HSCI 003 Chapter 8 Abbreviations

  1. AB
  2. AFP
    • Alfa Fetal Protein
    • High levels in amniotic fluid or maternal serum indicate increased risk of neurologic birth defects in the infant.
  3. APGAR
    • Activity, Pulse, Grimace, Appearance, Respiration
    • Scoring method for the quality of a newborn.
  4. BSE
    Breast Self Examination
  5. C-Section
    Cesarean Section
  6. CIN
    Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia
  7. CIS
    • Carcinoma In Situ
    • A localized form of cervical cancer.
  8. CS
    Cesaren Section
  9. CVS
    • Chorionic Villus Sampling
    • Sampling of the placental tissues (chorionic villi) for prenatal diagnosis.
  10. Cx
  11. D&C
    • Dilation and Curettage
    • Widening the cervix and scraping off the endometrial lining of the uterus.
  12. DES
    • Diethylstilbestrol
    • Synthetic nonsteroidal estrogen
  13. DUB
    • Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
    • Abnormal bleeding from the vagina.
  14. ECC
    • Endocervical Curettage
    • A procedure in which the mucous membrane of the cervical canal is scraped using a curette.
  15. EDC
    Estimated Date of Confinement
  16. ERT
    Estrogen Replacement Therapy
  17. FHT
    Fetal Heart Tones
  18. FSH
    • Follicle Stimulating Hormone
    • Released by the anterior pituitary gland.
    • Stimulates production of eggs and a hormone called estradiol during the first half of the menstrual cycle.
  19. G
    • Gravid
    • Pregnancy that lasts longer than 20 weeks.
  20. GnRH
    • Gondatropin Releasing Hormone
    • Secreted by the hypothalamus to stimulate release of FSH and LH from the pituitary gland.
  21. GYN
  22. HCG
    • Human Chorionic Gonadatropin
    • Used to cause ovulation and to treat infertility in women.
  23. HPV
    • Human Papillomavirus
    • An STD
  24. HRT
    Hormone Replacement Therapy
  25. IUD
    Intrauterine Device
  26. IUP
    Intrauterine Pregnancy
  27. IVF
    In Vitro Fertilization
  28. LEEP
    Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure
  29. LH
    • Luteinizing Hormone
    • A hormone produced by gonadotroph cells in the anterior pituitary gland
  30. LMP
    Last Menstrual Period
  31. Multip
    Multiparis (more than 1 birth)
  32. OB
  33. OCP's
    • Oral Contraceptive Pills
    • Birth control
  34. Para 3-0-1-2
    • 1st #: Full term births.
    • 2nd #: Premature births.
    • 3rd #: Abortions.
    • 4th #: Children living.
  35. Pap Smear
    Test for cervical cancer.
  36. Peds
  37. PID
    • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
    • Often caused by STD's
  38. PMS
    Premenstrual Syndrome
  39. Primip
    First child
  40. SLN SNB Biopsy
    Identifies lymphatic nodes in breasts.
  41. TAH-BSO
    Total Abdominal Hysterectomy, with Bilateral Salpingo Oopherectomy 
  42. TVH
    Total Vaginal Hysterectomy
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HSCI 003 Chapter 8 Abbreviations
Abbreviations of the female reproductive system.