Psych Dr Kastuk

  1. Depressive symptoms that go from 4-14 days
  2. Short Duration Depression
  3. Depressive symptoms for 2-13 days/ month for 12 or more months
    • o  Recurrent
    • Brief Depression 
  4. Recurrent Brief Depression
    Depressive symptoms for 2-13 days/ month for 12 or more months
  5. o   2 years or more of depressive symptoms
    • -         
    • Persistent Depressive Disorder
  6. o   5 or more depressive symptoms for at least 2 weeks
    • -         
    • Major Depressive Disorder
  7. o  Verbal rages and angry tantrums

    o  B/T 6-18 years of age, and must be diagnosed before 10 years old

    Must be at least 3 times per week for at least 12 months
    • -         
    • Disruptive Mood Disregulation Disorder
  8. o   At least 1 week (exam Q)

    o  Hyperactive to the point of counterproductive

    o  Racing thoughts and pressured speech
    • -         
    • Bipolar 1 (most severe)
  9. o   Hypomanic symptoms (exam Q)

    o  Expansive mood, taking over the world
    • -         
    • Bipolar 2 (lesser form) 
  10. o  Going back and forth between depression and hypomanic symptoms

    2 years or more of the behavior
    • -         
    • Cyclothymia
  11. o   At least 4 days

    o  Perceived need for less sleep
    • -         
    • HypoManic Episode
  12. -         
    Mixed Episode
    o  1 week of major depressive symptoms alternating with hypomanic symptoms
  13. o  1 week of hyperactivity to the
    point of counterproductive

    o  Elevated mood (I can take on the world attitude)
    • -         
    • Manic Episodes
  14. o  2 weeks or more of serious depressive symptoms including change in sleep, eating, inability to feel pleasure (test question, know 2 weeks)
    • -         
    • Depressive Episodes
  15. -         
    Hyperactivity to the point of counterproductive (taking it to the level of being dysfunctional)

    -    Racing thoughts and pressured speech
  16. decreased motor behavior
    Apparent inability to feel pleasure
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Psych Dr Kastuk