social psych ch 8. conformity

  1. the most powerful form of social influence produces ____ and occurs when an ____ figure gives an order
    obedience; authority
  2. american culture stresses the importance of not ___
  3. a change in ones behavior due to the real or imagined influence of other people
  4. the ____ of the people around us serve as a ____ for how to respond
    behaviors; cue
  5. people sometimes choose to conform because they are scared of ____ or being ____
    rejection; ridiculed
  6. the influence of other people leads us to conform because we see them as a source of information to guide our behavior; we conform because we believe that others interpretation of an ambiguous situaton is more correct than ours and will help us choose an appropriate course of action
    informational social influence. asking others what they think or watching what they do helps us reach a definition of the situation
  7. conforming to other peoples behavior, out of a genuine belief that what they are doing or saying is right
    private acceptance
  8. conforming to other peoples behavior publicly without necessarily believing in what the other people are doing or saying.
    public compliance
  9. a variable that affects informational social influence: how ____ it is to the individual to be ____ at the task
    important; accurate
  10. when a persons safety is involved, the need for ____ is acute, the behavior of others is very important
  11. the rapid spread of emotions of behaviors through a crowd
  12. the occurrence in a group of people of smilar physical symptoms with no known physical cause
    mass psychogenic illness
  13. ____ is the most crucial variable for determining how much people use each other as a source of _____
    ambiguity, information. the more uncertain you are, them more likely you are to rely on others
  14. in a crisis situation we usually do not have time to stop and think about exactly which course of action to take, it is natural for us to see how other people are _____ and to do ____
    responding; likewise
  15. typicaly, the more _____ or knowledge a persona has, the more _____ he or she will be as a guide in an ambiguous situation
    expertise; valuable
  16. the implicit or explicit rules a group has for the acceptable behaviors, values, and beliefs of its members
    social norms. tryna be liked by other
  17. _____ have certain expectations about how the group members should _____, and members in good standings ___ to these rules
    expectations; behave; conform
  18. in groups, members who do not conform are perceived as _____, difficult, and eventually deviant
  19. deviant group members are often _____, punished, or even _____ by other group members
    ridiculed, rejected
  20. the influence of other people that leads us to conform in order to be liked an accepted by them; this type of conformity results in public compliance with the groups beliefs and behaviors but not necessarily in private acceptance of those beliefs
    normative social influence
  21. people go along with the group even if they do not believe in what they are doing or think it is wrong
    public compliance without private acceptance
  22. when people choose to give a correct answer that goes against a groups unanimous wrong answer the _____/_____ areas of the brain were not activated
    visual/perceptual. the amygdala which is responsible for negative emotions is more activated. it is devoted to modulating social behavior
  23. brain imaging research shows that normative social influence occurs because people feel ____ emotions, such as ___ and tension when they go against a group
    negative; discomfort
  24. even amongst a group of ______, it is hard to go against the unanimous wrong answers
  25. because the japanese culture is more conforming, normative pressure is much ____
  26. the idea that conforming to social influence depends on the groups importance, its immediacy, and the number of people in the group
    social impact theory
  27. -strength : how important to you is the group
    -immediacy: how close is the group to you in space and time during the attempt to unfluence you?
    -number: how many people are in the group
    3 variable in social impact theory
  28. normative pressures are much stronger when t hey come from people we cherish. a consequence from this is that
    it can be dangerous to have policy decisions made by highly cohesive groups
  29. the tolerance a person earns, over time, by conforming to group norms; if enough idiosyncrasy credits are earned, the person can, on occasion, behave deviantly without retribution from the group
    idiosyncrasy credits
  30. peoples perceptions of what behaviors are approved or disapproved of by other
    injunctive norms
  31. peoples perceptions of how people actually behave in given situations, regardless of whether the behavior is approved or disapproved of by others
    descriptive norms
  32. we are socialized, beginning as children, to ___ authority figures who we perceive as legitimate
  33. we internalize the social norm of obedience such that we usually obey rules and laws even when the ____ figure isnt present
  34. seeing peers ____ makes it much easier for people to _____ too
    disobey. Asch's findings show that people did not conform nearly as much when one accomplice bucked the majority
  35. informational social influence is especially powerful when the situation is _____, when it is a ____, and when the other people in the situation have some ____
    ambiguous, crisis, expertise
  36. when an authorities definition of a situation becomes ____, the participants broke out of their conforming role
  37. once people are follwing one norm, it can be hard to switch midstream or to realize that this is no longer ____
    appropriate. like in milgrams study, people dont agree to potentially give fatal shocks, thats because the experimenter instructed to give small incremental shocks.
  38. because people were asked to increase shocks in very small increments, subjects were ____ -____. at any given moment people only faced a small decision.
  39. an effective way of reducing dissonance in the case of small increments of shock is ______
  40. the loss of a sense of personal _____ for ones actions was a critical component of reducing dissonance, resulting in ______
    responsibility; obedience
  41. three or more people who interact and are interdependent in the sense that their needs and goals cause them to influence each other
  42. not only do people have a strong need to ___ to social groups, but they also have a need to feel _____ from those who do not belong to the same group
    belong, distinctive
  43. groups that are relatively small give us a sense of ______ with our fellow group members and also make us feel special and _____
    belonging, distinctive
  44. an important function of groups is that they help us _____ who we are
  45. groups also help establish social ____, explicit or implicit rules defining what is _____ behavior
    norms, acceptable
  46. group members tend  to be alike in ___, sex, ____ and opinions
    age, beliefs
  47. groups tend to ____ people who are already ____ before they join
    attract, similar
  48. groups tend to ____ in ways that encourage similarity in the members
  49. shared expectations in a group about how particular people are supposed to behave
    social roles
  50. when members of a group follow a set of clearly ____ roles, they tend to be _____ and perform well
    defined, satisfied
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social psych ch 8. conformity
word to ya motha