chpt 8

  1. accessory muscles
    the secondary muscles of repiration
  2. AVPU
    a method of assesing a patients level of conciousness by determining whether a patient is awake and alert, resposive to verbal stimulus or pain, or unresponsive, used principally in the intial assessment
  3. BSI
    an infection control concept and practice that ssumes that all body fluids are potetially infectious.
  4. breath sounds
    an indication of air movement in the lungs usually assessed with a stetoscope
  5. capillary refill
    a test that evaluates distal circulatory system function by squeezing blood from an area such as a nail bed and watching the speed of its return after releasing the pressure
  6. chief complaint
    the reason a patient called for help, also the patients response to general questions such as whats wrong, or what happend
  7. coagulate
    to form a clot to plug an opening in an injured blood vessel and stop bleeding
  8. conjuntiva
    the delicate membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the exposed surface of the eye
  9. crepitus
    a grating or grinding sensation caused by fractured bone ens or joints rubbing together, also air bubbles under the skin that produce a crackling sound or crinkly feeling
  10. cyanosis
    bluish-gray skin color that is caused by reduced oxygen levels in the blood
    a mmenemonic for assesment in which each area of the body is evaluated for deformities, contusions, abbrasions, puntures, burns, tenderness, lacerations and swelling
  12. detailed physical exam
    the part of the assesment process in which a detailed area by area exam is performed on patients whose problems cannot be readily identified or when more specfic info is needed about problems indetified in the focused history and physical exam
  13. focused history and physical exam
    the part of the assessment process in which the patients major complaint or problems that are immediatley evident are further and more specifically evaluated
  14. frostbite
    damage to tissue as the result of exposure to cold frozen or partiallyfrozen body parts
  15. general impression
    the overall intial impression tha determines the priority for patient care, based on the patients surrounding the mechanesm of injury, signs and symptoms, and the chief complaint
  16. golden hour
    the time from injury to definitive care, during which treatment of shock or truamatic injuries should occur because survival potential is best
  17. guarding
    involuntary muscles contractions of the abdominal wall in an effort to protect the inflamed abdomen, a sign of peritonitis
  18. hypothemia
    a condition in which the internal body temp falls below 95 after exposure to a cold enviroment
  19. intial assesment
    the part of the assessment process that helps you to identify any immediatley or potenate life threating conditions so that you can initate lifesaving care
  20. jaundice
    a yellow skin color that is seen in patients with live desease or dysfunction
  21. mechnism of injury MOI
    the way in which traumatic injuries occur, the forces that act on the body to cause damage
  22. nasal flaring
    flaring ou of the nostrils indicationg that there is an airway obstruction
  23. nature of illness NOI
    the general type of illness a patient is experiencing
  24. ongoing assessment
    the part of the assessment process in which problems are reevaluated and responses to treatment are assessed
  25. orientation
    the mental status of a patient as measured by memory of person, place. time, and event
  26. OPQRST
    the six pain questions, onset, provoking, quilaty, radiation, severity, touch
  27. palpate
    examine by touch
  28. paradoxial motion
    the motion of the chest wall section that is detached in a flail chest, the motion is exactly th opposite of norman motion during breathing
  29. rales
    crackling, rattling, breath sound that signals fluid in the air spaces of the lungs also called crackles
  30. resopnsiveness
    the way in which a patient responds to external stimuli, including verbal stimuli, tactile stimuli and painful stimuli
  31. retractions
    movements in which the skin pulls in around the ribs during inspiration
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chpt 8