What does a high v02 max allow for
- A high level v02 max allows for a higher proportion of total
- energy production to come from aerobic energy production, less dependent on
- anaerobic systems, most significantly anaerobic glycolosis so less production
- and accumulation of lactic. Combined to make greater capacity to maintain a
- high effort and minimise fatigue.
what does a high lactate threshold allow for
- High lactate threshold allows for higher peak intensity to
- be reached and sustained before OBLA occurs. Also allows for greater
- opportunity to utilise fat as a fuel source and to spare glycogen for high
- intensity surges and sprints such as the final sprint to the finish line when
- the lactic acid supplies the final requirements of energy .
a high vo2 max and high lactate threshold allows for...
- - Higher level performance will be achieved as a higher average speed can be maintained
- - intensity efforts can be performed for longer periods without lactic.
- - Fatigue will be delayed if there athlete can minimise blood lactate production
- - maximise availability of energy fuels, particularly glycogen.
interplay main points to add (not lactic, CP or aerobic)
- all 3 energy systems are always in use
- the intensity and duration will determine the level of contribution from the three systems
- half time or breaks - the aerobic system will provide majority of the energy during this time,
- EPOC resyntheised CP, clearning lactic and restoration of myoglobin and haemoglobin in the body.
interplay - aerobic system
- a trained aerobic system can also provide oxygen at a high intensity, below 85%
- the aerobic system also replenishes CP when C player may be walking back to circle or at low intensity
- reaches steady state where oxygen requirements are met by oxygen demands
interplay - Lactic system
- repreated high intensity, short duation efforts the lactic system will begin to supply needs for the given task.
- lactic may become dominant as the CP system does not have time to fully replenish
- if lactic continues to accumulate a decrease in performance will occur .
- continued high intensity efforts may cause the athlete to receive lactate threshold or OBLA (over 85% v02max), if this occurs over 2 minutes a huge decrease will occur from fatigue in exercise State the percentage of lactate threshold (85% max v02)
interplay - CP
- short duration, high intensity efforts lasting less than 10 seconds
- replenishes 50% in 30 seconds, 100% in 3 minutes