- 2nd Dec. f.
- Aegyptus, Aegypti (The names of countries are generally feminine in gender)
- 2nd Dec. f. (5th Dec. f.)
- Domus, domi (domus, domus)
- 3rd Dec. f.
- Servitus, servitutis
Teaching, instruction
- 1st Dec. f.
- Doctrina, doctrinae
Foreign, strange, alien
- 1st, 2nd Dec.
- Alienus, a, um
- 1st, 2nd Dec.
- Decimus, a, um
Lead out
- 3rd Conjugation
- Educo, educere, eduxi, eductus
Have, hold
- 2nd Conjugation
- Habeo, habere, habui, habitus
- 2nd Conjugation
- Doceo, docere, docui, doctus
From, down from, about, concerning
De, with the ablative
Out of, from
E, ex, with the ablative
Before, in front of
Coram, with the ablative