acu quiz new 2

  1. Vasculitis, Raynaud's phenomenon, rheumatoid nodules, pyoderma gangrenosum, rheumatoid papules,erythematous to salmon-colored rashes are all associated with which one of the following:
    A) Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
    B) Reiter's syndrome
    C) Trombocytopenic purpura
    D) Rheumatoid arthritis
    Rheumatoid arthritis
  2. What kind of speech would you expect to find in a patient that has sores turning yellow or flat abscesses sinking inward?
    A) Whisper quiet speech
    B) Delirious speech or manic raving
    C) Groaning and shouting
    Delirious speech or manic raving
  3. A patient presents with dry hair and skin, and brittle nails. They also have dizziness, tinnitus, hardness ofhearing, lower backache, dull occipital or vertical headache, insomnia, and numbness or tingling of limbs.They also have dry eyes, blurred vision, and a dry throat. They complain of vaginal dryness, nightsweating, and dry stools. They have scanty menstruation or amenorrhea, delayed cycle, and they havebeen suffering from infertility. Their tongue is normal colored without coating or with a rootless coating.Their pulse is superficial and empty. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for thispatient?
    A) Liv 8, SP 6, Ren 4, B 18, B 23, Ren 12, S 36, SP 3, B 20, B 21, and B 17.
    B) G 24, G 34, Du 9, B 19, Liv 14, B 18, Ren 12, B 20, LI 11, SJ 6, S 19, Liv 3, and Liv 5
    C) S 36, B 20, K 3, B 23, Du 4, and Ren 4
    D) K 3, K 6, Liv 8, Ren 4, B 23, K 13, SP 6, and B 10
    K 3, K 6, Liv 8, Ren 4, B 23, K 13, SP 6, and B 10
  4. What does a red and wet tongue indicate?
    A) Stomach and/or Kidney yin deficiency.
    B) Heat with retention of dampness
    C) Dampness with yin deficiency fire
    D) Spleen and Kidney Fire Blazing with Dampness
    Heat with retention of dampness
  5. A patient comes to you for help. They have vulvar eczema or sores and vaginal itching. They also arepresenting with papular or vesicular skin rashes and itching. Additional signs and symptoms include afullness of the hypochondrium, abdomen or hypochondrium, a bitter taste, sticky taste, and poor apetite.They are nauseated, a feeling of heaviness of the body, and yellow vaginal diacharge. They are alsoexperiencing mid-cycle bleeding and/or pain. They also mention that they are experiencing urinarydifficulty, burning on urination, dark urine, and dysuria. What do you expect their tongue and pulse tolook like?
    A) Their tongue has a red body with redder sides and a sticky yellow coating and their pulse is rolling,string-taut, and rapid.
    B) A purple tongue with a greasy, yellow tongue coating and a rapid, string-taut pulse
    C) Their tongue is purple, especially or only on the sides. In severe cases, they have purple spots onthe sides. Their pulse is string-taut.
    D) Dry red tongue with a rapid, string-taut pulse
    Their tongue has a red body with redder sides and a sticky yellow coating and their pulse is rolling,string-taut, and rapid.
  6. Where is the He-Sea point that treats abdominal pain and distension, diarrhea, dysentery, edema, jaundice,dysuria, enuresis, incontinence of urine, pain in the external genitalia, dysmenorrhea, and pain in the knee?
    A) On the midline of the lateral aspect of the thigh, 7 cun above the transverse popliteal crease. Whenthe patient is standing erect with the hands close to the sides, the point is where the tip of themiddle finger touches.
    B) On the lower border of the medial condyle of the tibia, in the depression posterior and inferior tothe medial condyle of the tibia.
    C) When the elbow is flexed, the point is in the depression at the lateral end of the transversecubitalcrease, midway between L 5 (Chize) and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.
    D) In the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula.
    On the lower border of the medial condyle of the tibia, in the depression posterior and inferior tothe medial condyle of the tibia
  7. A patient presents with spastic or flaccid cubital joints, warts on the skin, and Cholera with vomitinganddiarrhea. All of the following collateral channels are affected except:
    A) Foot Yangming
    B) Foot Taiyin
    C) Hand Taiyang
    D) Hand Shaoyang
    Foot Yangming
  8. Which one of the following is not an indication for cupping with blood letting?
    A) Allergic skin conditions
    B) Pruritis
    C) Neurasthenia
    D) Neurodermatitis
    Allergic skin conditions
  9. A patient presents with Urticaria. Their tongue has a white, greasy tongue coating and their pulse is deepand moderate. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?
    A) Gui Zhi Tang
    B) Wu Pi San
    C) Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
    D) Xiao Feng San
    Wu Pi San
  10. What are the indications for the Yuan-Primary point of the Hand Taiyang?
    A) Fullness of the chest and hypochondriac region, muscular atrophy and paralysis of the leg.
    B) Febrile diseases with anhidrosis, headache, rigidity of the neck, contracture of the fingers, pain inthe wrist, and jaundice.
    C) Sore throat, toothache, redness and pain of the eye, scrofula, urticaria, motor impairment of theupper extremities, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and febrile disease
    D) Hemiplegia, weakness, numbness and pain of the lower extremities, swelling and pain of the knee,beri beri, hypochondriac pain, bitter taste in the mouth, vomiting, jaundice, and infantileconvulsions.
    Febrile diseases with anhidrosis, headache, rigidity of the neck, contracture of the fingers, pain inthe wrist, and jaundice.
  11. Where is the point that treats pain in the costal and cardiac regions, scrofula, cold pain of the elbow andarm, and dryness of the throat?
    A) When the elbow is flexed, the point is in the depression about 1 cun superior to the olecranon.
    B) In the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula.
    C) When the elbow is flexed, the point is in the depression at the lateral end of the transversecubitalcrease, midway between L 5 (Chize) and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.
    D) It is located when the upper arm is abducted, the point is in the center of the axilla, on the medialside of the axillary artery
    It is located when the upper arm is abducted, the point is in the center of the axilla, on the medialside of the axillary artery
  12. Pallor, exfoliative erythroderma, nodules, petechiae, ecchymoses, pruritus, vasculitis, pyodermagangrenosum, bullous diseases are all associated with which one of the following?
    A) Hypothyroidism
    B) Hyperthyroidism
    C) Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
    D) Leukemia/lymphoma
  13. Where is the extra point that treats asthma, cough, neck rigidity, pain in the shoulder and back, and rubella?
    A) 1 cun lateral to Du 14 (Dazhui)
    B) .5 cun lateral to Du 14 (Dazhui)
    C) 2 cun above Du 14 (Dazhui), .5 cun lateral to the midline.
    D) 2 cun above Du 14 (Dazhu), 1 cun lateral to the midline.
    .5 cun lateral to Du 14 (Dazhui)
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acu quiz new 2
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