a con to social roles. people can potentially get so far into a role that their ____ identities and _____ get lost
personal, personalities
social roles can be so powerful that they _____ our personal identities to the point that we become the ____ we are playing
overwhelm, role
in 1950 about a third of women had a job outside the home; by 1988, ____ did
in 2009 about ____ of the jobs belonged to women
in ads, women are much more likely to be shown in a ____ role
the roles that people assume in groups, and in society at large, are powerful determinants of their ____, behavior, and ____
feelings, personality
qualities of a group that bind members together and promote liking between members
group cohesiveness
the more cohesive a group is, the more its members are likely to ___ in the group, take part in group ____, and try to recruit like minded members
stay; activities
cohesiveness can get in the way of optimal performance if maintaining good relations among group members becomes more ____ than finding good solutions to a problem
simply being in the _____ of other people can a variety of interesting effects on our ____
presence; behavior
the presence of other ____ performance on ____ well learned tasks
enhances, simple
we do ___ in performance when in the presence of others if a task is ____
worse; difficult
the presence of others increases _____ _____
physiological arousal
the tendency for people to do better on simple tasks and worse on complex tasks when they are in the presence of other and their individual performance can be evaluated
social facilitation
the presence of other people makes us more alert. we have to be alert to the possibility that he or she will do something that ___ us to ____
requires; respond. this alertness, or vigilance, causes mild arousal
when other people can see how you are doing, you feel as if the other people are evaluating you and will feel embarrassed if you do poorly and pleased if you do well. this concern about being judged
evaluation apprehension
any source of distraction will put us in a state of ____ because it is difficult to pay ____ to two things at the same time
conflict, attention
the tendency for people to relax when they are int he presence of others and their individual performances cannot be evaluated
social loafing
when performance in a group cannot be identified, people become more _____. becoming relaxed ____ performance on simple tasks, but improves performance on complex tasks
relaxed; impairs
the tendency to loaf is stronger in
women tend to be higher in ______ interdependence
the tendency to loaf is stronger in ____ cultures
asians are more likely to have an _____ view of the self, which may reduce the tendency toward social _____ in group
interdependent; loafing
the loosening of normal contraints on behavior when people cant be identified
deindividuation. for example being lost in a crowd can lead to an unleashing of behaviors that we would never dream of doing by ourselves
deindividuation makes people feel ____ accountable for their actions because it reduces the likelihood that any individual will be singled out or ____
less; blamed
becoming deindividuated increases the extent to which people ____ group norms
groups do better than individuals if they ____ on the person with the most ____ and if people are motivated to search for the answer that is best for the entire group and not just for themselved
rely; expertise
any aspect of group interaction that inhibits good problem solving
process loss
reasons for ____ loss
-groups might not try hard enough to find out who the most competent member is and instead rely on someone who really doesnt know what he or she is talking about
-communication problems within the group. in some groups people dont listen to each other. one person is allowed to dominate a discussion
process loss
people tend to ___ on the information they share and ignore facts only know to some members of the group