pharm 2

  1. agonists, his def
    drugs that bind to physiological receptors make them do the same things as would the endogonous things that would bind to said receptors
  2. agonists, his def
    drugs that bind to a receptor and interfere with whatever the endogonous things that bind there would like to make happen
  3. partial agonists or antagonists
    drugs that are only partly effective as ant/agonists
  4. efficacy
    capacity to stimulate or produce an effect for a given receptor occupancy
  5. potency
    DOSE required to produce a given effect
  6. if a drug acts on a receptor that serves functions common to most cells, its effects ...
    will be widespread
  7. if a drugs's function is pretty vital, what else do you know about the drug?
    it's pretty difficult or dangerous to use
  8. what do you know about a drug that interacts with unique receptors?
    its effects are pretty specific
  9. histamine or histamine-like agents (2-methylhistamine) -- how do the affect the cardiovascular system via H1 receptors?
    • vasodilation -- reduction of peripheral resistance & decrease in BP
    • increased capillary permeability & formation of edema
  10. histamine or histamine-like agents (2-methylhistamine) -- how do the affect the extravascular smooth muscle via H1 receptors?
    bronchospasm in pts w bronchial asthma (less pronounced affect in normal pts)
  11. where are histamine H1 receptors found
    many tissues (vascular, respiratory)
  12. where are histamine H2 receptors found
    parietal cells of stomach mucosa
  13. activation of H2 receptors by histamine or agonist 4-methylhistamine may cause...
    • increased gastric acid secretion
    • (to a lesser extent) secretion in small and large intestine
  14. where are histamine H3 receptors? _ _ _
    predominantly presynaptic - located in the brain, plexus myentericus, and other neurons
  15. what can activate H3 receptors?
    histamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine (possibly by a decrease in Ca influx)
  16. 3 ways to limit the effects of histamine
    • physiologic antagonists: (they act at diff receptors and have smooth muscle actions opp to histamine. important in systemic anaphylaxis induced by histamine -- epinephrine)
    • release inhibitors: reduce degranulation of mast cells (degran would release histamine into body) that result from IgE binding to mast cells during allergic responses .. cromolyn - reduces bronchospasm
    • receptor antagonists: H1,2,3 antagonists
  17. cromolyn
    • a release inhibitor that reduces degranulation of mast cells
    • it reduces bronchospasm
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pharm 2