Day 1 of cycle
- First day of menses (bleeding)
- Ovulation on Day 14
- 28 days total
- Sperm 3-5 days, Eggs 24 hrs
- Fertilization in Fallopian Tube
Chadwick’s Sign
Bluing of Vagina (early as 4 weeks)
Hegar’s Sign
Softening of isthmus of cervix (8 weeks)
Goodell’s Sign
Softening of Cervix (8 weeks)
Pregnancy Total wt gain
25-30 lbs (11-14 kg)
Increase calorie intake by
- 300 calories/day during PG
- Increase protein 30 g/day
- Increase iron, Ca++, Folic Acid, A & C
Dangerous Infections with PG
TORCH = Toxoplasmosis, other, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, HPV
Braxton Hicks
common throughout PG
Amniotic fluid
- 800-1200mL
- (< 300 mL = Oligohydramnios = fetal kidney problems)
Polyhydramnios and Macrosomia
(large fetus) with Diabetes
Umbelical cord
- 2 arteries, 1 vein
- Vein carries oxygenated blood to fetus (opposite of normal)
Folic Acid Deficiency
Neural tube defects
Term births, Pre-term births, Abortions, Living children
# of pregnancies regardless of outcome
# of Deliveries (not kids) after 20 weeks gestation
Nagale's rule
add 7 days to first day of last period, subtract 3 months, add 12 months = EDC
Hgb and Hct a bit lower during PG due to
best position for uteroplacental perfusion
Side-lying (either side tho left is traditional )
2:1 Lecithin:Sphingomyelin Ratio
Fetal lungs mature
AFP in amniotic fluid
possible neural tube defect
for Amniocentesis early in PG
Need a full bladder (but not in later PG)
Fetus drops into true pelvis
Nesting instinct
burst of energy just before labor
true labor
regular contractions that intensify with ambulation, LBP that radiates to abdomen, progressive dilation and effacement
negative above ischial spines, positive below
leopold maneuver
tries to reposition fetus for delivery
laboring maternal VS
- p <100 (usually a little higher than normal with PG; BP is unchanged in PG)
- t <100.4
non-stress test
Reactive= Healthy (FHR goes up with movements)
Contraction Stress Test (Ocytocin Challenge Test)
- Unhealthy = Late decels noted (positive result) indicative of UPI
- “Negative” result = No late decels noted (good result)
watch for hyporeflexia with Mag Sulfate admin
diaphragmatic inhibition
keep calcium gluconate by the bed (antidote)
early decels
head compression = ok
variable decels
cord compression = not good
late decels
utero-placental insufficiency = BAD!!
if variable or late decels
- change maternal position
- stop pitocin
- administer 02
- notify physician
- tx is with heparin (safe in pg)
- fetal demise, abruptio placenta, infection
fundus 12-14 weeks
at level of symphysis
fundus 20 weeks
20 cm = level of umbilicus
fundus rises
~1 cm per week
labor stage 1
beginning of regular contraction to full dilation and effacement
labor stage 2
10 cm dilation to delivery
labor stage 3
delivery of placenta
labor stage 4
1-4 hours following delivery
placenta separation
- Lengthening of cord outside vagina, gush of blood, full feeling in vagina
- Give oxytocin after placenta is out, NOT BEFORE
Postpartum VS Schedule
Every 15 min X 1 hr
Every 30 min X next 2 hours
Every Hour X next 2-6 hours
Then every 4 hours
- no more than 4-8 pads/day and no clots >1cm
- fleshy smell is normal
- foul smell = infection
massage boggy uterus
- to encourage involution
- empty bladder ASAP - may need to cath
- full bladder can lead to uterine atony and hemorrhage
- 1st Degree = Dermis,
- 2nd Degree = mm/fascia,
- 3rd Degree = anal sphincter,
- 4th Degree = rectum