psychology 9 chapter 6

  1. What is Erikson's stage of psychosocial development in early childhood?

    C) initiative versus guilt
  2. What type of self-descriptions do children typically provide in early childhood?

    A) all of these
  3. In order to feel __________ emotions, children must be able to refer to themselves and be aware of themselves as distinct from others.

    A) self-conscious
  4. __________ is Piaget's first stage of moral development in which rules are conceived of as unchangeable properties of the world.

    B) Heteronomous morality
  5. __________ is a set of expectations that prescribe how females or males should think, act, and feel.

    A) Gender role
  6. Which statement best describes the explanation given by the gender schema theory for gender development?

    A) An individual's attention and behavior are guided by an internal motivation to conform to cultural schemas that set out gender-based standards and stereotypes.
  7. __________ parenting involves a restrictive, punitive style in which parents expect children to obey their rules without many questions.

    C) Indulgent
  8. Diana Baumrind's research suggests that parenting which is __________ and __________ leads to the best outcomes for children.

    B) accepting; demanding
  9. Regarding child maltreatment, which of the following statements is TRUE?

    C) About one-third of parents who were abused themselves when young abuse their own children.
  10. Which of the following statements concerning siblings is INCORRECT?

    C) To promote optimal sibling relationships, parents should avoid intervening and let siblings resolve conflicts on their own.
  11. Regarding the changing family, which of these statements is TRUE?

    B) There is consensus among psychologists that children from divorced families show adjustment problems to a greater extent than do children from nondivorced families.
  12. Regarding cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic variation in families, which of the following statements is TRUE?

    C) African American and Latino children are more likely than White American children are to live in extended families.
  13. Peers are important in normal social development because __________.

    B) all of these
  14. Regarding play, which of the following statements is TRUE?

    D) Play is defined as a pleasurable activity that is engaged in for its own sake.
  15. How does play advance a child's cognitive development?

    D) Play allows children to practice their competencies and acquired skills in a relaxed, pleasurable way.
  16. In what type of play does a child increasingly transform their physical environment into a symbol?

    C) pretense/symbolic
  17. __________ play involves the repetition of behavior when new skills are being learned.

    A) Practice
  18. The highest incidence of game playing occurs __________.

    D) between ages 10 and 12
  19. Regarding children and television, which of the following statement is TRUE?

    D) Television violence can induce aggression in children.
  20. In which of the following developed countries do young children watch the most television?A)United States.
    A)United States.
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psychology 9 chapter 6
chapter 6 psychology questions