ochem ch 8 reactions of alkenes part 2 (addition, electrophilic, pi bond, hydration, halogenation, h

  1. Markovnikov's rule doesn't apply during a ____-____ _____ __ ___
    free-radical addition of HBr
  2. In the following reaction, where will the Hg(OAc) and the alcohol be added?

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  3. can rearrangement take place in hydration
    rearrangement may take place during hydration
  4. can rearrangement take place during acid-catalyzed hydration?
    yes, rearrangement can take place
  5. is hydroboration a syn or anti addition?
    syn, meaning that the OH and the H add to the same side
  6. Is hydroboration stereospecific?
  7. is hydrogenation syn and anti addition?
  8. What is the mechanism for hydrogenation?
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  9. example of a carbene addition:
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  10. what are the three ways by which a carbene (or carbenoid) can be formed?
    heating or photolysis of diazomethane, simmons-smith reaction, and alpha elimination
  11. If cyclohexane reacted with CHCl3 and 50% NaOH/H2O, what would be the product?
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Card Set
ochem ch 8 reactions of alkenes part 2 (addition, electrophilic, pi bond, hydration, halogenation, h
ochem ch 8 reactions of alkenes part 2 (addition, electrophilic, pi bond, hydration, halogenation, hydrogenation, Markovnikov's rule, regiochemistry, oxymercuration-demercuration)