Chem CH 7 8 pretest
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How many valence electrons does an atom of oxygen have?
8 (if the question is asking "valence electrons" the answer is 6)
What is the electron configuration for the oxygen atom?
What is the charge on the oxygen atom?
What is the electron configuration for the oxygen ion?
How many valence electrons does an atom of bromine have?
How many valence electrons does an atom of magnesium have?
What is the electron configuration for the magnesium ion?
What is the charge on the magnesium ion?
How many valence electrons are in an atom of nitrogen?
What is the charge on the chloride ion?
What is the octet rule?
How many valence electrons does an atom need to have noble gas configuration?
8 (exception: 2 for Hydrogen and Helium)
What is a coordinate covalent bond?
How is a covalent bond different than a regular covalent bond?
What are the properties of an ionic compound?
Which particles are free to drift in metals?
Describe the melting temperature of sodium chloride.
How does an ionic bond form?
Define bond dissociation energy.
Which types of bonds break without adding energy?
Define covalent bonds.
What is the name given to electrons in the highest occupied energy level of an atom?
Under what conditions does sodium chloride conduct electricity?
What is the name given to valence electrons not involved in bonding?
What is the name of a compound held together by ionic bonds?
In which state are ionic compounds at room temperature?
Which elements can have more than 8 valence electrons surrounding them?
How many electrons can occupy a single molecular orbital?
Why do atoms share electrons in covalent bonds?
Which types of elements are most likely to form ionic compounds?
Draw the Lewis structure for the O2 molecule.
Draw the Lewis structure for the N2 molecule.
Draw the Lewis structure for the H2O molecule.
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Chem CH 7 8 pretest
Chem CH 7 8 pretest
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