
  1. Rectus abdominis, is an example of a muscle named by:
    Its Direction of fibers relative to the body
  2. The external oblique is an example of a muscle named for:
    Its location
  3. the Peroneus Brevis is an example of a muscle named for:
    Its size
  4. The trapezius is an example of a muscle named for:
    its Shape
  5. The Origin is:
    attachment of the muscle's tendon to the more stationary bone.
  6. The insertion is the:
    attachment of the other tendon from the muscle to the moveable bone
  7. Quadriceps has how many origins
  8. The adductor longus is a muscle named for:
    Its Action
  9. Do movements of muscles just use one muscle to do its action.
    In most cases the movement requires several skeletal muscles acting together.
  10. Most skeletal muscles are arranged in ________ pairs.
  11. Agonist
    responsible for the desired movement
  12. Antagonist
    responsible for the opposite movement
  13. What would happen if the Agonist and Antagonist contracted with equal strength?
    no movement would occur.
  14. In order to produce movement:
    one relaxes and is stretched while the other contracts.
  15. What is a Synergist?
    help steady a movement and aid efficiency
  16. What is a Fixator
    it helps stabilize the origin to aid efficiency
  17. During Inspiration: the diaphragm moves ______ when it contracts. The ribs move:
    downward, up and out because of contraction of external intercostals and the accessory muscles.
  18. During expiration: the diaphragm moves _____ when it contracts. The ribs move:
    upward, moves down and inward because of the contraction of the internal costals, external oblique, rectus abdominis, transversus abdominis, internal oblique
  19. Which muscles are for Mastication
    Temporalis, Masseter, Lateral pterygoid, Medial pterygoid.
  20. What muscles are for facial expressions?
    Frontalis, Orbicularis oris, Buccinator, Zygomaticus (major and minor), Orbicularis oculi, Platysma, Corrugator supercilii
  21. Which muscle raises the eyebrows?
  22. What muscles closes lips, protrudes lips, and shapes lips during speech.
    Orbicularis Oris
  23. What muscle caves the cheeks in for sucking, or blowing air out.
  24. What muscle moves corner of mouth up and out as in smiling
    Zygomaticus (minor and major)
  25. What muscle closes the eye?
    Orbicularis Oculi
  26. What muscle moves the lower lip inferiorly and posteriorly as in pouting
  27. What muscle pulls the eyebrows down as in frowning
    Corrugator supercilii
  28. Which neck muscle flexes the neck, and rotates face on the opposite side that it contracts on
    The sternocleidomastoid
  29. Which neck muscle raises the head, and when they contract rotates the head on the same side it contracts.
    Longissimus Capitis
  30. Which muscle maintains erect position of spine:
    Iliocostalis Thoracis
  31. What flexes the vertebral column to compress the abdomen?
    Recuts Abdominis
  32. Which two muscles act on the pectoral girdle
    Trapezius and the Levator scapulae
  33. What is the action of the Trapezius
    Elevate the scapula
  34. What is the action f the Levator scapulae?
    Elevate the scapula
  35. In moving the upper arm the Deltoid:
    Abducts the arm
  36. What is  the action of the Pectoralis major:
    Adduct the arm
  37. What muscle Draws the arm posteriorly?
    Latissimus Dorsi
  38. The Infraspinatus:
    rotates the arm laterally and adducts the arm
  39. The Coracobrachialis:
    flexes and adducts the arm
  40. What three muscles move the forearm?
    Biceps Brachii, Triceps Brachii and Supinator
  41. What action does the Biceps Brachii do:
    Flexes the forearm
  42. The Triceps Brachii:
    Extends the forearm
  43. The supinator:
    Supinates the forearm and the hand
  44. Flexors and Extensors move the:
  45. The Gluteus Maximus:
    extend the thigh
  46. The Gluteus Medius:
    Abducts the Thigh
  47. A muscle that moves the thigh, the Tensor Fasciae Latae
    Flexes and abducts thigh
  48. A muscle that moves the thigh, the Adductor Magnus:
    adducts the thigh.
  49. The longest muscle in the body that flexes the thigh and rotates it laterally is?
    the Sartorius, which is the leg crossing muscle.
  50. The Quadriceps Femoris has 4 sections which are?
    Rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, and the vastus intermedius.
  51. Biceps Femoris is one of the:
    hamstrings that flexes the lower leg the rectus portion also flexes thigh
  52. The semimembranosus and semitendinosus are also called?
    hamstrings that flex the lower leg the rectus portion also flexes the thigh.
  53. The gracilis adducts what?
    the thigh and flexes the lower leg
  54. The Gastrocnemius moves what?
    The foot, it flexes the foot and the lower leg and inserts on the heel by way of calcaneal tendon
  55. The soleus flexes what?
    the foot and inserts on the heel by way of the calcaneal tendon.
  56. The tibialis anterior:
    dorsiflexes (pulls up) and inverts (turns in) the foot.
  57. At what point do muscle fibers become progressively get replaced by fat?
    beginning at about 30 years of age.
  58. What occurs during Muscular dystrophy:
    Its an inherited muscle- destroyed disease where individual muscle fibers degenerate
  59. What occurs during Myasthenia Gravis
    weakness of skeletal muscles, Is an autoimmune disease- body produces antibodies that bind to the receptors for chemical signals from nerves, in response muscles cant respond normally.
  60. What are other muscle diseases caused by?
    Nerve Function (multiple sclerosis, polio)
Card Set
This includes skeletal muscles