hysterectomy nursing care
- routine postop care
- bowel sounds
- bleeding - check pad/inscision q 4 hrs
- foley/encourage voiding when removed
- leg exercises/TEDs
- coughing/deep breathing
- avoid tub baths until bleeding sos
- avoid heavy lifting, douching, tampons, intercourse 4-6 weeks
- absense of a period
- pregnancy, menopause, lactation, hormonal imbalance, anorexia
painful menstruation (cramps)
- excessive menstruation
- endocrine/reproductive disorders, anticoagulants
- excessive blood loss, fatigue, anemia, hemorrhage, sexual dysfunction
- bleeding between periods
- s/s of cervical/uterine cancer
- S/S of hormomal imbalance (estrogen/progesterone)
- pituitary gland effects fluid levels causing bloating & weight gain
- 10 days before/3 days after menses
- irritibility/mood swings
- depression
- breast tenderness
- abd distention
- acne
- made by exclusion
- blood work for hormonal imbalances
- duiretics
- anti-depressants
- analgesics
- anti-anxieties
- diet: low sodium/caffeine, B vitamins, calcium/mag
- no menses for one year
- age 45-55
- ovaries cease to function, atrophy
- uterus returns to prepubescent size
- vagina dries/thins
- breast tissue & body hair decreases
menopause S/S
- hot flashes
- night sweats
- vaginal dryness
- emotional changes
menopause Dx
symptoms, age, blood work
menopause Rx
- hormone replacement therapy - s/e edema, weight gain, phlebitis
- selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs)
- aromatherapy
- herbs
- meditation
- vitamins D, E
- soy protein
- inability to achieve an erection
- spinal cord injury, radial prostatectomy, diabetes, COPD, anti-hypertensives, MS
impotence Tx
- treat underlying cause
- erectile dysfunction meds: facilitate blood flow in the corpus caverosum
- Viagra, Cialis, Levitra
- can drop B/P w/nitrates
- inability to conceive a child
- inadequate egg production, blockage of fallopian tube, hormonal imbalance, low sperm count/motility, STDs
female infections
- disturbance of normal flora of vagina
- vaginitis is most common (caused by e-coli or yeast)
- r/t antibiotics, birth control, improper hygiene, sexual intercourse, poor handwashing, douching
- tx - vaginal suppositories
- chronic infection of the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries
- r/t gonorrhea/chlamydia, sex w/infected partners, abortion, irrigation, infection during pregnancy
- scar tissue causes infertility
- can spread to other organs
- pelvic pain
- fever
- malaise
- vomiting
- discharge
- dysuria
- C&S
- increased WBC
- ultrasound
- laparoscopy
- antibiotics
- analgesics
- IV fluids
- surgery - adhesions, TAH-BSO
- treat partner at same time
PID nursing
- pt teaching - inform sexual partners, hygiene, abstain during treatment
- monitor VS (temp)
- monitor vaginal drainage
- staph or strep infection
- r/t tampon use, diaphragm, cervical sponge
- change tampon at least every 8 hours
- high fever
- N&V, abd pain, diarrhea
- muscle pain
- sore throat
- HA
- dizziness, low BP
- red rash
- conjunctivitis
- peeling skin on palms/soles
- altered mental status
- antibiotics
- IV fluids to correct eletrolyte imbalance/hypotension
- corticosteroids
- benign uterine tissue grows outside uterus
- cause unknown
- women in 20s, 30s, no pregnancies
endometriosis S/S
- pain
- menorrhagia/metrorrhagia
- painful intercourse
- HA
- backache
- painful defecation
- infertility
endometriosis Tx
- hormones to stop ovarian function (BCP)
- Danzol: causes pseudomenopause
- surgery - removal of endometrial tissue, TAH-BSO
endometriosis nursing
- post-op surgical care
- pain management
- patient teaching - med side effects
- anemia
relaxed pelvic muscle disorders
- uterine prolapse: uterus moves down through vagina
- rectocele: front wall of rectum moves into vagina
- cystocele: bladder falls into vagina
treated surgically - preop kegels
fibroids (uterine leiomyomas)
- benign tumors of the uterus
- 20-30% of women over 30, AA, premenopausal
fibroids S/S
- menorrhagia/metrorrhagia
- increased pelvic pressure
- constipation
- urinary retention
- weight gain
- enlarged abd
- infertility
- painful intercourse
fibroid Dx
adb/transvaginal ultrasound
fibroids Tx
- uterine artery embolectomy - occludes blood supply to fibroid
- myomectomy - removal of fibroids
- hysterectomy (abd or vaginal)
- endometrial ablation - cauterization of lining of uterus
ovarian cysts
- benign tumors of the ovaries
- Dx: palpation, ultrasound
- Tx: laparoscopic removal
cervical cancer risk factors
- early sexual experience
- multiple partners
- unprotected sex
- smoking
- poor diet
cervical cancer S/S
- asymptomatic in beginning
- spotting between periods/after sex
- dark foul discharge
- leukorrhea - white discharge
- leg pain/swelling
- flank pain/pelvic pain
- weight loss
- hematuria
- rectal bleeding
cervical cancer Dx
- abnormal pap x2 --> colpopscopy/biopsy
- HPV test
cervical cancer Tx
- preinvasive - conization (removal of cone shaped section of cervix)
- no metastasis - hysterectomy/intracavity radiation
- metastasis - radical hysterectomy (removal of ovaries, tubes, lymph nodes)
intracavity radiation
- supine position/legs extended
- Lovenox/antibiotics prophylactically
- pain management
- nurse must wear doximeter badge/lead apron
- no pregnant women/children under 16
- visitors remain 6 feet away
- if discharged, handle with forceps and place in lead container
uterine (endometrial) cancer risk factors
- age (50-70 yrs)
- family history
- diabetes
- obesity
- uterine polyps
- late menopause
- smoking
uterine cancer S/S
moderate to large amounts of abnormal bleeding after menopause (usually painless)
uterine cancer Dx
- endometrial biospy
- liver & bone scans
- IVP (renal involvement)
- barium enema (rectal involvement)
uterine cancer Tx
- surgery - TAH-BSO, lymph nodes
- chemo
- radiation
ovarian cancer
- leading cause of death among female cancers
- usually Dx after symptomatic/metastasized (stage 3 or 4)
- less than 20% survival
ovarian cancer risk factors
- older age
- early menarche
- late menopause
- infertility
- Clomid tratment
- family Hx of breast/ovarian cancer
ovarian cancer S/S
- asymptomatic in beginning
- abd pain/swelling
- indigestion/GI symptoms
- abd mass
- 30% have abnormal pap
ovarian cancer S/S
- biospy
- elevated CA-125
- CAT scan
ovarian cancer Tx
surgery - TAH-BSO
ovarian cancer nursing
- emotional support
- post op care
- pt teaching
- hospice
fibrocystic breast disease
- benign tumors of the breast due to increased estrogen
- ages 30-50
- increased risk for breast cancer
fibrosystic breast disease Dx
- palpation
- mammogram
- ultrasound
- biopsy
fibrosystic breast disease Tx
- reduce caffeine intake
- vitamins C, E, B-complex
- oral contraceptives to suppress estrogen
breast cancer
- most common dx malignancy in women (1 in 8)
- 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths
- survival - 97% if localized, 79% if lymph, 23% if other organs
breast cancer risk factors
- white females over 50
- family Hx (mom, sister)
- endometrial cancer, fibrocystic breast changes
- early menarche/late menopause
- late births (after 30)
- multiple CXRs
- 2+ alcoholic drinks daily
- obesity
- smoking
- breast trauma
infiltrating ductal carcinoma/adenocarcinoma
- 80% of all breast cancers
- originates in mammary ducts
- upper outer quadrant of breast
- 5-9 years of growth before can be palpated
- high cure rate if non-invasive (still in duct)
- most found after invasive (infiltrated other tissues/palpable)
- causes dimpling of breast
breast cancer Dx
- phyical exam (mass > 1cm can be palpated)
- mammogram (mass > 0.5cm)
- ultrasound to distinguish between benign (fluid) vs cancerous (solid)
- biopsy to confirm
- MRI/PET scan
breast cancer S/S
- palpable mass that is small, irregularly shaped, firm, non-tender, non-mobile
- discoloration of the nipple
- breast/axilla tenderness
TNM staging
- T: tumor size
- N: lymph involvement
- M: metastasis
- G1-4: grade of tumor cells
simple mastectomy
removal of the breast
radical mastectomy
removal of the breast, chest muscles, lymph nodes
modified radical mastectomy
removal of the breast, lymph nodes (chest muscles intact)
removal of the tumor/small margin of surrounding tissue
mastectomy nursing
- wound care
- emotional support
- CSM of affected arm
- no BP/blood work affected arm
- arm exercises - wall climbs, over head pulley, rope turns, arm swings
- patient teaching
- risk for infection
- pain management
- infection of the epididymis (contracts during orgasm/moves sperm)
- Hx of STDs, UTIs
epididymitis S/S
- pain
- scrotal swelling
- fever
- malaise
epididymitis Dx
- urinalysis
- exam
- symptoms
- semen specimen
epididymitis Tx
- antibiotics
- ice packs
- scrotal support
epididymitis nursing
- bed rest
- patient teaching - antibiotics
- complication - abscess
testicular cancer
- age 15-35
- non-aggressive cancer
testicular cancer S/S
- scrotal pain
- edema
- palpable lump in scrotum
testicular cancer Dx
- ultrasound
- elevated serum alpha fetoprotein (AFP) and HCG
- CXR/CAT scan (metastasis)
testicular cancer Tx
- orchiectomy
- chemo
- radiation
self testicular exam
- roll testes between thumb and fingers
- after bath/shower, use soap
- monthly exam
- infections transmitted though vaginal or oral intercourse, mother to fetus
- causes infertility, cancer, chronic infection, death
STDs nursing
- patient education
- support groups