Latin I Lesson 10

  1. Egypt
    • 2nd Dec. f.
    • Aegyptus, Aegypti
    • (The names of countries are generally feminine in gender)
  2. House
    • 2nd Dec. f. (5th Dec. f.)
    • Domus, domi (domus, domus)
  3. Slavery
    • 3rd Dec. f.
    • Servitus, servitutis
  4. Servant
    • 2nd Dec. m
    • Servus, servi
  5. Teaching, instruction
    • 1st Dec. f.
    • Doctrina, doctrinae
  6. Law
    • 3rd Dec. f
    • Lex, legis
  7. Foreign, strange, alien
    • 1st, 2nd Dec.
    • Alienus, a, um
  8. Tenth
    • 1st, 2nd Dec.
    • Decimus, a, um
  9. Lead out
    • 3rd Conjugation
    • Educo, educere, eduxi, eductus
  10. Have, hold
    • 2nd Conjugation
    • Habeo, habere, habui, habitus
  11. Teach
    • 2nd Conjugation
    • Doceo, docere, docui, doctus
  12. From, down from, about, concerning
    De, with the ablative
  13. Out of, from
    E, ex, with the ablative
  14. Before, in front of
    Coram, with the ablative
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Latin I Lesson 10
Latin Vocabulary