Be perfect partners.
- Be made for each other
- Egymásnak vannak teremtve
Get married.
- Tie the knot.
- get hitched
- Csomót kötni
Reach agreement with sb. by giving them part of what they want.
- Meet sb halfway
- Félúton találkozni
Make the relationship between two people ór groups suffer.
- Drive a wedge between people
- Élet ver két ember közé
Improve a difficult or tense situation by talking about it.
- Clear the air
- Tiszta helyzet
Leave a bad situation.
- Walk away
- Elmegy, kisétál egy rossz helyzetből
At a time when you are too angry or excited to think carefully.
- In the heat of the moment
- A pillanat hevében
Do sg that will make a problem worse in the future.
- Store sg up
- Elraktároz, felhalmoz, (gondot)
Be too emotionally close or spend too much time together.
- Live in each other's pockets
- Egymás szájában élnek
Experience a difficult period in your life.
- Go through a bad/sticky patch
- Átmegy egy rázós életszakaszon
Stop sb being as successful as they should be.
- Hold sb back
- Visszahúzódik, háttérben marad
Increase in quantity or amount.
Be able to do whatever you like.
- Do as you please
- Please yourself
- Tégy ahogy tetszik
Have to explain your actions or decisions to sb.
- Answer to sb (for sg)
- Megfelel, megválaszol
Treat sb badly, especially by changing your mind a lot or breaking promises.
- Mess sb around/about
- Kibabrál valakivel
Not help or support sb as they had hoped pr expected.
- Let sb down
- Átejt, becsap
- Cserben hagy
End a romantic relationship with sb.
- Finish with sb.
- Véget vet egy kapcsolatnak
Be too shocking or unpleasant to think about
- Not bear thinking about
- Rá sem bír gondolni
The ending of a relationship or marriage.
- Break-up
- break up (with sb)
- Felbont, véget ér
Hamarabb szeretném
Bármit megadnék azért, hogy
A fél karomat adnám, ha
- I'd (far) sooner
- I'd give anything to
- I'd give my right arm to