is the normal dynamic process of balance needed to maintain a healthy body
the act of converting energy by continually building up substances by anabolism and breaking down substances by catabolism for use by the body
four types of tissue
- epithelial
- connective
- muscular
- nervous
supportive tissue
tissue that does the actual work
internal or external covering for organs
epithelial tissue
includes a variety of types, all of which have an internal structural network
connective tissue
tissue able to contract and relax
muscular tissue
cells that provide transformation of information to regulate a variety of functions
nervous tissue
tissue which is taken from one part of an individual's body and is transplanted to another location
tissue not from one self, but from another human.
syn is allogenic
tissue which is derived from an animal
genetically identical individual (tissue)
arrangements of various types of tissue that accomplish specific purposes
the position in which the body stands erect with face forward, arms at the sides, palms forward, with toes pointed forward
anatomic position
two of the five cavities in the back of the body
dorsal cavities
three of five cavities in the front of the body
ventral cavities
contains the brain and is surrounded and protected by the cranium
cranial cavity
contains the spinal cord and is surrounded and protected by the bones of the spine, or vertebrae
spinal cavity
contains the heart, lungs, esophagus, and trachea and is protected by the ribs, the sternum, and the vertebrae
thoracic cavity
thoracic chest cavity is further divided into the two ___ cavaties that contain the lungs
the space between the lungs
cavity that holds the heart
cavity composed of two cavities that are not separated by any physical structure
abdominopelvic cavity
contains the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen and intestines
abdominal cavity
muscle that separates abdominal cavity from thoracic cavity
contains the bladder and reproductive organs
pelvic cavity
serous membrane that lines the entire abdominal cavity
nine regions that lie over the abdominopelvic cavity
abdominopelvic regions
vertical planes that seperate the sides from each other
plane that seperates into equal right and left halves
midsagittal plane/median plane
plane that divides the body into front and back portions
plane that divides the body horizontally into an upper part and lower part
plane that divides the body at a slanted angle