India Midterm 2

  1. Mathura vs Gondara
  2. Image Upload 2
    • Katra Mound, Mathura
    • look at the symbols to say its the buddha
  3. Image Upload 4
    Bimaran Reliquary
  4. Image Upload 6
    Kanishka reliquary
  5. Buddha vs Bodhisattva
    and Bodhisattva Maitreya
    Image Upload 8 (maitreya)
  6. Birth of the Buddha images
  7. Images of Kanishka from Mat (by mathura)
    Image Upload 10
  8. Wema Kadphises related to other surya images
    Image Upload 12 (notebook)
  9. (giant wine holder)
  10. Art of Gupta India
    319 - 550
  11. weird year differences in dating Gupta era
    Gupta era year 82 = BCE year 401/2
  12. Image Upload 14
    • Rock Cut Sanctuary at Udayagiri (Gupta era)
    • Vishnu Image - Boar
  13. Ganges and Jamuna River Reliefs
    no pic
  14. Image Upload 16
    Ganesha - stands for "beginnings"
  15. Story Durga Slaying Buffalo
  16. Ajanta
    200 BC - 500 AD
  17. Chaitya hall caves
    Many with images of the Buddha, especially in a giving gesture - like you'll recieve knowledge
  18. Viharas
    "a monastic enclosure edged by monks' cells
  19. Ajanta Cave 1
    argued to have mandala architype, w/ layers of importance moving to a central sacred spot where the Buddha was seated in teaching mudra
  20. How do we know that Ajanta used the mandala?
    In cave 2 there is a painting of a mandala on the cieling
  21. Ajanta Cave 17
    • story of the Island of Ogresses
    • Image Upload 18
  22. Elephanta local name
  23. Elephanta dating c. 500- 550
    (not quite 6-9th century)
    • Suggests:
    • gold coins under the king Krishnaraja (6th)

    style of inscription on base of Brahma image (9th)
  24. inside Elephanta on South wall
    • left: Shiva as half woman w/ Parvati
    • mid:Shiva Mahesvara
    • right: Shiva with river Ganges
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India Midterm 2