Amphib Duties.txt

  1. What is an Amphib Op. ship-to-shore movement?
    Portion of the assault phase of an amphib operation that includes the deployment of landing forces from assault shipping to designated areas.
  2. What is the objective of an amphibious ship-to-shore movement?
    To ensure the landing of troops, equipment, and supplies at prescribed times and places.
  3. HOW may a shi-to-shore movement be executed?
    By water, air, or a combo of both.
  4. What is the role of the LCC?
    Serves a the command ship for the Amphibious task force(ATF), landing forces and tactical air commanders during an amphib assult.
  5. What Amphib ship combines the capabilities of the other three ampib ships?
    LHA, the general purpose ship.
  6. AMPHIB: What does LVT stand for?
    Landing Vehicle Tracked
  7. AMPHIB: What does LCPL stand for?
    Landing Craft Personnel Large.
  8. How many troops is the LCPL capable of transporting?
    17 troops or 3000 lbs of cargo.
  9. What is the primary use of the LVT in the Navy?
    As a personnel carrier.
  10. What does LCU stand for?
    Landing craft utility
  11. What is the carrying cap. of the LCU?
    400 tons.
  12. What are the two types of LCM? (Landing Craft Mechanized)
    LCM 6 and LCM 8
  13. How many tons can an LCM 8 carry with combat-equipped troops?
    Up to 65 tons, 200 combat-equiped troops or a 60 ton tank.
  14. What is the carrying cap of the LCM 6?
    Up to 34 tons of cargo, 80 combat-equipped troops, or a 36 ton tank.
  15. What type of hour is designated for the beginning of the debarkation and the timing of the ship-to-shore movement?
    The H-hour.
  16. Where are the assembly circles located?
    On each bow, beam and quarter of the trasport ship as appropriate.
  17. Where are the on-call circles located in the assembly area?
    Astern of the transport ship.
  18. What is a designated line offshore approx. parallel to the landing beach?
    LOD (line of departure)
Card Set
Amphib Duties.txt
Amphibious Ops