microbiology lab days 5 and 6 part 4 (biochemical assay, fermentation, beta galactosidase, onpg, TSI

  1. what is an example of an oxidase enzyme?
    cytochrome oxidase
  2. what do oxidase enzymes do?
    they play an important role in electron transport chain for energy production
  3. what is done to the bacterial culture to see if it is oxidase positive or negative?
    treated with a reagent and wait to see color change
  4. How do you interpret the results of the oxidase test??
    color change from light pink to dark purple indicates positive reaction
  5. if an oxidase enzyme is present in a bacterial culture, what will be the result of the oxidase test?
    it will turn from light pink to dark purple
  6. what does urease do?
    it attacks the nitrogen and carbon bond in urea forming ammonia, water, and co2
  7. what indicator does the medium in the urease test contain?
    phenol red
  8. bacteria that utilize urease cause a ____ in pH in surroundings
  9. what is a urease negative test?
    failure to develop a deep pink color is a negative test
  10. what is a positive test for the urease activity test?
    color change from orange red to deep pink or purplish red
  11. in the urease test, if the bacterium contains urease, the ___ __ indicator changes from ___ ___ to ___ ___ or ____ ____
    phenol red; orange red; deep pink; purplish red
  12. if a bacterium breaks down urea, what will happen to its surroundings?
    increase in pH
  13. what is decarboxylation
    the removal of a carboxyl group from an organic molecule
  14. bacteria that are able to produce the enzymes lysine decarboxylate and ornithine decarboxylase can conduct what reaction on which molecules?
    they are able to decarboxylate lysine and ornithine and use the amines as precursors for the synthesis of other molecules
  15. what is the pH indicator in the medium of the lysine and ornithine decarboxylase activity test?
    bromocresol purple
Card Set
microbiology lab days 5 and 6 part 4 (biochemical assay, fermentation, beta galactosidase, onpg, TSI
microbiology lab days 5 and 6 part 4 (biochemical assay, fermentation, beta galactosidase, onpg, TSI, imvic, gelatin, catalase, coagulase, dnase, oxidase)