There Ex -ch4

  1. What is flexibilty
    ability to move a joint or series easily through an unrestricted pain-free ROM
  2. hypomobility
    restricted movement
  3. selective stretching
    allow restrictions to develop for improved functioning
  4. types of stretching
    • manual
    • mechanical
    • self-stretch
    • neuromuscular
    • muscle energy
    • joint mobilization
    • neural mobilization
  5. benefits of stretching
    • improves flexibility and ROM
    • injury prevention
    • improve function
  6. properties of soft tissue
    • elasticity
    • viscoelasticity
    • plasticity
  7. elasticity
    return to pre-stretch length after short stretch
  8. viscoelasticity
    • resists change but deforms after sustained stretch 
    • non-contractile tissues only
  9. plasticity
    new and greater length after stretch is removed
  10. effects of immobilization
    reduced muscle length & # of sarcomeres in series
  11. stess
    amt of tension or load on tissues
  12. strain
    amt of deformation/ lengthening occurs during time stress is applied
  13. elastic deformation
    • recovers to original length
    • breaks if stress exceeds strain
  14. plastic deformation
    new shape under slow rates of stress

    breaks with quick stress
  15. failure
    rupture of tissue
  16. static stretching
    holding muscle in fully elongated position for a period of time
  17. types of static stretches
    • manual/passive
    • self
  18. advantages of static stretches
    • decrease chance of injury
    • ease of instruction
    • pt performs ind.
  19. IDEAL STATIC stretch time
    hold 30 seconds 3 reps..3 times a week
  20. ballistic stretch
    • rapid forcefull intermittent stretch 
    • high speed, high intensity
  21. advantages of ballistic stretches
    • modified to sport specific
    • prepares athlete for sport of high velocity,
  22. advantages of proprioceptive neuromuscular fascilitation
    • greatest improvement of extensibility
    • used with rom
  23. muscle spindle fibers 
    do what?
    stimulate what?
    are stimulated by?
    • sense muscle length
    • stimulate contraction
    • type Ia
    • type II
    • stimulated by excessive stretch
  24. golgi tendon organs
    do what?
    stimulate what?
    are stimulated by?
    • inhibit contraction
    • stimulate relaxation
    • type Ib fibers
    • are stimulated by excessive contraction
  25. describe Type Ia fibers
    muscle spindle fibers that are large and rapid conductors
  26. describe Type II fibers
    • muscle spindle fibers
    • small and slow conducting
  27. Type Ib fibers
    • protective response against damage
    • junction of tendon and muscle
  28. Contract-Relax
    • antagonist muscle stretched
    • isotonic contraction of antagonist
  29. Hold-Relax
    • antagonist muscle placed on stretch
    • isometric contraction of antagonist
  30. Autogenic Inhibition
    relax of the affected muscle through contraction
  31. reciprocal inhibition
    relax of antagonist muscle through contraction of agonist
  32. mechanical stretching
    increase joint ROM using low load, long duration, in stretch
  33. immature scar tissue
    • adaptable for 8 wks
    • with stress becomes organized
  34. mature scar tissue
    unadaptable after 14 wks
Card Set
There Ex -ch4
terms & concepts