Art V01 Midterm Images Part II

  1. Colossal Head of Constantine (Roman, Late Empire, c. early 4th Century CE)

    ~ First Roman emperor to accept Christianity
  2. Church of San Vitale, Ravenna, (526-547CE) Byzantine
  3. Justinian and Attendants (c.547) Byzantine. Mosaic

    ~ gold/jewels equate to heaven
  4. France, Chartres Cathedral, Chartres, France (Begun 1134 CE, rebuilt after 1194 CE) Gothic
    Cindy Sherman, Untitled # 138 (1984).

    ~ feminism
  6. Michelangelo, The Crossed-Legged Captive (1530-34)
  7. Picasso, Bull’s Head (1943) Bronze cast of bicycle parts.
  8. Robert Smithson, Spiral Jetty, Great Salt lake, Utah (1970)

    ~ transitory
  9. Maya Lin (American, 1959-), Vietnam Memorial, Washington (1982)

    • ~ transitory
    • ~ minimalizism
  10. Louis Sullivan, Wainwright Building, Saint Louis (1890)

    ~ first modern skyscraper
    • Frank Lloyd Wright, Kaufmann House (“Fallingwater”), Bear Run, PA
    • (1936)
  11. Faith Ringgold, Tar Beach (1988) Acrylic, quilt, canvas.

    ~ harlem
  12. Venus of Willendorf (Upper Paleolithic c. 25,000BCE)

    • ~ fertility
    • ~ identity - hairstyle
    • ~ procreation
  13. Egypt, Narmer Palette (Egyptian, Old Kingdom, c.3200 BCE).

    • ~ cosmetics
    • ~ soldiers
    • ~ farming
    • ~ domestication animals
  14. Egypt, Great Pyramids, Giza. (Egyptian, Old Kingdom, c.2570-2500 BCE).
  15. The Three Goddesses, from the east pediment of the Parthenon (c.438-431 BCE) Classical
  16. Pantheon, Rome (Early Empire, 117-125CE)

    • ~ temple to the gods
    • ~ high renaissance artist buried
Card Set
Art V01 Midterm Images Part II
Ann Bittl Art Appreciation