evaluations of people, objects and ideas
_____ are linked to our genes. identical twins share more attitudes then fraternal twins
the thoughts and beliefs that people form about the attitude object
cognitive component
peoples emotional reactions toward the object
affective component
how people act toward the object
behavioral component
an attitude based primarily on peoples beliefs about the properties of an attitude object
cognitively based attitude
an attitude based more on peoples feelings and values than on their beliefs
affectively based attitude
the phenomenon whereby a stimulus that elicits an emotional response is repeatedly paired with a neutral stimulus that does not, until the neutral stimulus takes on the emotional properties of the first stimulus
classical conditioning
the phenomenon whereby behaviors we freely choose to perform become more or less frequent, depending on whether they are followed by a reward or punishment
operant conditioning
1-do not result from a rational examination of the issues
2-are not governed by logic
3-often linked to people values, so that trying to change them challenges those values
affectively based attitudes
an attitude based on observations of how one behave towards an object
behaviorally based attitudes
attitudes that we consciously endorse and can easily report
explicit attitudes
attitudes that are involuntary, uncontrollable and at times unconscious
implicit attitudes
____ attitudes are more rooted in peoples childhoods. whereas _____ attitudes are rooted more in their recent experiences
implicit; explicit
when attitudes change, they often do so in response to _____ influence
communication advocating a particular side of an issue
persuasive communication
the study of the conditions under which people are most likely to change their attitudes in response to persuasive messages, focusing on the source of the communication, the nature of the communication, and the nature of the audience
yale attitude change approach
in the yale attitude change approach, it is ____ when one factor should be ____ over another
unclear; emphasized
a model explaning two ways in which persuasive communications can cause attitude change: centrally, when people are motivated and have the ability to pay attention to the arguments in the communication, and peripherally, when people do not pay attention to the arguments but are instead swayed by surface characteristics
elaboration likelihood model
the case in which people elaborate on a persuasive communication, listening carefully to and thinking about the arguments, which occurs when people have both the ability and the motivation to listen carefully to a communication
central route to persuasion.
here people are not swayed by logic of arguments, because they are not paying close attention to what the. people are noticing the surface characteristics of the message
peripheral route to persuasion
if people are truly interested in a topic and thus are motivated to pay close attention to the argument and if people have the ability to pay attention, then they will use
central route
one thing that determines whether people are motivated to pay attention is the _____ ______ to the topic
personal relevance
if a person is using central route, an argument is an argument, it wont matter who is talking
when something is relevant people will try to pay attention looking for ____, if it is not relevant people will look for ____ _____
proof; mental shortcuts
a personality variable reflecting the extent to which people engage in and enjoy forgetful cognitive activities
need for cognition
attitudes that changed via the central route to persuasion ____ longer
people who base their attitudes on a careful analysis of the arguements will be more likely to ______ consistently with this attitude and more _____ to counterpersuasion
behave; resistant
persuasive messages that attempts to change peoples attitudes by arousing their fears
fear arousing communication
fear arousing appeals can also ____ if they are so strong that they _____ people
fail; overwhelm
an explanation of the two ways in which persuasive communications can cause attitude change : either systematically processing the merits of the arguments or using mental shortcuts. eg: experts are always right
heuristic systematic model of persuasion
a _____ is a simple rule people use to decide what their attitude is without having to spend a lot of time analyzing every detail about the topic at hand
the problem with the "how do i feel about it?" heuristic is that we can make mistakes about what is ____ our mood, missattributing feelings created by one source to another
making people immune to attempts to change their attitudes by initially exposing them to small doses of the arguments against their position
attitude inoculation
if people have not thought much about the issue- meaning if they formed their attitude via the peripheral route- they are particularly susceptible to an attack on that attitude with ____ appeals
one reason that product placements work is because people dont ____ that someone is trying to ___ our attitudes and behaviors. our ____are down
realize; influence; defenses
warning people about an upcoming change (in a commercial for instance) makes them less susceptible a ____ in _____
change in attitude
in adolescents, peers become an important source of ____ _____. peer pressure is linked more to a fear of _____
social approval; rejection
the idea that when people feel their freedom to perform a certain behavior is threatened, an unpleasant state of reactance is aroused, which they can reduce by performing the threatened behavior
reactance theory
the stronger the forbidden nature of a thing, the more _____ of _____
increase of interest
peoples ____ are poor predictors of their behaviors
the strength of the association between an attitude object and a persons evaluation of that object, measures by the speed with which people can report how they feel about the object.
attitude accessibility
when ____ is high, your attitudes comes to mind whenever you see or thinking about the attitude object
highly accessible behaviors are more likely to ____ spontaneous behaviors, because people are more likely to be thinking about their ____ when they are called on to act
predict; attitudes
the idea that peoples intentions are best predictors of their deliberate behaviors, which are determined by their attitudes toward specific behaviors, their subjective norms, and their perceived behavioral control
theory of planned behavior
beliefs about how people care about how people will view a behavior in question
subjective norms
people intentions are influenced by the ease with which they believe they can perform the behavior
perceived behavioral control
subliminal messages can be ____ as well
there is ___ evidence that the subliminal messages encountered in everyday life have any _____ on peoples behavior
no; effect