallowing
    • bladder control
  4. The more we move away from the frontal cortex, the more _____ things become.
  5. What is the final editor of all the things you are about to do and makes them better (the orchestrator, makes a more fine-tuned plan)?
  6. The arbor vitae is made of what and resides where?
    white matter, the cerebellum
  7. limbic system refers to ___
  8. reticular system involves the ____ and dampening certain over-used or weak inputs
  9. When is the RAS not active?
    at night
  10. What are the big emotion players?
    • cingulate gyrus
    • mammillary body
    • hippocampus
    • anygdala
    • frontal cortices
    • basal nuclei
  11. What are the types of EEG waves? (from slowest to fastest)
    • Delta 1-3 Hz
    • Theta 4-7
    • Alpha 8-12
    • Beta 13-30 or 40
  12. What is cps? What is it equivalent to?
    cycles per second; hertz
  13. Which type of EEG wave is slow wave sleep (sws)?
  14. a lack of ___ signal means no sleep
  15. the slower the wavelength, the _____ voltage change
  16. Sleep patterns are regulated by the ____.
    hypothalamus (SCN)
  17. NREM sleep is associated with _____ and REM sleep is associative with ____.
    • NREM = restorative
    • REM = recovery & memory
  18. How many stages of REM sleep are there a night?
  19. The average sleep cycle is _____ minutes long.
  20. What are the two processes controlling sleep?
    • drive for wakefulness
    • homeostatic drive for sleep
  21. which "process" is the drive for wakefulness?
    the c process
  22. what "process" is the drive for sleep? (or sleepiness)
    the s process
  23. the more sleep you don't have, the ____ sleep you need. this is defined by ____.
    more; homeostatic sleep
  24. what is the hormone that keeps you awake? what is it secreted by?
    orexin; SCN
  25. associating ____ memory with ____ memory will help you remember the ____ memory better.
    skilled, fact, fact
  26. fact memory is ____ which is very easy to forget
  27. skilled memory is something that you could never ____.
    forget (like riding a bike)
  28. In emotion, going from "top" to "bottom" is going from ____ to _____.
    heightened arousal to non aroused
  29. In emotion, going from "left" to "right": is going from ____ to ____.
    withdrawal (neg) to approach (pos)
  30. what is the measure of what gets people excited, withdrawn, approach, etc (using pictures)
  31. The IAPS (emotion) measures ____ and ____.
    arousal and valence
  32. What are special ependymal cells that make CSF?
    choroid plexus
  33. What 4 things protect the brain?
    skull, meninges, CSF, BBB
  34. ____mL of CSF is wrapped around our brain. How much is produced daily?
    150; 500 mL
  35. What are the three layers of meninges (from most superficial to deep)?
    • dura mater
    • arachnoid mater
    • pia mater
  36. The dura mater is how many layers in the brain?
    2 (1 in the spinal cord)
  37. CSF is right below this layer of meninges.
  38. the flow of CSF comes from this part of the brain.
    the choroid plexus & third ventricle
  39. What disease is a progressive degenerative disease that leads to dementia?
    Alzheimer's disease
  40. What disease results from the deterioration of DA secretors?
    Parkinson's disease
  41. What disease results from the deterioration of the basal nuclei?
    Huntington's disease
  42. sensory = (this direction)
    motor = (this direction)
    • sensory = dorsal
    • motor = ventral
  43. What grows outside of the developing spinal cord?
    DRG (dorsal root ganglion)
  44. What are the plexuses of the spinal cord?
    cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, & coccygeal
  45. where does the spinal cord end?
    conus medullaris
  46. what is the "horse tail" in which the axon processes spread out
    cauda equina
  47. spino- = sensory or motor?
  48. -spino = sensory or motor?
  49. this means to "cross over"
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A&P Ch 12 Pt 2
A&P Ch 12 Pt 2