3 perspectives on the effect of emotions on cognition
- Emotion congruence
- Feelings as information
- Processing style
Emotion congruence
- Moods an emotions are associative networks
- We should be able to learn material that is congruent with out current emotion
Feelings as Information
Assumes that emotions themselves are informative when we make judgments
- 2 Assumptions
- 1. Emotions provide us with a rapid signal triggered by something in our environment
- 2. Many of the judgments that we make are often too complex to review all the relevant information
Emotions are heuristics, guesses that work better than chance a lot of the time, short cuts to making judgments or taking action
Processing style
- Different emotions promote different processing styles
- Happy and angry moods facilitate use of already existing knowledge structures, such as heuristics and stereotypes
- Sad mood facilitates more analytical thought and careful attention to situational details
Evaluative judgments
When in a positive emotional state, we evaluate objects and events in a more positive light; same for when we're in a negative emotional state
Future judgments
Negative moods lead people to view the future pessimistically; positive moods lead people to look at the future more optimistically
Casual judgments
- General attributional bias produced by negative and positive moods
- Anger leads people to blame others for various actions and to be acutely sensitive to unfair actions
- Sadness leads people to positive events to impersonal, situational causes
The Strange Situation test
Infants emotional reactions to brief separations from, and reunions with, their caregivers
3 attachment styles and the 4th style added later
- Securely attached: distressed when they leave
- Ambivalently attached: want to be near them upon return but will not be comforted
- Avoidantly attached: make no effort to interact
- Main & Solomon (1986) added disoriented/disorganized style
- Infants respond with disorientation and contradictory behaviors
Classifying childhood disorders -
How are children diagnosed
- DSMV (Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders - fifth edition)
- No clear cut definition of "emotional disorder" vs. "no emotional disorder"
- Diagnoses are descriptions or patterns of behavior
- Assessment involved...
- Checklists of symptoms or behavior patterns
- Continuous measures
- Clusters of behaviors are identified
Middle childhood – externalizing versus internalizing disorders – what are the two predominant emotional disorders in each of these categories?
What types of emotions are involved (i.e. “disordered”)?
Roughly what age range are the 2 most common externalizing
disorders typically seen?
Externalizing disorders: Hostility, aggression, stealing, lying, etc.
Internalizing disorders: Anxiety, depression
3 perspectives on “what” is disordered in emotional disorders
- 1. Predominance of one emotion ⇉ dominated other possible experiences
- Depressed people experience more sadness than other emotions
- Appraisal biases (aggressive children likely to say other kids are being intentionally hostile)
- 2. Inappropriate emotional responses
- Ex: Child laughing when someone else is distressed or crying though nothing happened
- 3. Dysregulation ⇉ emotions are not properly regulated
- Inappropriate to the social context
- May underlie bullying
Psychiatric epidemiology
Study of how many people show a particular disorder in the population, statistically relating the disorder to factors in people's lives
Proportion of a population suffering from some disorder over a specified amount of time
Number of new onsets of a particular disorder in a given time
Trends of anxiety disorders from childhood to adolescence
- Generally increases with age
- Separation anxiety disorder more common in early childhood
- Overanxious disorder more common in adolescence
- 17% preadolescence with anxiety disorder also depressed
- 69% adolescents with anxiety disorder also depressed
Trends of depressive disorders from childhood to adolescence – gender difference?
- Girls are more likely than boys to show anxiety disorders
- In childhood, both boys and girls ~ equally likely to suffer from depression
- By late adolescence, females twice as likely
Stress-Diathesis model
- Stress ↪ something that occurs in the environment
- Diathesis ↪ a predisposition to a disorder - genetic
- Neither stress or vulnerability on their own cause a disorder - the specific combination does
Bi-directional effect
Mutually coercive patterns ↪ children who are more difficult make their parents more angry
Protective factors
Factors that counteract risks and make things better
Effects of genes (Diathesis)
- Female vs. Male
- Genetic component for depressive and anxiety symptoms in children has generally been found to be 20-40%
- Diathesis not all genetic ↪ mothers' drinking, smoking, or malnourished during pregnancy
3 different kinds of depressive disorders
- 1. Major depressive disorder (4+ symptoms)
- 2. Minor depression (2-4 symptoms)
- 3. Bi-polar disorder (depression followed by mania)
5 different kinds of anxiety disorders
- 1. Panic Attacks
- Sudden terror; bodily symptoms such as racing heart, dizziness, and shortness of breath
- 2. Phobias
- Urge to avoid places, things, or activities
- 3. Generalized Anxiety
- 6 months disabling and persistent anxiety/worry
- 4. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Performing compulsive acts temporarily diminish anxiety
- 5. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Anxiety, disturbed sleep, flashbacks of event, and avoidance of reminders of event
What kinds of events tend to cause depression versus anxiety disorder?
- Anxiety Disorder
- Events that are future directed - involving danger
- Depression
- Events that were losses
- Both
- Events involving both loss and danger
Cognitive mechanism for sustaining depression versus anxiety
- Depression → memory
- Anxiety → attention
Primary, secondary, and instrumental emotions
- Primary emotions → emotions not experienced fully enough
- Secondary emotions → emerge to cover up certain primary emotions that were unacceptable
- Instrumental emotions → emotions learn to express to get their way
Which form of therapy is most effective?
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
- More effective with antidepressant medication
- Lower rate of relapse
Which form of therapy tends to be the treatment of choice on the clinicians’ end?
What types of treatment are available for PTSD sufferers? Which is the most common? Which is the most effective?
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy
- Most common: prescribing drugs
- Most effective: Exposure therapy (type of cognitive-behavioral therapy)
Social sharing
- Does not diminish intensity of emotion
- Benefit comes from making sense of emotions