Art V01 Midterm Images Part I

  1. Edward Hopper, Nighthawks (1942)

    ~ bombing of pearl harbor
  2. Eugène Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People (1830)

    • ~ self portrait of artist during romanticism
    • ~ trojan woman / liberty
  3. Elizabeth Catlett, Sharecropper (1968) Color Linocut
  4. Vincent Van Gogh, The Night Café (1888)

    • ~ post impressionism, epilepsy, committed suicide in 1890
    • ~ impasto
    • ~ expressionism
  5. Polykleitos, Doryphoros (c. 450-440 BCE)
  6. Marisol, Baby Girl, 1963
  7. Constantin Brancusi, The Kiss (c. 1912)

    ~ medium: limestone
  8. Grant Wood, American Gothic (1930)

    • ~ regionalism
    • ~picture of artist's sister; dentist
    • ~Mid-West
  9. Jan Van Eyck, Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride (1434)

    • ~first artist to use oil paint
    • ~worldly domestic
  10. Michelangelo, Studies for The Libyan Sybil, 1510-11

    ~ muse
  11. Edgar Degas, Woman at Her Toilette (1903)

    ~ Japanese wood-cutting
  12. Giotto, Lamentation (c. 1305) Fresco (In the Scrovegni Chapel, Padua)

    ~ brought in the naturalism in his work
  13. Gilbert Stuart, George Washington (1796)
  14. Hiroshige, Rain Shower at Ohashi Bridge (1857)
  15. Rembrandt, Christ Crucified Between the Two Thieves (1653)

    ~ Protestant
  16. Käthe Kollwitz, The Mothers, (1919)
  17. Dorothea Lange, Migrant Mother (1936) Gelatin-silver print.
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Art V01 Midterm Images Part I
Ann Bittl Art Appreciation