The ability of a product or service to consistently meet or exceed customer expectations
Quality of Design
Intention of designers to include or exclude features in a product or service
Quality of conformance
The degree to which goods or services conform to the intent of the designers
Increase the likelihood that a product will be used for its intended purpose and in such a way that it will continue to function properly and safely
After-the-sale service
taking care of issues and problems that arise after the sale
Appraisal costs
costs of activities designed to ensure quality or uncover defects
prevention costs
all TQ training, TQ planning, customer assessment, process control, and quality improvement costs to prevent defects from occuring
Failure costs
costs incurred by defective parts/products or faulty services
Internal failure costs
costs incurred to fix problems that are detected before the product is delivered to the customer
External failure costs
all costs incurred to fix problems that are detected after the product is delivered to the customer
Total quality management
A philosophy that involves everyone in an organization in a continual effort to improve quality and achieve customer satisfaction
TQM Approach
- 1. Find out what the customer wants
- 2. Design a product that meets or exceeds their wants
- 3. Design processes that facilitate doing the job right the first time
- 4. keep track of results
- 5. Extend these concepts throughout the supply chain
PDSA Cycle
Quality Circle
groups of workers who meet to discuss ways of improving products
Supply chain
the sequence of organizations - their functions, facilities, and activities - that are involved in producing and delivering a product or service (value chains)
- the sequence of the supply chain begins with basic suppliers and extends all the way to the final customer
- - warehouses
- - factories
- - processing centers
- - distribution centers
- - retail outlets
- - offices
Functions and activities of supply chain
- - forecasting
- - purchasing
- - inventory management
- - information management
- - scheduling
- - customer service
Supply chain management
the strategic coordination of business functions within a business organization and throughout its supply chain for the purpose of integrating supply and demand management
Key SCM issues
the goal of SCM is to match supply to demand as effectively and efficiently as possible
- - determine appropriate levels of outsourcing
- - managing suppliers
- - managing customer relationships
- - managing risk
The purchasing department is responsible for obtaining the materials, parts, and supplies and services needed to produce a product
The goal of procurement
develop and implement purchasing plans for products and services that support operations strategies
the use of electronic technology to facilitate business transactions
Supplier management
- -choosing suppliers
- - supplier audits
- - supplier certification
The bullwhip effect
variations in demand cause inventory fluctuations to fluctuate and get out of control
refers to the movement of materials, services, cash, and information in a supply chain
Strategic sourcing
analyzing the procurement process to lower costs by reducing waste and non-value-added activities, increase profits, reduce risks, and improve supplier performance
Process selection
refers to deciding on the way production of goods will be organized
Technology innovation
the discovery and development of new or improved products, services, or processes for producing or providing them
the configuration of departments, work centers, and equipment, with particular emphasis on movement of work (customers or materials) through the system
Product layout
layout that uses standardized processing operations to achieve smooth, rapid, high-volume flow
Process layout
layouts that can handle varied processing requirements
fixed position layout
layout in which the product or project remains stationary, and workers, materials, and equipment are moved as needed
service layout
can be categorized as product, process, or fixed position
Line balancing
= the process of assigning tasks to a workstation in such a way that the workstations have approximately equal time requirements
Goal of line balancing
obtain task grouping that represent approximately equal time requirements since this minimizes idle time along the line and results in a high utilization of equipment and labor
Why is line balancing important?
- 1. It allows us to use labor and equipment more efficiently
- 2. To avoid fairness issues that arise when one workstation must work harder than another
Job enlargement
giving a worker a larger portion of the total task by horizontal loading
Job rotation
workers periodically exchange jobs
Job Enrichment
increasing responsibility for planning and coordination tasks, by vertical loading
Standard time
the amount of time it should take a qualified worker to complete a specified task, working at a sustainable rate, using given methods, tools and equipment, raw material inputs, and workplace arrangement
Stopwatch Time Study
- used to develop a time standard based on observations of one worker taken over a number of cycles
- 1. Define the task to be studied
- 2. Determine # of cycles to observe
- 3. Time the job, and rate the worker's performance
- 4. Compute the standard time
Work Sampling
A technique for estimating the proportion of time that a worker or machine spends on various activities and the idle time
-does not require timing an activity or involve continuous observation of the activity
Location decisions are based on:
- - profit potential or cost and customer service
- - finding a number of acceptable locations from which to choose
- - position in the supply chain
Location Cost-Profit-Volume Analysis
- - technique for evaluating location choices in economic terms
- 1. Determine the fixed and variable costs for each alternative
- 2. Plot the total-cost lines for all alternatives on the same graph
- 3. Determine the location that will have the lowest total cost for the expected level of output
Factor rating
general approach to evaluating locations that includes quantitative and qualitative inputs
Center of Gravity method
-treats distribution costs as a linear function of the distance and the quantity shipped
Quality Control
- a process that evaluates output relative to a standard and takes corrective action when output doesn't meet standards
An appraisal activity that compares goods or services to a standard
Quality of conformance
a product or service conforms to specifications
Control Chart
a time ordered plot of representative sample statistics obtained from an ongoing process, used to distinguish between random and nonrandom variability
Variables generate data that are
attributes generate data that are
control chart used to monitor the proportion of defectives in a process
control chart used to monitor the number of defects per unit
Process Capability
Once a process has been determined to be stable, it is necessary to determine if the process is capable of producing output that is within an acceptable range
Tolerances or specifications
range of acceptable values established by engineering design or customer requirements
Process variability
natural or inherent variability in a process
Process Capability
The inherent variability of process output (process width) relative to the variation allowed by the design specification
Linear Programming
A powerful quantitative tool used by operations and other manages to obtain optimal solutions to problems that involve restrictions or limitations
Model formation
- 1. list and define the decision variables
- 2. State the objective function
- 3. List the constraints
- 4. Non-negativity constraints
a nonrepetitive set of activities directed toward a unique goal within a limited time frame.
Product or service profiling
linking key product or service requirements to process capabilities
Production line
standardized layout arranged according to a fixed sequence of production tasks
Assembly line
standardized layout arranged according to a fixed sequence of assembly tasks
Cycle time
the maximum time allowed at each workstation to complete its set of tasks on a unit
Output rate =
operating time per day / cycle time
Cycle time =
operating time / desired output rate
Balance delay
percentage of idle time of a line
Percentage of idle time =
idle time per cycle / (actual # of ws x Cycle time)
Efficiency =
100% - percent of idle time
Time based system
compensation based on time an employee has worked during a pay period
Out-put based system
compensation based on amount of output an employee produced during a pay period
incorporation of human factors in the design of the workplace
basic elemental motion that make up a job
Stopwatch time study
Observed time
OT= Sum of recorded times / number of observations
Normal Time
NT= Observed time x Performance rating
Standard time =
ST = NT x AF
AF is allowance factor - all possible delays in workplace
AF job time
AF= 1 + A (allowance percentage based on job time)
AF work day
AF= 1 / (1-A)
Location decision steps
- 1. decide on the criteria to use for evaluating location alternatives
- 2. identify important factors, such as location of markets or raw materials
- 3. develop location alternatives
- 4. Evaluate the alternatives and make a decision
similar types of businesses locate near each other
Product Quality: Performance
main characteristics of the product
Product Quality: Aesthetics
appearance, feel, smell, taste
Product Quality: conformance
how well a product corresponds to design specifications
Product Quality: Perceived quality
indirect evaluation of quality
Product Quality: serviceability
handling of complaints or repairs
Deming Prize
prize established by the Japanese and awarded annually to firms that distinguish themselves with quality management programs
Baldrige Award
given to recognize quality achievements of US companies
incorporating design elements that prevent incorrect procedures
Japanese term for continuous improvement
Six Sigma
a business process for improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing customer satisfaction
Type I Error
Concluding a process is not in control when it actually is
Type II Error
concluding a process is in control when it is not
sequence of observations with a certain characteristic
a range of acceptable values established by engineering design or customer requirements
process variability
natural or inherent variability in a process
Process capability
the inherent variability of process output relative to the variation allowed by the design specification
screening returned goods to prevent incorrect acceptance of goods
a technology that uses radio waves to identify objects, such as goods in supply chains
finding ways to minimize the number of items that are returned
closed-loop supply chain
a manufacturer controls both the forward and reverse shipment of product
a technique whereby goods arriving at a warehouse from a supplier are unloaded from the supplier's truck and loaded onto outbound trucks, thereby avoiding warehouse storage
Delayed differentiation
production of standard components and subassemblies, which are held until late in the process to add differentiating features
reducing one or more steps in a supply chain by cutting out one or more intermediaries
Enumeration approach
substituting the coordinates of each corner point into the objective function to determine which corner point is optimal
binding constraint
a constraint that forms the optimal corner point of the feasible solution space
When the values of decision variables are substituted into a > constraint the amount by which the left side exceeds the right-hand-side value.
when the values of decision variables are substituted into a < constraint the amount by which the left side is less than the right side value