
  1. What two types of coevolution are there?
    • Specific
    • Diffuse
  2. Define diffuse coevolution.
    Selection imposed reciprocally by one interacting species on another is dependent on the presence or absence of other species.
  3. Define specific coevolution.
    One species interacts closely with another. Changes in one species induce adaptive changes in the other, and vice-versa. This is polygenic and a gene-for-gene coevolution (mutual interactions are between individual loci in the two species).
  4. What type of coevolution involves gene-for-gene interactions?
  5. What excellent example of coevolution was discussed in the lecture slides?
    The evolution of Cleaner Wrasses. Large fish come along, open their mouths and sit still while the cleaner wrasses swim inside their mouths and clean out any food that’s stuck in the larger fishes teeth.
  6. What types of coevolutionary interactions are there? Use + or – or 0 to indicate advantage, disadvantage, and nill interactions.
    • Mutualism (++)
    • Parasite-host, pathogen-host, predator-prey (+ - )
    • Competition ( - - )
    • Commensalism (0 +)
    • Human/Nature interactions (0 - )
  7. What type of coevolutionary interaction involves both parties suffering from the interaction?
  8. What type of coevolutionary interaction involves both parties benefiting from the interaction?
  9. What type of coevolutionary interaction involves one beneficiary but little to no impact on the other party?
  10. What is the difference between broad sense coevolution and narrow sense coevolution?
    Broad sense coevolution involves one species evolving due to changes in another species even though that other species did not evolve in response to the first species. Narrow sense coevolution is when both partners evolve in response to each other.
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